NioCorp Investor Presentation Deck slide image

NioCorp Investor Presentation Deck

EXPORT-IMPORT BANK OF THE UNITED STATES VETERANS ADMINISTRATION OFFICE OF CONSTRUCTION MOCAPD NioCorp US Export-Import Bank Considering up to $800M in Debt Financing for NioCorp March 2023: EXIM sends NioCorp a formal Letter of Interest for up to $800 in debt financing to the Elk Creek Project 811 June 2023: NioCorp applies to EXIM for financing 70 October 2023: EXIM notifies NioCorp that its application has been approved by the first of three reviews by the Bank's Transaction Review Committee, an important milestone in the application's progress. EXPORT IMPORT BANK. EXPORT-IMPORT BANK OF THE UNITED STATES VETERANS ADMINISTRATION OFFICE OF CONSTRUCTION 6
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