Group Companies Performance slide image

Group Companies Performance

Working Capital - Standalone Working Capital - Movement Crores Particulars FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 Q1FY24 Turnover 8219 7256 9930 13351 3838 % of Growth -32.0% -11.7% 36.9% 34.5% 29.8% Working Capital 3713 3995 3604 % of Increase 7.5% 7.6% -9.8% 3874 7.5% 11.4% 4315 WC - as % of Turnover 45% 55% 36% 29% 28% WC DAYS (*) 159 194 140 102 97 *Excl. Cash & MM deposits ✓ Significant reduction in working capital as a % of revenue Year -on-Year ✓ Good collections were happened from the clients in last 2 quarters, particularly from the UP Water Projects ✓ Recorded lowest working capital days in Q1of FY24 NCC 18
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