2022 Exploration Program Overview slide image

2022 Exploration Program Overview

BETTY MASCOT - DAVIS ZONE 2022 DRILLING WHITE GOLD CORP. 0090969 Davis Zone 630200 630300 630400 630500 Davis Zone - 2022 RC Drilling Highlights: וד Hole ID BETMAS22RC004 From (m) To (m) Length (m) Au (g/t) Ag (g/t) 7.62 10.67 3.05 1.24 0.41 15.24 24.38 9.14 1.48 0.39 BETMAS22D009 0.59 g/t Au/ 16.75m 64.01 71.63 7.62 4.13 0.62 Incl. 70.10 71.63 1.52 12.90 1.64 BETMAS22RC005 6.10 33.53 27.43 1.14 0.48 BETMASD009 Incl. 32.00 33.53 1.53 8.74 0.46 BETMAS22RC004 4.13 g/t Au/7.62m BETMAS22RC005 1.14 g/t Au/27.43m Mascot Inset Map Legend 2022 Diamond Drill Hole, Assays Received 2022 RC Drill Hole, Assays Received Ethos 2012 RC Hole D007 D010 D008 BETMAS22D008 1.12 g/t Au/ 17.35m 630300 pawson Mineralization Trend Soil Contours (Au ppb) Diamond Drill Gold Intersections >0.5 g/t Au 100.0 RC Gold Intersections >0.5 g/t Au 42.0 12.0 Gold Soil Anomalies 7.0 White Gold Corp | Yukon, Canada BETR12-007 1.48 g/t Au/21.3m 630400 0090969 Davis Zone - 2022 Diamond Drilling Highlights: Hole ID BETMAS22D007 From (m) To (m) Length (m) Au (g/t) Ag (g/t) 13.75 17.70 3.95 2.85 0.31 15.55 16.45 0.90 4.42 0.37 60.00 61.25 1.25 4.17 0.51 105.90 107.50 1.60 7.42 4.32 Incl. 107.00 107.50 0.50 23.70 13.72 6960500 BETMAS22D008 17.25 25.85 8.60 2.02 0.80 68.50 85.85 17.35 1.25 0.36 Incl. 80.10 80.85 0.75 15.60 2.98 BETMAS22D009 15.95 16.75 0.80 1.75 1.35 42.95 59.70 16.75 0.59 1.20 630500 88.85 89.45 0.60 1.31 3.19 BETMAS22D010 16.50 21.00 4.50 1.11 0.72 49.00 49.50 0.50 8.94 0.92 78.10 81.05 2.95 1.29 1.35 113.50 114.30 0.80 4.54 0.11 142.50 143.00 0.50 3.41 1.33 WHITE GOLD CORP Betty Mascot 2022 Davis Zone Highlights ° 20 Meters Projection 40 NAD 83 Zone 7N November 2022 Figure 6 23 TSX-V: WGO | OTCQX: WHGOF | FRA: 29W
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