2024 JP Morgan Healthcare Conference slide image

2024 JP Morgan Healthcare Conference

Q4 2023 UPDATE First 1.2 GHz NMR in U.S. at The Ohio State University Milestone in advancing US life science and materials research infrastructure, with leadership and funding by National Science Foundation Study of advanced materials (e.g., for batteries) ▪ Research structure and dynamics of biological macromolecules ▪ Advance understanding of mechanisms of diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, viral infections, Alzheimer's disease ▪ OSU 1.2 GHz NMR acceptance in Q4-23 ▪ 1.1 GHz solid-state NMR accepted in Q4-23 at U. Wisconsin-Madison ▪ Over 20 GHz-class NMRs installed worldwide by end of 2023 ■ ■ 2023 Bruker WHOREN BRUKER 1.2 GHz Avance® NMR system at The Ohio State University "The 1.2 GHz NMR instrument gives us the capability to explore the structure and dynamics of biological molecules at an unprecedented level of detail. This breakthrough will enable significant advances in our understanding of how these molecules function, ultimately leading to the development of new treatments for diseases." Dr. Rafael Brueschweiler, professor of chemistry and biochemistry at The Ohio State University, Pl of National Gateway Ultrahigh Field NMR Center Innovation with Integrity | January 8, 2024 I 13
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