Emirates NBD Earnings Presentation
Strategic Imperatives for 2010
Balance Sheet
Enhance Risk
Invest in
Platforms for
Prudent lending growth
■ Focus on funding
- Leverage distribution network
- Maintain & develop wholesale sources of medium/long term funding
- Implement liability retention and gathering plans
Optimise capital allocation
- Deploy capital allocation model based on economic capital
- Review non-core activities (e.g. proprietary investment portfolio)
■ Maximise customer revenue
- Capture re-pricing opportunities
- Cross-sell Treasury and Investment Banking services to corporate clients
Improve customer retention and deliver distinctive customer service
■ Continue to optimise cost position
■ Continue to strengthen risk management, governance and controls
- Enhance & implement internal rating, scoring and risk models
- Enhance operational risk management framework
- Strengthen risk function and governance
Exploit domestic & regional expansion opportunities
- Abu Dhabi retail banking expansion
- Emirates Islamic Bank UAE expansion
- Private Banking, Priority Banking and SME Banking expansion
- Organic growth in GCC (e.g. KSA)
- Opportunistically evaluate inorganic regional expansion opportunities
Evidence of success in Q3 2010
■ CAR strengthened to 20.1% from 18.7% at end-
■ Tier 1 increased to 12.8% from 11.9% at end-
■ RWAs declined by 4% from end-2009
■ Deposits grew by 10% from end-2009 vs.6%
decrease in loans, lowering the LTD ratio to
101% and adjusted LTD ratio to 90%
■ Q3 2010 YTD costs improved by 14% to
USD 628m million from Q3 2009 YTD
■ ROE of 11.6% for Q3 2010 YTD despite
significant build-up of PIP and specific provision
made for Dubai World
Credit metrics remain robust and broadly
within expectations
■ Credit NPL ratio increased to 3.66% from
2.30% at end-2009
Completion of establishing the new Emirates
NBD brand
■ Continue to build Private Bank proposition; now
more than 60 RMs
■ Priority and SME banking concepts rolled out
Singapore rep office upgraded to branch
■ Continue to evaluate inorganic opportunities
Emirates NBD
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