IFRS Impact on Canadian Tire
This presentation has the objective to introduce to the financial community the major
identified changes that the transition from Canadian GAAP to International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS) has on the Company's accounts in 2011 and thereafter.
Impacts contained herein are preliminary - and the impact assessment is based on
IFRS as it stands as of December 6, 2010.
It should be noted, however, that accounting standards and interpretations are subject
to change and that the Company's initial reporting under IFRS for the 2011 fiscal year
(and prior year comparatives presented) will be based on standards that are effective
at the end of that fiscal year. In addition, should new circumstances arise between now
and our 2011 year-end date, the Company's decisions regarding the application of
IFRS may also be subject to change. The Company will thus continue to actively
monitor developments in the standards as proposed and issued by the International
Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the Canadian Accounting Standards Board
(AcSB) as well as regulatory standards issued by Canadian Securities administrators
and Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) and adjust its
implementation plan and presentation accordingly.
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