Advancing Transportation Safety and Expansion slide image

Advancing Transportation Safety and Expansion

COLORADO Stimulus Funding Implementation, 2 of 2 Stimulus Projects, Funding Sources, Allocated Amounts, and Expended Amounts Project Funding Source Allocated Amount Expended Amount (millions) (millions) Shovel Ready Projects SLFRF $159.5 $41.6 Burnham Yard SLFRF $0.5 $0.5 Multimodal Transportation and Mitigation Options SLFRF $146.8 $3.0 Fund Front Range Passenger Rail District SLFRF $14.5 $0.8 Revitalizing Main Streets SLFRF $22.2 $1.7 Revitalizing Main Streets State Stimulus $30.0 $7.2 Shovel Ready/FASTER Backfill/Certificates of State Stimulus $170.0 $152.9 Participation (COPs) TOTAL $543.5 $207.7 56 99
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