1Q22 Business Results

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#1a 00 HEALTHCARE CELLTRION May 2022 Celltrion Healthcare 1Q22 Earnings Presentation#2HEALTHCARE CELLTRION Contents Section 01. 1Q22 Business Results Section 02. Key Business Performance Appendix#3Section 01 1Q22 Business Results HEALTHCARE CELLTRION#41Q22 Business Results Income Statement Revenue Notwithstanding the temporary sales reduction due to preparation for the direct-sales of additional products in Europe, the total revenue increased YoY thanks to stable prescription of Truxima in the N.America market as well as steady growth of RemsimaⓇ SC : Achieved sound operating profit due to sales increase in the profitable N.America market OP NP : Increased YoY and QoQ as a result of the increase in the non-operating profit due to weak Won (KRW bn) '21.1Q '21.4Q '22.1Q %YoY %QoQ Revenue 356.3 605.8 415.7 16.7% -31.4% Gross Profit 82.3 146.4 104.3 26.7% -28.8% (%) 23.1% 24.2% 25.1% 2.0%p 0.9%p SG&A 50.8 76.7 59.2 16.5% -22.8% (%) 14.3% 12.7% 14.2% -0.1%p 1.5%p Personnel expenses 12.8 22.9 12.5 -2.3% -45.4% Research expenses 9.8 7.4 5.0 -49.0% -32.4% Advertising expenses 1.4 6.5 2.9 107.1% -55.4% Commissions 13.4 18.7 15.5 15.7% -17.1% Operating Profit 31.5 69.7 45.0 42.9% -35.4% (%) 8.8% 11.5% 10.8% 2.0%p -0.7%p EBIT 35.0 23.0 61.3 75.1% 166.5% Net Profit 31.5 16.8 43.6 38.4% 159.5% Investor Relations 2022 4#51Q22 Business Results By Product 605.8 17% (Unit: KRW bn) By Region 605.8 7% Sales Breakdown (Unit: KRW bn) 3% 5% 415.7 39% 415.7 12% 4% 356.3 4% 356.3 19% 1% 10% 5% 20% 10% 20% 17% 31% 28% 33% 43% 52% 46% 39% '21.1Q '21.4Q 54% 43% 38% '22.1Q 21.1Q '21.4Q '22.1Q Ⓡ Ⓡ Ⓡ Remsima / Inflectra Truxima Herzuma Ⓡ Remsima SC Chemical Others Note: Others included Regkirona®, Yuflyma®, and etc. Europe N. America Others Investor Relations 2022 5#61Q22 Business Results Balance Sheet Cash Flow Balance Sheet & Cash Flow (KRW bn) '21 '22.1Q Change (KRW bn) '21 '22.1Q Cash at beginning of year 231.5 254.9 Total Assets 3,914.7 3,771.5 -143.2 Operating -160.2 16.6 Cash and Cash Operating profit 199.4 45.0 254.9 249.1 -5.8 Equivalents Working capital -340.2 -19.6 Short Term 270.5 175.8 -94.7 Others -19.4 -8.8 Financial Assets Investing -4.2 94.1 Trade and Other 584.1 405.6 -178.5 Receivables Short term financial assets 28.0 96.3 Others -32.2 -2.2 Inventories 2,065.7 2,127.5 61.8 Financing 187.8 -116.5 Total Liabilities 1,808.9 1,741.3 -67.6 Borrowing and redemption 199.9 -31.2 Share buyback -11.6 -85.1 Total Equity 2,105.8 2,030.2 -75.6 Share issue 3.0 0.7 Others -3.5 -0.9 Debt-to-Equity Ratio 85.9% 85.8% -0.1%p Cash at the end of year 254.9 249.1 Investor Relations 2022 6#7Section 02 Key Business Performance HEALTHCARE CELLTRION#8Key Business Performance RemsimaⓇ & InflectraⓇ Maintaining most prescribed Infliximab drug in Europe with the market share over 50% & continuously expanding prescriptions in Japan ✓ Achieved the market share three times higher than that of competitors led by additional listings at major US payers Market share of RemsimaⓇ in Europe and Japan Market share of InflectraⓇ in the US 23% 32% 42% 59% 57% 57% 56% 53% 53% 52% 52% 49% 12% 23% 28% 20% 19% 16% 12% 10% 8% 7% 5% 6% 4% 3% 1% 9% 8% 8% 7% 6% 4% 4% 3% 1% 0% 16.1Q 3Q 17.1Q 3Q 18.1Q 3Q 19.1Q 3Q 20.1Q 3Q 21.1Q 3Q '18 '19 120 '21 '22.03 Europe Note: market share is based on volume Source: IQVIA Japan Inflectra® " ■■A Biosimilar Note: market share is based on volume Source Symphony Health B Biosimilar Investor Relations 2022 8#9Key Business Performance TruximaⓇ ✓ Sales and market share decreased temporally due to the preparation for the additional direct sales as well as strategically participating in tenders to secure profitability in Europe ✓ Optimal pricing strategy in the US contributed to securing profitability as well as steady rise in the market share Market share of TruximaⓇ in Europe 2% 18% 31% 38% 39% 40% 36% 37% 36% Market share of TruximaⓇ in the US Volume 34% 27% 19.4Q 20.1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 