Optimizing Exploration and Development Opportunities slide image

Optimizing Exploration and Development Opportunities

18 16 14 12 10 8642086420 The exploratory environment is increasingly diverse 234 exploratory blocks, 70% operated by non-Petrobras companies 173 thousand km² in exploratory areas: 61% offshore Onshore Operator Exploratory blocks Active blocks Petrobras 3 3 Others 87 69 Total 90 72 Onshore active blocks by operator Eneva Geopark Brasil Imetame Petroil TOG Brasil Petro-Victory Cowan Petróleo e Gás Petrobras Recôncavo Energia Rosneft Alvopetro BGM Great Energy Maha Energy Phoenix Óleo & Gás Vipetro Guindastes Brasil SHB 97% of onshore blocks operated by independent companies 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Shell Brasil Petrobras ExxonMobil Brasil Offshore Operator Petrobras Others Total Exploratory blocks Active blocks 68 47 76 60 144 107 Offshore active blocks by operator BP Energy Repsol Chariot Brasil Wintershall Brasil Chevron Brasil Óleo Brasoil Manati OP Energia Petronas Total E&P do Brasil 3R Petroleum CNOOC Petroleum Equinor Energy Karoon Petro Rio Jaguar Premier Oil Brasil anp
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