Pershing Square Activist Presentation Deck
Recent Facts Discredit R&O's Narrative (cont'd)
Email correspondence from Russell Reitz confirms that Reitz was aware of both
Philidor and Valeant
Valeant's Answer to Plaintiff Complaint for Declaratory Relief:
Subject: FW: R&O Pharmacy
Date: Monday, December 1, 2014 at 9:35:22 PM Eastern Standard Time
Carne, John
'Weinberg, Herb L.'
Davenport, Andy
Let's discuss how best to move forward with the change of ownership.
From: Russell Reitz [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2014 9:14 PM
To: Carne, John
Subject: R&O Pharmacy
Hi John
The wire was received. Thank you.
We are eager to begin adjusting our service to start dispensing VRX products via Philidor Rx
services. Additional part time staff to cover the expected hours are also available for your review
when the need arises.
I am also ready to participate in discussing license transfer with you and Herb Weinberg and
wanted to provide each of you a copy of my last correspondence from the CA Board of
Pharmacy. This document from the board is their response to my change of ownership filing prior
to my first meeting with you. I have not responded to their request while discussions with Philidor
Rx were taking place. I am available this week to conference with you and Herb.
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