SoundHound SPAC Presentation Deck slide image

SoundHound SPAC Presentation Deck

Backed by Leading Strategic and Financial Investors Over $280M raised from a cross-industry group of multinational investors with a combined reach of over 2B users Select Strategic Investors Tencenti NVIDIA SAMSUNG LINE NAVER Mercedes-Benz DAIMLER NOMURA orange htc ki Note Includes $15M of convertible debt converted at merger event. HYUNDAI Midea Sompo Japan Nipponkoa RECRUIT 17 Select Financial Investors Walden VC Sprout Stage™ Investors KPCB KLEINER PERKINS CAUFIELD BYERS P AMIDZAD COTA CAPITAL GLOBAL CATALYST PARTNERS TRANSLINK CAPITAL The Private Shares Fund A KEY TO PRIVATE INNOVATION Pear Felicis Ventures SIGNATURES CAPITAL ©2021 SoundHound Inc.
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