UBS Results Presentation Deck slide image

UBS Results Presentation Deck

Executing our cost strategy Operating expenses bn 6.6 1Q22 (0.1) FX UBS 1 UBS standalone 0.7 Litigation +9% 0.1 Acquisition- related costs (0.4) (1%) ble compensation 0.3 Costs excl. FX, litigation, acquisition- related costs and variable comp. 7.2 1Q23 1Q23 Operating expenses +9% YOY, (1%) YoY excluding litigation, FX and acquisition-related costs FY23e On track to deliver 1.1bn gross cost saves by year end vs. 2020¹ - Costs excl. the impact of the acquisition, litigation and FX are still expected to increase by 2-3% YoY on a net basis¹ 11
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