Income Statement and Eurosystem Funding Review slide image

Income Statement and Eurosystem Funding Review

(1,7) (3,8) (5,3) 12-2012 01-2013 02-2013 Two Years After: Cyprus economy on recovery path... GDP growth expected to be positive from 2015 faster recovery than other peripheral countries - GDP Growth (yoy) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015f 2016f 2017f I 1,2% 1,4% 0,3% 1,6% 2,0% 0,4% (2,4%) (2,3%) (2,3%) (5,4%) (3,4%) (3,9%) (8,7%) Real GDP growth - Actual Current projections (EC & IMF) Initial Projections (EC) Banking system deposits outflow arrested (€ bn) 0,2 (1,0) (1.4) (1,01,40,8 (0,200,100,200,10,560,2) 0,20,5 0,0 (0.4) (0,200,460,2) 0,0 0,3 0,4 0,3 (0,0) 03-2013 04-2013 05-2013 06-2013 3 07-2013 08-2013 09-2013 10-2013 11-2013 12-2013 01-2014 02-2014 03-2014 04-2014 05-2014 06-2014 07-2014 08-2014 09-2014 10-2014 11-2014 12-2014 01-2015 02-2015 (6,3) (1) Includes impact of bail-in of BoC - 37,5% of uninsured deposits (>100k) converted to equity (2) Includes impact of Laiki resolution - €3,9 bn (3) Includes impact of bail-in of BoC - additional 10% of uninsured deposits converted to equity (4) Seasonally and working day adjusted SOURCE: Statistical Service of Republic of Cyprus, European Commission, IMF and company reports, Bloomberg 03-2015 2Q2011 3Q2011 -0,4% 4Q2011 -0,8% 1Q2012 -1,2% 2Q2012 -2,4% 3Q2012 -2,3% 4Q2012 -3,7% 1Q2013 -5,3% 2Q2013 -6,0% 3Q2013 -5,5% 4Q2013 -4,7% 1Q2014 -3,2% 2Q2014 -1,8% 3Q2014 -2,1% 4Q2014 -1,8% 1Q2015 0,2% ● • According to initial estimates, an increase was recorded in real GDP for 1Q2015 after 14 quarters of consecutive decrease; GDP4 increased by 1,6% qoq and by 0,2% yoy Banking system recorded deposit inflows during 1Q2015; Capital controls fully. abolished in April 2015 Bank of Cyprus KOINO WKYNРIW 2235 4
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