BlackRock Results Presentation Deck slide image

BlackRock Results Presentation Deck

$4,398 Q1 2021 1% 8% 7% 2% 3% $230 $41 79% BlackRock. Q1 2022 compared to Q1 2021 $301 $35 Base fees Securities lending revenue ■ Performance fees Quarterly revenue ($ in millions) Technology services revenue Distribution fees Advisory and other revenue $15 Base fees Distribution Technology Advisory and fees services other revenue revenue $11 $(31) $4,699 Securities. Performance Q1 2022 lending fees revenue Percentage Change Base fees Securities lending revenue Performance fees Technology services revenue Distribution fees Advisory and other revenue Total $5,106 $2 Q4 2021 $2 Year-over-Year Sequential (4)% 1% Technology Securities services lending revenue revenue 7% 9% Q1 2022 compared to Q4 2021 $(407) (24)% 11% 12% 48% 7% (70)% 1% (7)% (22)% (8)% $(13) $(30) $(137) $(231) Advisory and Distribution Base fees Performance other revenue fees fees $4,699 Q1 2022 6
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