Exploration Opportunities in the Pernambuco and Alagoas Basins slide image

Exploration Opportunities in the Pernambuco and Alagoas Basins

INTRODUCTION Brazil Brazil Touros Plateau South America ND Borborema Province: São Francisco Craton Legend ND North Domain TZ Transversal Zone Domain SD South Domain States Limits Continent-Ocean Boundary Inferred Transfer Faults Inferred Shear Zones Natal Platform Basin domains Paraiba Basin domains Pernambuco Basin domains -7° PASZ Alagoas Basin domains -9° Faults and Shear Zones Fracture Zones Barreiros -Maragog High 2 Pernambuco Shear Zone Mamanguape High 4 Touros High TZ SD Maceió PESZ João Pessoa 2 Recife 2000 Atlantic Ocean Pernambuco State $000 Pernambuco Plateau Alagoas State 50 Km Alagoas Basin 300000 PESZ Regife Paraíba Basin Platform Inner Basin Maracatu High Platea www Basin بليل 山 علیلیلی تسمم N יויויוי/י/י 小山 20 km 2 CP-01-PE Borehole Plateau limits Coast Line Inner Basin Maracatu High Outer Plateau Basin ☐ Maragogi High Location of the Borborema Province and the basins on the eastern border of Northeast Brazil Pernambuco Basin main structural domains. Modified from Barbosa et al. 2014
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