Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020 slide image

Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020

7.1.4 Health, Well-Being & Safety [103-1 | 103-2 | 103-3-403 | GRI 403-1 | 403-2 | 403-7 | EU16] Ensuring the health, well-being, and safety of our teams is a commitment we make to all employees. They are supported by structured processes, practices, procedures, and continuous trainings. Since 2017, we have maintained a management system in accordance with the ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management system and OHSAS 18001 occupational health and safety management system standards. Structured by requirements following ten established guidelines, this system considers the requirements of regulatory and inspection related bodies, as well as best industry practices. The guidelines are also structured in pillars. One pillar is related to occupational health and safety, considering the dangers and risks to which employees and suppliers are exposed during work activities. Our Management System covers 100% of our employees and contractors. In 2020, more than 85% of contractors were audited internally. The audit covered all operational units including facilities and specific job functions. Contractors are also annually audited by an independent firm [GRI 403-8] Our concern for safety involves the entire life cycle of our units and internal regulations that define safety precautions. We worked to unify several internal rules such as the preliminary risk analysis (PRA) procedure. PRA aims to ensure that any damages or impacts from our activities are recognized, assessed, analyzed, and controlled in advance. The purpose of PRA is to preserve integrity, the well-being of people, facilities, equipment, and the environment. The following rules were also unified: Lockout Tagout of Hazardous Energy determines the requirements to perform lockouts and unlock energy in equipment and systems at facilities in operational units during equipment overhaul work. In addition, this involves some operational maneuvers that require lockouts, creating safe conditions for the people who perform work, for the equipment, and the environment, as well as in their return to availability. Work Permits determine the stages for requiring, issuing, and controlling the work permit (WP). Use & Control of Vehicles establishes criteria for the use and control of vehicles, whether owned or contracted for our services, to create a culture of safety among drivers and passengers. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) management establishes guidelines that regulate the specification, acquisition, distribution, use, training, and follow-up for the use of PPE and its effectiveness. Preparation of the Individual Emergency Plan establishes information and guidelines for the emergency plan at our facilities, as well as for contracted facilities at our service. Leadership Field Inspections determine systematic field inspections that must be performed by our leaders, with the purpose of identifying any situations in the operational department that may cause or contribute to the occurrence of accidents. We also enhanced the HSE deviation management process which was standardized and computerized to better identify, record, analyze, and treat HSE deviations from behavioral audits and identify unsafe conditions in the workplace. This HSE process aims to prevent incidents and minimize their consequences. ABOUT LETTER FROM ABOUT FIGHTING THIS REPORT MANAGEMENT ENEVA COVID-19 INTELLECTUAL & ORGANIZATIONAL CAPITAL MANUFACTURED HUMAN CAPITAL CAPITAL SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL NATURAL CAPITAL FINANCIAL CAPITAL APPENDICES GRI CONTENT INDEX SASB CONTENT INDEX SUSTAINABILITY REPORT ENEVA 2020 PAGE 81
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