Coinbase Start Up Pitch Deck slide image

Coinbase Start Up Pitch Deck

▾ Bitcoin File Settings Help Send Coins Balance: 0.06 Too Difficult To Use Current Tools Your Bitcoin Address: 1PW2WeDs Swvj5mkiQvErqeHradcYLKCYKP Status 1/unconfirmed 3/unconfirmed 6 confirmations Address Book C All Transactions Sent/Received Sent Received Date Description 11/12/10 12:59 To: EFF 1MCwBbhNGp5hRm5rC1Aims2YFRe2SXPYKT 11/12/10 12:56 Received with: 1PW2WeDsSwv). (Your Address) 11/12/10 12:46 Received with: 1PW2WeDs Swvj... (Your Address) C Coinbase New... Coinbase BETA Transactions Add or Withdraw My Account Coinbase, Inc. [US] Home About Blog Help Copy to Clipboard 8 connections 97018 blocks 3 transactions Balance: 42.02 BTC Transaction Debit -0.06 Credit +0.07 +0.05 You requested money from Brian Armstrong You received money from Paul Graham You sent money to Test Account You received money from Brian Armstrong Botal twit.reast :tc sent PRECATION ANING: You have Rails 2.3-styla plugins in vendor/plugins! Support for these plugins will be removed in Rails 4.0. Nove them out and bundle them in your Gemile, or fold them in to your opp m lib/plugin and config/initializers/plugin.rb. See the release notes for more on this: (called from top (requ tredet //config/environment.:) DEPRECATION WARNING: You have Rails 2.3-style plugins in vendor/plugins! Support for these plugins will be removed in Rails 4.8. Hove them out and bundle them in your file, or fold them in to your app as lib/m yplugin and config/initializer/plugin.rb. See the release notes for more on this: (called from stop (required at /app/config/enviro Nefeli[88/15/12 04:2095 +0000 812989-c-463-8504-766083243600 (2) De Dispetcher thin [NewRel/15/12 04:28:85 +0000 13472989-dich-463-8504-760832436 (22) F0 Application: coinbase Delic[05/15/12 04:28:85 +0000 8df2989-dicb-463-85c4-7b6832436os (23) INFO:New Relic Ruby Agent 3.3.5 Initialized: pid-2 (majon, inoro7, patchwo3, b) Dell1/SASL authenticating as (ils 3.2.4) b) 201Rotel iestresst btc sent by device, 294246773664 1258604413 (min):002: telie][08/15/12 04:20:15 +0000 812989-41cb-4663-8504-79608324360 (2)) INFO Resolved to **[N][8/15/12 04:20:16 +0000 35077989-d1cb-463-85c4-7832436 (23) DFO: Resolved to Connected to elic Service at **8/15/12 04:28:16 0000 820-c-463-834-76832436 (233) 0 Reporting performance data every seconds. referral boncheck #dongld Criterie selecter: 0. Cuse "git add file... to update what will be comitted to discord changes in working directory) modified: p/controllers/hoembers controller. ifiad: p/viss/ai/sers/read.. fied: pp/controllers/phone numbers controller. Coinbase discard changes in working directory) Date 2 delations(-) Jun 16, 2012 Jun 16, 2012 Jun 9, 2012 Jun 9, 2012 Send Money Status Pending coinbase-MI Complete Complete Complete Test Acco Request M Ar Verizon 3G 1:15 AM Coinbase BETA Transactions Add or Withdraw My Account III
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