Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020 slide image

Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020

5.3 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE [GRI 102-18] We are a corporation with pulverized capital, no defined control, and a single class of shares. At the end of 2020, our capital stock consisted of 1,263,343,840 common shares, which reflects the share split at the ratio of one common share to four common shares, as announced in the Notice to Shareholders published on March 11, 2021, traded on B3's Novo Mercado segment under the code ENEV3. We are part of the IBRX100 index and, since 2020, the Ibovespa index, the main performance indicator for shares traded on B3, which brings together the most important companies in the Brazilian capital market [GRI 102-5] Capital stock for more updated data, visit our Investor Relations website Our governance structure includes the Board of Directors (BD), the Board of Executive Officers, and advisory committees to the BD, which constantly pursue the improvement of practices adopted and the balance of the rights of shareholders and other stakeholders. Accordingly, the members of these bodies are appointed based on issues of technical qualification and experience, legal and reputational aspects, in line with the criteria of the Nomination Policy, based on the corporate governance guidelines of our Bylaws, on the Internal Rules of the Board of Directors, on the Brazilian Corporations Law, and on B3's Novo Mercado Regulations. BD members can be nominated by the management or by any shareholder, and are elected or removed by the Annual Shareholders' Meeting. The Board of Directors appoints its own chairman and vice chairman, as well as the members of its advisory committees, which are composed of a majority of Board members and, when appropriate, invited outside experts. Nominations for reelection of Board members, on the other hand, must take into consideration their good performance during the period, their experience, attendance at meetings during the previous term, as well as the evaluation of the benefit of their replacement, with a view to renewing the body, expected to be composed of professionals with experience in various fields. Furthermore, candidates for membership on committees and the Board of Executive Officers have their qualifications assessed by the Human Resources Committee before any approval by the Board of Directors. [GRI 102-24] Bylaws ABOUT THIS REPORT LETTER FROM MANAGEMENT ABOUT FIGHTING ENEVA COVID-19 INTELLECTUAL & ORGANIZATIONAL CAPITAL SOCIAL & MANUFACTURED HUMAN NATURAL CAPITAL CAPITAL RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL CAPITAL FINANCIAL CAPITAL APPENDICES GRI CONTENT INDEX SASB CONTENT INDEX SUSTAINABILITY REPORT [ENEVA 2020] PAGE 40
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