Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020 slide image

Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020

9.2 AIR EMISSIONS [GRI 103-1 | 103-2 | 103-3-305 | EM-EP-120A.1 | IF-EU-120A.1] One of the main impacts of energy generation and E&P activities is air emissions, the largest source being associated with the burning of fuel (coal and natural gas) to generate energy. Thus, due to its relevance, in 2020 we established a corporate procedure for Air Emissions Management, which describes the management process that must be considered in the monitoring and control of regulated air emissions and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from each operational asset, seeking to mitigate the impacts of activities on air quality in the area of influence; comply with the legal limits of emissions required under current Brazilian environmental laws, adopting control standards compatible with the best market practices; and manage GHG emissions. The procedure standardizes the performance of all operational units, also establishing that all of them must keep control of their air emissions by means of an inventory of emissions for gases regulated by law and GHG - in line with the GHG Protocol methodology. The goal is to know and understand the air emissions of the business based on the results of the inventory, making it possible to map improvement opportunities, which can be through process modification, fuel and/or raw material replacement, change in operational procedures, or improvement/ replacement of emission control systems. In all our generation assets, we monitor our regulated emissions through the Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS), internationally recognized and recommended by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) to determine the concentration of gases and particulate matter. To do so, we have sensors installed inside the chimneys, with data updated every 15 minutes, which enables continuous monitoring, 24 hours a day. In 2020, the existing systems were strictly maintained. All our plants - with the exception of the ParnaĆ­ba IV TPP, which is composed of engines that do not have current regulations for the control and monitoring of air emissions - use technology called Low-Nox, which has the premise of low NOx emissions. The assembly formed by the combustion system and the boiler adopts the two-stage burner design, minimizing air injection and controlling the combustion temperature. Coal- fired plants also use SOx abatement equipment, the Semi-Dryer Absorber (SDA), and bag filters to reduce solid particulate emissions. In addition, the unloading of imported coal - which has a higher calorific power compared to the national coal, reduces fuel consumption and, consequently, CO2e/ MWh emissions - that is stored in our plants is done by conveyor belts that are enclosed in order to avoid fugitive emissions and noise. We have developed specific procedures to move the coal piles in our yards, and we apply chemicals (polymer) that bind the coal and water particles at specific times when the piles are being moved, thus preventing coal particles from being spread by the wind. Air Emissions Emissions of Nox, SOx and other significant air emissions [GRI 305-7] NOX SOX 2018 2019 2020 3,513,180.00 3,397,160.00 2,589,638.25 10,394,890.00 11,185,630.00 7,481,710.00 Particulate Matter 267,880.00 282,900.00 181,380.00 (PM) Other categories NA NA 124,032.48 (CO emissions) Note: Continuous and direct measurements ABOUT LETTER FROM THIS REPORT MANAGEMENT ABOUT ENEVA FIGHTING COVID-19 INTELLECTUAL & ORGANIZATIONAL CAPITAL SOCIAL & MANUFACTURED CAPITAL HUMAN NATURAL CAPITAL RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL CAPITAL FINANCIAL CAPITAL APPENDICES GRI CONTENT INDEX SASB CONTENT INDEX SUSTAINABILITY REPORT ENEVA 2020 PAGE 106
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