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Cytek Investor Day Presentation Deck

Application of FSP in Myeloid Disorders in L/L YOONESTE bloodⓇ 803.EMERGING DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES | NOVEMBER 5, 2020 One Tube 24 Color Full Spectral Flow Cytometry and Multi-Dimensional Software to Study the Maturation Pattern and Antigen Expression of the Myeloid Man Chen, Hui Wang, MD, Minjing Fu, Aixian Wang,"¹ "1 +1 2.1 Meiwei Gong, Junyi Zhen, Xueying Wu, Kun Zhao, Peihua Lu, MD5 ¹Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Division, Hebei Yanda Ludaopei hospital, Langfang, China "Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Division, Hebei Yanda Lu Daopei Hospital, Beijing, China *Beijing Ludaopei Hospital, Beijing, China *Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Division, Hebei Yanda Ludaopei Hospital, Langtang, China Hebei Yanda Lu Daopei Hospital, Langfang, China Blood (2020) 136 (Supplement 1): 13. Introduction Flow cytometry(FC) plays an important role in the diagnosis of hematologic diseases and the study of cell maturation. Spectral multicolor flow cytometry (SMFC) has shown an advantage over traditional FC that more fluorescent markers could be detected simultaneously, more antigen combinations could be made, and the expression of cells could be scrutinized. However, published studies focused on lymphocyte subsets and the differentiation between hematogones and B-acute lymphoblastic leukaemia/lymphoma(ALL/LBL) minimal residual disease (MRD) detection, and there are few studies on myeloid development and expression. Besides, more powerful and cutting-edge software are needed for complicated combinations from SMFC because traditional dot plots are unable to meet the demand of analysis. Here we design a one-tube 24-color panel combining with the multidimensional data analysis software to study the expression and maturation of normal and malignant myeloid cells including minus subgroups. We hope to improve the sensitivity of MRD by FC and explore more information about myeloid diseases, finally promote the development of artificial intelligence(Al) in clinical FC diagnosis. Methods: the one-tube 24-color panel was designed according to our experience and Euroflow recommendation, it is composed of backbones including CD45 and myeloblast markers CD34, CD117 and HLA-DR, adding myeloid markers CD33, CD13, CD371, CD15, CD64, CD11c,CD14, CD36 and CD11b, routine leukaemia associated immunophenotyping(LAIP) or different from normal(DFN) markers CYTEK TRANSCEND THE CONVENTIONAL Published by Pathology Laboratory at Ludaopei Hospital, Chinal Spectral multicolor flow cytometry (SMFC) has shown an advantage over traditional FC that more fluorescent markers could be detected simultaneously, more antigen combinations could be made, Precise diagnosis through deep cellular level correlation A one-tube 24-color panel was designed according to our experience and Euroflow recommendation • Offers more cellular information that is unmatched by traditional FC ● ● tSN-2 a b sample 1-20 Healthy Control FCM MRD:0 a: b: sample 21 FCM MRD:0.23% blast cells,No special gene C: sample 22 FCM MRD:4.39% blast cells,FLT3:10.8%, WT1:6.86 sample 23 FCM MRD:30.31%blast cells,6.47%normal mast cells, sample 24 FCM MRD:0.29%blast cells, 16.49%basophils, BCL-ABL:23.40 d: + d A Selection of Application Areas for FSP CYTEK tSN-1 16 danc
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