SoundHound SPAC Presentation Deck slide image

SoundHound SPAC Presentation Deck

SoundHound's Undeniable Criteria For Adoption Technology Brand Control Financial Ecosystem Privacy Control Conflict of Interest Edge Hybrid Differentiation and Innovation Outdated Legacy Lose brand Big Tech Incur Cost Legacy Limited Domains Legacy Low Privacy Big Tech Conflict Big Tech Cloud Only Big Tech Low Legacy Current Big Tech Legacy Free, with Repercussions Big Tech Self-Serving Big Tech Legacy Neutral Vendor Legacy Legacy Self-Serving Big Tech Disruptive Houndify Independent/White Label Houndify Generates Revenue Houndify Collective Al Houndify Control Privacy Houndify Fully Aligned Partner Houndify Cloud + Edge Houndify Custom Innovation Houndify 37 Breakthrough Houndify Voice Al technology with 5+ year lead on competition Houndify offers full control over brand, users, and data Through Houndify's unique monetization strategy, companies can integrate Houndify Voice Al at no cost and generate revenue Public and private customizable domains offer the broadest range and flexibility for voice Al integration Full privacy control through Houndify allows companies to establish trust with customers Houndify does not compete with its customers (whereas big tech has an agenda to learn, compete, and take over the product) Houndify offers embedded on-device technology for always-on voice interaction with a seamless connection to the cloud for optimized interaction Houndify Voice Al innovation is focused on delivering the greatest value for third-party integration Ⓒ2021 SoundHound Inc.
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