Bausch+Lomb IPO Presentation Deck slide image

Bausch+Lomb IPO Presentation Deck

Top franchises drive revenue growth PreserVisionⓇ | Ocuvite PreserVision AREDS 2 Ocuvite 50+ Dovile $351m Revenue¹ #1 in US² BAUSCH+ LOMB BIO Biotrue Ⓡ Bio true Bio Bio true true $336m Revenue¹ #1 MPS5 in Canada³ SofLensⓇ $265m Revenue¹ #1 in China4 1. For the year ended December 31, 2021 2. For US. Bausch+Lomb Consumer Data Science, IRI Data, Mulo. Latest Data Ending 11-14-21 3. Moving Average Total Oct. 2021. Nielsen, National GB+DR+MM. 4. FY2020. Euromonitor Renu® re nu **O re nu ROVANCED FORMULA $186m Revenue¹ #1 in China6 and Japan7 Bausch + Lomb Ultra® BAUSCH+ LOMB ULTRA porad $170m Revenue¹ 5. Multipurpose solution. 6. FY2019. Third party data, 7. YTD Oct 2021. Intage SRI+ for OTC market (off-take). Artelac® Artelac Rebalance VISION CARE hast Aricket tyl $113m Revenue¹ LumifyⓇ LUMIFY LITTIES $108m Revenue ¹ #1 in US² 19
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