AngloAmerican Results Presentation Deck slide image

AngloAmerican Results Presentation Deck

2020 SIMPLIFIED EARNINGS BY BU - NOTES PGMs basket price Iron ore realised price Own mined PGMs basket Platinum Palladium Rhodium Iridium, ruthenium & gold Base metals & other²9 Total revenue PGM volume ³ Price Volume Revenue Market price $2,254/oz 689koz $1,552m Freight $10,710/oz 122koz $1,312m Moisture content $876/oz 792koz $694m Basket price (per PGM oz) 1⁹ 313koz $239m Lump premium Fe premium $4,123m Product premium 1,916koz Timing $2,152/oz Realised FOB price $326m 1. Manganese ($304m), Crop Nutrients ($1m), exploration ($(101)m) & central corporate activities ($ (44)m). 2. Proportionate share of sales volumes (19.2% Botswana, 50% Namibia): 9.1 Mct. 3. Own mined sales volumes including proportionate share of joint operation volumes. PGM ounces are reported on a 5E+Au basis. 4. Excludes thermal coal sales. 5. Thermal Coal - South Africa & Cerrejón. Export sales & domestic sales at export parity pricing. 6. LME price, c/lb converted to $/tonne (2,204.62 lbs/tonne). 7. Platts 62% Fe CFR China. 8. MB 66% Fe concentrate CFR. 9. Weighted average of HCC/PCI prices, FOB Aus. 10. Weighted average FOB SA, FOB Col. 11. 64.3% Fe content, -68% of volume attracting lump premium. 12. 67.2% Fe content, pellet feed. 13. Volumes 82% HCC averaging 90% realisation of quoted low vol HCC price. 14. Total average ~90% realisation of quoted price. 15. Provisional pricing & timing differences on sales. 16. Freight partly offset by provisional pricing & other adjustments. Anglo American Kumba $109/t7 $(12)/t $7/t $4/t $1/t $6/t $115/t Minas-Rio $120/18 HCC $(17)/t PCI $(11)/t Weighted ave. $2/t Coal blended prices & unit costs Coal weighted average Unit cost market prices & unit cost $4/t $9/t metallurgical coal⁹ Thermal FOB South Africa $86/t Thermal FOB Colombia Price Volume $124/t 13.8Mt $38/t $65/t $39/t $48/t $107/t Weighted ave. thermal coal 10 $38/t $61/t 21.1Mt $78/t 3.0 Mt $116/t 16.9 Mt 16.6Mt 4.5Mt 17. Freight & -9% moisture adjustment (converts dry benchmark to wet product) partly offset by provisional pricing & other adjustments. 18. The realised price for proportionate share (19.2% Debswana, 50% Namibia) excluding the 3% trading margin achieved in 2020. 19. Price for basket of own mined product per 5E+Au PGM oz. Covid & ACP disruptions impacting mix relative to previous periods. Refer to FY 19 presentation for more typical mix. 20. Realised price adjusted to include Jellinbah. Unit cost is for managed operations only. 21. Weighted average Thermal Coal - South Africa export & Cerrejón. 22. Includes market development & strategic projects, exploration & evaluation costs, restoration & rehabilitation costs and other corporate costs. 23. Includes release of royalty provision in H2 2020 as well as cost saving initiatives. Refer to FY 19 presentation for more typical spend, which is usually skewed to H2. 24. Includes costs related to Quellaveco. Higher than previous periods largely due to adjustments to rehabilitation provisions, foreign exchange impacts & Covid-related costs. 25. Higher than previous periods due to Covid & ACP disruptions & foreign exchange impacts. 26. Higher than previous periods due to adjustments to stocks and rehabilitation & other provisions. 27. Principally processing & trading of product purchased from third parties. 28. Trading & Isibonelo domestic operation. 29. Nickel, copper, chrome & other metals. 38
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