Bank of Georgia Financial Overview slide image

Bank of Georgia Financial Overview

Costs, Consolidated Recurring operating costs GEL mln 160 +6.7% y-o-y 145.1 135.9 Employees 454 Q3 2010 3,060 5,313 468 143.0 Q2 2010 2,963 140 120 100 80 60 60 83.9 26.0 الاس 42.3 40 20 20 26.4 9.8. 16.6 20.5 57.9 21.9 5.118 593 Q1 2010 2,825 5,048 61.6 +0.5% y-o-y 621 Q4 2009 2,674 68.8 14,781 617 68.4 Q3 2009 2,669 4,798 707 Q2 2009 2,665 4,914 757 Q1 2009 2,692 4,964 786 +13.0% y-o-y Q4 2008 2,741 4,949 842 81.4 Q3 2008 76.3 3,853 6,196 67.5 Q2 2008 836 3,619 5,911 824 Q1 2008 3,056 4,926 Personnel costs Recurring operating costs 0 9 months 2005 9 months 2006 9 months 2007 9 months 2008 9 months 2009 9 months 2010 Other recurring operating costs 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 Group Consolidated BoG Standalone BG Bank Costs by segments, Q3 2010 GEL mln 60 50 +6.7% q-o-q 49.6 48.9 51.0 47.9 47.8 46.3 46.6 46.3 44.5 44.6 45.0 40- 21.3 24.1 21.6 21.9 18.7 24.9 23.1 24.1 22.9 22.7 22.6 30 20 20 27.3 28.4 25.7 25.9 27.0 23.1 22.0 23.2 22.3 22.5 23.4 10 0 Q1 2008 Q2 2008 Q3 2008 Q4 2008 Q1 2009 Q2 2009 Q3 2009 Q4 2009 Q1 2010 Q2 2010 Q3 2010 Personnel Costs Other Recurring Operating Costs LOLEJN BANK OF GEORGIA Other, 15.7% Aldagi BCI, 4.6% GEL 2.4 mln (-48.6% q-0-9) BNB, 4.9% GEL 2.5 mln (+25.3% q-o-q) BG Bank, 6.4% GEL 3,3 mln (-32.9% q-o-q) GEL 8.0 mln BoG standalone, 68.4% GEL 34.9 mln (+7.4% q-o-q) November 2010 Page 35
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