UBS Mergers and Acquisitions Presentation Deck slide image

UBS Mergers and Acquisitions Presentation Deck

Preliminary negative goodwill will support the combined group's capital position and underpin acquired RWAS Negative goodwill to be booked as a gain in the income statement upon closing; preliminary numbers subject to change USD bn 48.8 Credit Suisse equity attributable to shareholders (US GAAP, 31.12.22)¹ (3.5) (11.3bn) net equity impact from total transaction adjustments in registration statement, of which (10.6bn) would be part of the negative goodwill calculation Consideration in shares (10.6) (0.7)² Transaction adjustments To support acquired RWA of Credit Suisse 34.8 Pro forma negative goodwill (IFRS, 31.12.22) Consideration in shares based on UBS share price on 5 May 2023. Each Credit Suisse share will be exchanged for 1/22.48 UBS shares. Includes the estimated fair value of outstanding share-based compensation awards for Credit Suisse employees that is attributable to pre-combination service. - The negative goodwill estimate is preliminary, and the final amount may differ materially from the amounts presented here. IFRS 3 allows for a further 12 months to finalize provisional amounts after the acquisition date. Includes 17.1bn of Credit Suisse events in 1Q23 See slides 4 and 9 for list of items relevant to CET1 capital Transaction adjustments totaling (0.7bn) net equity impacts will not be part of negative goodwill. - Estimated (546m) adjustment related to ECL recognition to be booked through the income statement on day-1. - Estimated (0.1bn) acquisition-related costs incurred by UBS until closing of the transaction, including (70m) already incurred in 1Q23. A restructuring provision may be booked after the transaction closes. UBS 1 Credit Suisse reported Shareholders' equity (US GAAP) as of 31.12.22 in CHF has been translated to USD using a spot rate of 1.08 (CHF/USD) as of 31.12.22; 2 (0.5bn) impact from recognition of ECL allowances and provisions and (0.1bn) UBS acquisition-related costs are not included in the calculation of negative goodwill 8
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