KASIKORNBANK Economic and Subsidiaries Performance Overview slide image

KASIKORNBANK Economic and Subsidiaries Performance Overview

K KASIKORNTHAI Shareholder Structure April 18, 2023 (Record Date) Shareholder Structure Top 10 Shareholders* ธนาคารกสิกรไทย 开泰银行 KASIKORNBANK % 1. THAI NVDR CO., LTD.** 15.922 2. STATE STREET EUROPE LIMITED 10.054 3. SOUTH EAST ASIA UK (TYPE C) NOMINEES LIMITED 5.089 Thai Shareholders 57.01% 4. THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON 3.458 Foreign Shareholders 42.99% 5. SOCIAL SECURITY OFFICE 2.434 6. STATE STREET BANK AND TRUST COMPANY 2.169 (NVDR = 15.922%**) 7. SOUTH EAST ASIA UK (TYPE A) NOMINEES LIMITED 1.783 Note: Foreign Shareholding Limit 49% Note: The Top 10 Shareholders are based on individual accounts 8. BNY MELLON NOMINEES LIMITED 1.384 9. SE ASIA (TYPE B) NOMINEES LLC 1.074 10. HSBC BANK PLC - SAUDI CENTRAL BANK SECURITIES ACCOUNT A 1.060 Other Shareholders Total 55.573 100.000 ** Thai NVDR Co., Ltd (Thai NVDR) is responsible for issuing and selling Non-Voting Depository Receipts (NVDRS) to investors. The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) is the major shareholder, holding 99.99% of the total shares, of Thai NVDR. The NVDR limit for KBank is 25%. *** Thailand Securities Depository Company Limited (TSD), a subsidiary of the Stock Exchange of Thailand, provides three types of securities post trade services: securities depository services, securities registration services, and provident fund registration services; the shareholders booked under TSD are those who are not eligible for dividend payments as their investment is not aligned with their citizenship (i.e. foreign investors buying KBank shares on the local board or Thai investors buying KBank shares on the foreign board) Source: Thailand Securities Depository Company Limited (TSD), the Stock Exchange of Thailand website (www.set.or.th), and KBank บริการทุกระดับประทับใจ K KASIKORNTHAI Credit Ratings As of August 15, 2023 KBank Local Currency/ National Long-term Subordinated Outlook Debts Foreign Currency Long-term * Senior Unsecured Subordinated Debts Notes ธนาคารกสิกรไทย 开泰银行 KASIKORNBANK Thailand Government Outlook Foreign Local Currency Currency S&P's BBB¹) BBB1) N/A N/A N/A Stable¹) BBB+ A- Stable Moody's Baa1 Baa1 Ba12) Baa1 N/A Stable Baa1 Baa1 Stable Fitch BBB BBB BB+ AA+ (tha) AA-(tha) Stable BBB+ BBB+ Stable Note: * Moody's: Foreign Currency Long-term Deposit Rating; S&P's: Long-term Counterparty Credit Rating; Fitch Ratings: Foreign Currency Long-term Issuer Default Rating 1) March 21, 2022: S&P's downgraded long-term credit ratings of 4 Thai banks, including KBank, as systemic risks have increased for banks operating in Thailand. S&P's downgraded long-term credit rating of KBank from BBB+ to BBB. However, S&P"s upgraded outlook of their credit ratings to stable from negative as it views their credit ratings would be stable in next 1-2 years 2) November 7, 2022: Moody's downgraded the Baseline Credit Assessments (BCAs) of two Thai banks, including KBank, to baa2 from baa1, reflecting the structural challenges to their asset quality and profitability that are exacerbated by the slow economic recovery in Thailand. Moody's also downgraded KBank's foreign-currency subordinate MTN program rating to Ba1 from Baa3 and its foreign-currency preferred stock non-cumulative MTN program rating to Ba2 from Ba1. บริการทุกระดับประทับใจ 109 110
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