Sinch Mergers and Acquisitions Presentation Deck slide image

Sinch Mergers and Acquisitions Presentation Deck

An (312) 555-1468 Chicago, IL (214) 555-6564 Dallas, TX (408) 555-1497 San Jose, CA (206) 555-1497 Seattle WA LOCAL MESSAGING CNAM DIRECTORY O CPaaS Full service provider of inbound and outbound voice calling Unrivalled access to local phone numbers across the US API-based delivery model 52 percent of L12m Gross Profit ā— ā— Outbound Call Inbound Call laaS Strategic relationships with major wireless carriers IP-based voice interconnection for off-net call termination Outbound traffic routing to toll- free numbers (8YY) 48 percent of L12m Gross Profit 13
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