Flood Management Strategies for the Amur River Basin slide image

Flood Management Strategies for the Amur River Basin

Reservoir regulation risks Zeya Reservoir, 01.05-31.10.2013 14000 E inflow 12000 level 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 outflow 322 320 318 316 314 312 310 0 308 28.04 18.05 07.06 27.06 17.07 06.08 26.08 15.09 05.10 25.10 14.11 Date, dd.mm H, m BS Zeya Reservoir has 50 km3 live volume, used only 14 km3 in 2013. Graph shows reduced peak, but prolonged high stage duration due to emptying insufficient flood retention space before flood season.
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