KASIKORNTHAI Regulatory Capital and Financial Performance Update slide image

KASIKORNTHAI Regulatory Capital and Financial Performance Update

K KASIKORNTHAI KLeasing Highlights in 9M23 September 2023 ลีสซิ่งกสิกรไทย 开泰超 KASIKORN LEASING KLeasing vs. Industry (Thousand Units) 1,500 (Bt bn) 250 1,042 1,008 200 1,000 872 800 769 792 848 149 762 150 587 137 100 500 89 91 97 108 115 115 121 50 2 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 9M23 Total Car Sales in Thailand - KLeasing Outstanding Loans Market Share by Total Outstanding Loans (%)¹ ธนาคารกสิกรไทย 开泰银行 KASIKORNBANK Industry Outlook: 9M23 industry car sales totaled 586,839 units KLeasing Highlights: 9M23 KLeasing loans totaled Bt148.51bn, increasing 12.84% YoY 9M23 KLeasing NPL ratio was 1.82%, lower than the industry average³ KLeasing Outstanding Loans Breakdown² (%) 50 Floorplan 7% 2929292829 2828272827 25 1616161413 Fleet/Finance Lease 89 101212 1111101010 77899 17% 0 AYCAL TTB SCB 2019 ■2020 Note: ■2021 KK 2022 TISCO KLeasing 1H23 Hire Purchase 76% Other Used Car Car to 4% Cash 16% New car 80% 1 Excluding captive and non-bank leasing, Lasted Data as of 1H23 2 New car includes HP New car, Fleet finance, Finance lease (FL) and Floorplan and Used car includes Car to Cash (K-Car / Car registration loan) and other used cars 3 Source: BOT, Lasted Data as of 1Q23 = 1.89% บริการทุกระดับประทับใจ K KASIKORNTHAI KSecurities Highlights in 9M23 September 2023 หลักทรัพย์กสิกรไทย #KASIKORN SECURITIES Trading Volume (KSecurities vs. Industry)* (Bt bn) 42,000 36,000 30,000- 24,000 18,000 12,000 6,000- 12,377 12,48613,772 7,962 8,640 430 411 207 117 0 (%) 10.0 (Bt bn) KS CAGR Y2008-2022: 16.7% 40,998 2,000 1,800 34,057 1,517 1,600 29,829 24,790 21,296 22,937 1,119 1,021 I 817 20,345 1,251 19,549 21,899 22,442 19,066 683 812 860 868 800 600 524 400 200 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 9M23 Total Industry Trading Volume KS Trading Volume Market Share by Trading Volume* 5.0 3.83.7 3.0 3.02.8 3..2.9 0.0 KS INVX KTX ธนาคารกสิกรไทย 开泰银行 KASIKORNBANK 1,400 Industry Outlook: ■9M23 industry trading volume* was Bt19.07trn, decreasing 30% YoY KS trading volume was Bt524.49bn 1,200 KSecurities Highlights: 1,000 KS ranked #12, with 2.75% market share Majority of revenue came from brokerage Number of customers account grew 8% YoY to 373,810 customers in 9M23 KSecurities Revenue by Business 5.4 4.24.9 4.74.9 4.04 4.6 BLS TNS MST ■2019 2020 2021 2022 ■9M23 Note: * Industry trading volume excluding proprietary trades บริการทุกระดับประทับใจ Investment Banking 5.6% Brokerage and other 94.4% 91 92
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