Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021
We made significant progress against our ESG strategy in 2021
Founding member of the Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA), part of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ)
Achieved an -86% reduction in our Scope 1 and 2 emissions, exceeding our target of -80%
Reduced our absolute financed Energy emissions by -22% and our Power portfolio emissions intensity decreased -8%
Facilitated c.£62bn of green financing since 2018, making strong progress against our £100bn target by 2030
Developed BlueTrack TM to cover Cement and Metals (Steel), with targets to be announced in advance of 2022 AGM
Joined the Get Nature Positive Commitment and Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) Forum
Exceeded our £150bn social, environmental and sustainability-linked financing target
£100m COVID-19 Community Aid Package supported >370 charity partners to date around the world
Added socio-economic inclusion as our sixth D&l agenda
Introduced new Race at Work ambitions to increase black and minority ethnic representation in our workforce
Extended our Female Innovators Lab in partnership with Anthemis to cover UK and Europe
Expanded eligibility criteria of our Green Home Mortgage to include new build properties of EPC band A or B
Launched our updated Purpose, Values and Mindset
Announced 'Say on Climate' shareholder vote to be held at the 2022 AGM
Elevated climate risk to a Principal Risk effective from 1 January 2022
Established our Operational Sustainability Steering Committee
A 2021 data reproduced from the Barclays PLC Annual Report subject to independent Limited Assurance under ISAE (UK)3000 and ISAE3410. Refer to the ESG Resource Hub for details:|
6 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022
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