Pershing Square Activist Presentation Deck slide image

Pershing Square Activist Presentation Deck

Long-Term Investors have Sold at Prices Significantly Below the Current Offer Almost all of Allergan's top shareholders were sellers at some point in the last two years, when the stock was more than 30% below the look-through price 1 Pershing Square Capital Management P 2 Cape Global Investors) 3 The Vanguard Group, Inc 4 55gA Funds Management, inc 5 Nomura Securities Co., Ltd Private Banking) 6 BlackRock Fund Advisors 7 Jenson Associates LLC 8 State Farm Investment Management Corp 9 T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc 10 Delaware Management Business Trust 11 Allancebenstein LP 12 OppenheimerFunds, Inc 13 Edgewood Management LLC 14 Northern Trust investments, inc 15 Montag & Caldwell LLC 16 TIAA CREF investment Management LLC 17 BlackRock Advisors LLC 18 Fidelity Management & Research Co 19 UBS Global Asset Management 20 Polen Capital Management LLC Top 20 shareholders Average Price Highest price over quarter Lowest price over quarter Source: FactSet as of Q1 2014. Current Change over SOS last two years 20,878.530 3.7% 18,794,109 E 14,976,461 5.0% 12,155,824 11,949.171 4.0% 11,325,917 3.81 10.654,005 3.6% 10,526.400 3.5% 7.592.851 2.65 7,031,837 2.45 5,391,637 US 4,554,114 1.3% 3.938.793 1.35 3,050,338 1.35 3,752,042 1.3% 3,000,005 1.25 3,145,476 1.15 2.979,705 1.0% 2.000,013 0.9% 2.648,064 170,335,400 57.2% 4,047.109 2.360,327 1,003,276 11,906,446 1.154,712 214.075 2,467,753 1401.000 945.731 1,503.593 1.955,473 (65.294) (1,018.538) (534,539) 1,938,297 (4.501,483) (1,775.529) $16,162 21.903.752 3/31/14 107 401 1,321.570 456,284 11,948012 363 012 1.546 STF (MM0.005) 718.700 1,180 209 453 000 60.302 113.800 17,701 374 $121.50 $131.43 $110.28 12/31/13 95 274,878 410.000 1.290,675 2.718.795 21,299 (1,744) 387,875 $95.44 $111.08 50648 ------ Position change for the quarter ending 6:3013 3/31/113 1/2013 1666.700 10.788 15.01) 70 441) 1.305.000 106.810 503.68 102.63 $83.90 21,400 741.001 1.002.032 (871 844) (1.633.046) (5.832.518) $103.83 $116.17 $81.90 2577 800 4500 306 002 1.872641 665.ces 1.800 1411.7911 (141 910) 29.043 1541.92 254.587 2,400.574 401.301 7.298.950 $106.54 $111.80 501.73 12/31/12 830.000 309,917 367 076 (42M 327.710 (4.320 42:00 1.314.571 $31,06 $95.29 8/30/12 3:30.303 1,40 1,121.770 315.787 118 910 86.000 91.377 623.077 114.501 8047211 3.594,454 $47.34 $9505 $82.07 372-350 430,001 8.530 706.324 138.000 016350 86.404 1272 812 410 (9467.907 192.45 1 506 50 505.00
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