AbCellera Results Presentation Deck slide image

AbCellera Results Presentation Deck

Q1 2021 BUSINESS UPDATE. COVID-19 PROGRAM LY-COV1404: A POTENTIAL LONG-TERM SOLUTION FOR COVID-19 spike trimer key mutations LY-COV1404 Fab Neutralizes all currently circulating variant strains of COVID-19 in vivo. B.1.1.7 Variant (first identified in the UK) B.1.526 Variant (first identified in New York) Well-suited for administered as a subcutaneous injection instead of an infusion. B.1.351 Variant (first identified in S. Africa) AbCellera B.1.428 & B.1.429 Variant (first identified in California) P.1 Variant (first identified in Brazil) B.1.617 Variant (first identified in India) COPYRIGHT ABCELLERA 8
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