Fish Spawning Season Analysis slide image

Fish Spawning Season Analysis

Table 2. Average monthly fluctuations in the K, GSR and GSI Months K G.S.R. G.S.I. January 1.77 0.28 7.1 February 1.85 0.37 6.5 March 2.05 0.54 5.9 April 1.88 0.48 5.5 May 2.36 0.55 5.7 Jun 2.27 0.51 4.9 July 2.60 0.60 5.2 August 2.55 0.58 4.5 September 2.37 0.59 4.7 October 2.25 0.56 3.9 November 2.09 0.55 4.2 December 1.67 0.18 7.5 G.S.R VARIED FROM 0.18 (DECEMBER) TO 0.60 (JULY). High correlation between GSR and condition factor ( r = 0.88). Negative correlation between GSR and GSI ( r = -0.84).
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