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Why Invest In KORE?

• Well-diversified Revenue Across Blue-chip Customer Base with Truly Global Coverage No customer represented more than 6.0% of total gross profit for 2022 Outside of Customer 1, a KORE customer for 10+ years, and Customer 2, no customer contributes more than 4.0% of total revenue ⚫ Customer 1's revenue contribution in 2022 is elevated due to a large LTE transition project, which is now complete Excluding the large LTE transition project, Customer 1 was ~7.0% of 2022 revenue Revenue by Customers¹ Cross-Selling Among Top 10 Customers¹ Serving Customers Across Recession Resilient Markets¹ Revenue by Region¹ 21.2% 10.9% 11.1% 17.2% 13.0% 8.3% 30.0% 30.0% 3.3% 12.2% 2.1% 63.7% 9.2% 16.6% 42.3% 40.0% 78.8% ■Customer 1 Customer 2 ■1 Solution ■Connected Health Fleet Management ■ US ■Customer 3 Customer 4 ■2 Solutions ■Asset Monitoring ■Communication Services Rest of World ■Customer 5 Customers 6-10 ■>2 Solutions ■Industrial loT & Other 1 As of 12/31/2022 KORE Customer 1 & 2 represent 6.0% and 4.8% of total gross profit, respectively, for 2022 24
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