Investment Highlights slide image

Investment Highlights

4Q21 Financial Performance Gross profit (mn THB) Note: normalized values (before tax) exclude 1) Profit from disposal of JV investment in Welly Hospital, China of THB19mn in 1Q20 for Consolidated financial statements and loss from the disposal of the investment of THB236mn for separate financial statement in 1Q20 2) Income from deferred tax from JV in Welly Hospital, China of THB67mn in 1Q20 3) Expenses from the end of a management contract with a government hospital (net corporate income tax) THB28mn: comprising of THB21mn in 1Q21 and THB7mn in 2Q21. 4) Impairment inventories of THB 6mn in 4Q21 +186% YoY 36.5% THG +120% YoY 31.7% 22.5% 37.2% 25.9% 14.8% 448 4Q20 231 EBITDA (mn THB) 18.3% 493 21.4% 1,437 1,282 1,566 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 Gross Profit GP Margin 21.6% (norm.) 32.3% 21.1% 7.1% (norm.) 5.4% 4Q21 +261% YoY 2020 Gross Profit 35.5% (norm.) 35.4% 15.6% (norm.) 15.8% (6) 3,443 2021 GP Margin +157% YoY 27.8% (norm.) 27.4% (42) THONBURI HEALTHCARE GROUP 344 4Q20 1,248 1,243 (9) (27) 402 84 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21 EBITDA One time EBITDA Margin 2,977 19 1,157 2020 EBITDA 2021 One time Net profit-parent (mn THB) +2017% YoY 1.6% -12.9% (norm.) 4.8% (norm.) 4.4% 21.6% -13.7% 18.3% (norm.) 18.1% EBITDA Margin +2222% YoY 12.7% (norm.) 12.3% -0.3% (norm.) -0.9% (8) (36) 833 635 1,337 30 (21) 84 (7) (215) 85 62 4Q20 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21 2020 2021 I Net Profit -Parent One time NP Margin Net Profit-Parent One time NP Margin
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