The TOMRA Transformation Journey slide image

The TOMRA Transformation Journey

CROSS UTILIZING OUR PORTFOLIO TECHNOLOGIES TOMRA SORTING SOLUTIONS BEST BUS TITECH NIR + ODENBERG platform Field Potato Sorter • The NIR technology allows efficient removal of rocks, dirt and rotten potatoes before the potatoes are stored The solution opens up sorting of unwashed potatoes in a way that previously was not possible BEST LASER + TOMRA mining platform PRO Laser Duo • The LASER technology allows detection of quartz of all colors. This opens for sorting of quartz itself, and gold bearing quartz mineralization • The solution is unique in the market and further underlines our technological leadership • TITECH NIR + BEST LASER Nimbus BSI An NIR sensor has been added to the NIMBUS machine platform The new machine increases our competitiveness in the • nuts segment Several more projects on combining technologies into new products in the pipeline TOMRA 38
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