ING 1Q2023 Financial Targets Update slide image

ING 1Q2023 Financial Targets Update

Continued deposit inflow and loan growth, albeit at a lower pace Customer lending (in € bln) Net core lending growth €1.0 bln 1.8 -2.3 1.4 0.3 0.3 -0.7 0.3 -3.1 641.5 0.2 -0.2 639.4 4Q2022 Retail Retail Retail Netherlands Belgium Germany Net core lending growth was €1.0 bln Retail Other WB Lending WB DB&TF¹) WB Other¹) C&GM1) Treasury FX Other²) 1Q2023 Retail Banking was €2.2 bln higher. Mortgages grew by €0.8 bln, primarily reflecting growth in the Netherlands and Germany. Other lending increased by €1.4 bln, primarily in business lending in Belgium Wholesale Banking decreased by €1.2 bln, as good growth in Lending was offset by lower utilisation in Working Capital Solutions and the impact of lower commodity prices on trade finance volumes ■ Net core deposits growth was €1.3 bln ■ Growth in Retail Banking was €1.7 bln, mainly driven by inflows in Poland, Spain, Belgium and Germany. This was partly offset by an outflow in the Netherlands, mainly due to operational payments by business clients and a shift to assets under management Wholesale Banking was €0.4 billion lower 1) C&GM is Challengers & Growth Markets; DB&TF is Daily Banking & Trade Finance; WB Other includes Financial Markets 2) Other includes run-off portfolios (Lease, WUB and Retail France) 10
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