Telia Company Results Presentation Deck
Full focus on strategy execution
and capital allocation
Solid Q1 financial and operational performance across all Telco business units
Service revenue growth accelerated
Mobile growth improved (+2.6%), fixed services remain solid (+2.3%)
Enterprise growth particularly strong (+3.4%)
EBITDA growth improved (+1.6%)
Group EBITDA relatively stable despite challenges in TV & Media
Operational free cash flow impacted by vendor financing phasing, as expected
Q1 strategy highlights confirm network and sustainability leadership
5G population coverage increased to 77%
Opensignal awarded Telia Finland with the best quality network in the world
Ranked 1st by the FT among Europe's Climate Leaders
Reaffirming full year outlook; continue to expect all metrics to improve
Agreement signed to sell Telia Denmark to Norlys; EV DKK 6.25bn (~SEK 9.5bn)
Service revenue growth
(Telco operations, LFL)
Adjusted EBITDA growth
(Telco operations, LFL)
Structural part of OFCF
(SEK in billions)View entire presentation