Emirates NBD Earnings Presentation slide image

Emirates NBD Earnings Presentation

Strategic Imperatives for 2010 Optimise Balance Sheet Drive Profitability Enhance Risk Management Selectively Invest in Platforms for Growth Prudent lending growth ■ Focus on funding - Leverage distribution network Objectives - Maintain & develop wholesale sources of medium/long term funding - Implement liability retention and gathering plans Optimise capital allocation - Deploy capital allocation model based on economic capital - Review non-core activities (e.g. proprietary investment portfolio) ■ Maximise customer revenue - Capture re-pricing opportunities - Cross-sell Treasury and Investment Banking services to corporate clients Improve customer retention and deliver distinctive customer service ■ Continue to optimise cost position ■ Continue to strengthen risk management, governance and controls - Enhance & implement internal rating, scoring and risk models - Enhance operational risk management framework - Strengthen risk function and governance Exploit domestic & regional expansion opportunities - Abu Dhabi retail banking expansion - Emirates Islamic Bank UAE expansion - Private Banking, Priority Banking and SME Banking expansion - Organic growth in GCC (e.g. KSA) - Opportunistically evaluate inorganic regional expansion opportunities Evidence of success in Q3 2010 ■ CAR strengthened to 20.1% from 18.7% at end- 2009 ■ Tier 1 increased to 12.8% from 11.9% at end- 2009 ■ RWAs declined by 4% from end-2009 ■ Deposits grew by 10% from end-2009 vs.6% decrease in loans, lowering the LTD ratio to 101% and adjusted LTD ratio to 90% ■ Q3 2010 YTD costs improved by 14% to USD 628m million from Q3 2009 YTD ■ ROE of 11.6% for Q3 2010 YTD despite significant build-up of PIP and specific provision made for Dubai World Credit metrics remain robust and broadly within expectations ■ Credit NPL ratio increased to 3.66% from 2.30% at end-2009 Completion of establishing the new Emirates NBD brand ■ Continue to build Private Bank proposition; now more than 60 RMs ■ Priority and SME banking concepts rolled out Singapore rep office upgraded to branch ■ Continue to evaluate inorganic opportunities Emirates NBD 25 25
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