BenevolentAI Investor Day Presentation Deck slide image

BenevolentAI Investor Day Presentation Deck

BEN-2293 - A potent PanTrk antagonist developed to relieve inflammation and provide rapid itch resolution Atopic Dermatitis · ● BEN-2293 is a PanTrk inhibitor targeting TrkA, B and C receptors. The Trk receptors were identified as part of an effort to find mediators of both itch and inflammation in AD. Using our Molecular Design expertise we were able to design a PanTrk inhibitor, equipotent against the 3 receptors BEN-2293 is expected to treat atopic dermatitis by: inhibiting itch signaling and blocking nerve sensitization (TrkA) in addition to inhibiting Th1 and Th2-mediated dermal inflammation (TrkB, TrkC) BEN-2293 will target Mild, Moderate and Severe Atopic Dermatitis patients, addressing unmet need in the treatment of mild to moderate Atopic Dermatitis as a steroid sparing alternative and in more severe patients undergoing treatment with biologics (e.g. dupilumab) that require add-on treatment NGF Y TrkA PIP2 PLC BDNF TrkB NTF-3 4 TrkC GAB1 Neurotrophins bind to high affinity receptors (TrkA, B and C), directly activating both inflammation and itch signalling which propagates a cycle of itching and scratching. Key: Tropomyosin-related kinase (Trk) receptor tyrosine kinase family, namely TrkA, TrkB, and TrkC; Nerve Growth Factor (NGF); Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF); Neurotrophin-3 (NTF-3)/NT3 Benevolent 43 Image source: Amatu et al. ESMO Open 2016
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