Whitehaven Metallurgical Coal Acquisition Presentation slide image

Whitehaven Metallurgical Coal Acquisition Presentation

A Daunia - rail and port overview Daunia comes with 4.7 Mtpa of contracted rail and port capacity for export via DBT Map of Daunia port and rail arrangements ■ Port capacity with DBT Export coal is loaded onto trains at the Red Mountain train loadout facility (shared with Stanmore) and dispatched from site by rail via the electrified Goonyella Rail System to Dalrymple Bay Terminal (DBT) approximately 160km away ■ Daunia comes with long-term logistics contracts including extension options ■ Daunia's 4.7 Mtpa of contracted capacity includes: - rail track capacity to DBT rail haulage service contract with Aurizon Operations 27 27 Daunia Port of Abbot Point Route to DBT Port of Hay Point Dalrymple Bay Terminal (DBT) Rockhampton Blackwater Legend ◊ Port Terminal Bowen Basin Queensland Rail networks Central Old Coal Network (CQCN) Goonyella rail system Blackwater rail system Port of Gladstone TRG Tanna Coal Terminal (RGTCT) WHITEHAVEN
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