AngloAmerican Results Presentation Deck slide image

AngloAmerican Results Presentation Deck

Measuring our ESG progress: 2021 targets Pillar of Value Safety & Health Environment Socio-political People Metric Work-related fatal injuries Total recordable case frequency rate per million hours New case of occupational disease Workforce potentially exposed to noise over 85 dBA¹ Workforce potentially exposed to inhalable hazards over the occupational exposure limit¹ Energy consumption (million GJ) GHG emissions - Scope 1&2 (Mt CO₂e) Operational water withdrawals (million m³) Level 4-5 environmental incidents Social Way implementation (based on updated Social Way 3.0 for 2020)² Local procurement spend ($bn)³ Taxes & royalties ($m)4 Jobs supported by Enterprise and Supplier Development (ESD) initiatives Women in management Women in the workforce 2021 1 2.24 16 30,832 1,796 85 14.8 176.5 0 49% 10.0 7,134 147,374 31% 23% 2020 3.5% 2 2.14 30 33,253 1,994 81 16.1 197.5 0 23% 10.0 3,778 137,777 27% 23% Target 2.8% Zero Year-on-year reduction Year-on-year reduction Year-on-year reduction 10% reduction year-on-year Improve energy efficiency by 30% by 2030 Reduce absolute GHG emissions by 30% by 2030 Reduce freshwater abstraction in water scarce regions by 50% by 2030 Zero Full compliance with Social Way 3.0 by end 2022 To achieve 33% by 2023 Target achieved < 5% Not achieved Not achieved On track On track On track On track On track On track On track Voluntary labour turnover 1. Reflects the number of employees and contractors who work in environments where there is potential for exposure above the exposure limit. All employees and contractors working in such environments are issued with protective equipment to prevent occupational illness. 2. In 2020, we launched a new integrated social performance management system (Social Way 3.0) which has raised performance expectations and has resulted in continued improvement in our social performance. Sites are expected to have implemented the Social Way 3.0 by the end of 2022. While sites are assessed annually against all requirements applicable to their context, for consistency during the transition period, the metric reflects performance against the Social Way foundational requirements. On track On track On track 3. Local procurement spend relates to spend within the country where an operation is located. The basis of calculation has been amended to more closely reflect the Group's financial accounting consolidation, i.e. 100% of subsidiaries and a proportionate share of joint operations, based on Anglo American's shareholding. The prior year comparative has been restated. 4. Taxes and royalties include all taxes and royalties both borne and collected by the Group. This includes corporate income taxes, withholding taxes, mining taxes royalties, employee taxes and social security contributions and other taxes, levies and duties directly incurred by the Group, as well as taxes incurred by other parties (e.g. customers and employees) but collected and paid by the Group on their behalf. Figures disclosed are based on cash remitted, net of entities consolidated for accounting purposes, plus a proportionate share, based on the percentage shareholding, of joint operations. Taxes borne and collected by associates and joint ventures are not included. Anglo American 98
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