21.1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 22.1Q TruximaⓇ D Biosimilar Value 29% 29% 27% 17.2Q 4Q 18.2Q 4Q 19.2Q 4Q 20.2Q 4Q 21.2Q 4Q 19.4Q 20.1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 21.1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 22.1Q MabtheraⓇ Truxima a® C Biosimilar TruximaⓇ D Biosimilar Note: market share is based on volume Source Symphony Health Source: IQVIA Investor Relations 2022 9#10Key Business Performance Herzuma ✓ Securing profitability by strategic participation in tenders as a leading HerceptinⓇ biosimilar in Europe ✓ Surpassed the market share of the original in Japan & Increased demands in LATAM boosted sales growth Market share of HerzumaⓇ in Europe 1% 10% Market share of HerzumaⓇ in Japan 19% 16% 15% 15% 14% 14% 25% 19.08 approval of 3-weekly regimen 12% 2% 0% 53% 50% 51% 46% 44% 39% 35% 18.2Q 4Q 19.2Q 4Q 20.2Q 4Q 21.2Q 4Q 19.2Q 3Q 4Q 20.1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 21.1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 40 Herzuma® HerceptinⓇ E Biosimilar F Biosimilar G Biosimilar Note: market share is based on volume Source: IQVIA Herzuma® Note: market share is based on volume Source: IQVIA Herceptin® Investor Relations 2022 10#11Key Business Performance Remsima SC RemsimaⓇ SC prescription have been expanding since its launch in 2020, driving the growth of Infliximab market in Europe ✓ Switching from InflectraⓇ to RemsimaⓇ in EU5 regions including Germany & France, led to the increase of prescriptions of RemsimaⓇ SC M/S Trend of RemsimaⓇ & RemsimaⓇ SC in EU5 Increase of prescription of Remsima® & RemsimaⓇ SC 37% 37% 37% 35% 32% 29% 35% 34% 26% 25% 24% 28% 23% 23% 22% 19% Germany France 4% 11% 15% 22% 34% 23% 17% 15% 41% 26% 8% 66% 54% 5% 4% 37% 36% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0% 20.1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 21.1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q '19 '21 '19 '21 RemsimaⓇ RemsimaⓇ SC Note: market share is based on volume of EU5 region Source: IQVIA Inflectra® RemsimaⓇ SC Remsima' InflectraⓇ ■Remicade® + other biosimilars Note: market share is based on volume Source: IQVIA Investor Relations 2022 11#12Key Business Performance YuflymaⓇ / CT-P16 ✓ YuflymaⓇ, the only low volume & citrate-free Adalimumab biosimilar, started to enter European market in 2022 in earnest ✓ Aiming to launch CT-P16(AvastinⓇ biosimilar) within a year in the US, Europe, and Japan which accounts for 80% of the Bevacizumab market Market size of Adalimumab in EU Global Market size of Bevacizumab 100% 3% 5% 15% 75% 16% 13% 50% 19% EU 42% Adalimumab Market Size $5.0bn 58% 25% 42% ■Low concentration High concentration Note: market size is as of 2021 Source: IQVIA 0% ■HumiraⓇ ■ImraldiⓇ ■ Hulio® AmgevitaⓇ ■HyrimozⓇ Idacio® 15% 24% Global Bevacizumab Market Size $6.0bn 48% ■ US ■ Europe Japan ■ROW Note: market size is as of 2021 Source: IQVIA Investor Relations 2022 12#13Promoting Sales Growth through Distribution Channels Improvement & Portfolio Expansion Improved Distribution Channel (Increased direct-sales %) * Direct-sales% relative to the market size 1% 30% 90% 2016 2022 2025(E) Product Diversification (Portfolio Expansion) 2 >>>> 7 11 *num. of Biologics Investor Relations 2022 13#14Pipeline ✓ Limited competition with post-CT-P16 portfolio ✓ Modest top-line growth is expected to continue by launching at least 1 biological product every year Reference Product Name Manufacturer Drug Global Market size ($bn) US EU RemsimaⓇ SC Celltrion 52.9 In Phase 3 Clinical Trials (Mar.2019~) All Indications Approved (Jul.2020, Pediatric usage non-included) Received European Commission Approval (Feb.2021) Application Submitted (Oct.2021) In Global Phase 3 Clinical Trials (Nov.2020~) YuflymaⓇ (CT-P17) HumiraⓇ (Adalimumab) Application Submitted AbbVie 34.6 (Nov.2020) CT-P16 AvastinⓇ (Bevacizumab) Application Submitted Roche 6.1 (Sep.2021) CT-P42 Eylea® (Aflibercept) Bayer & Regeneron 4.8 CT-P39 XolairⓇ (Omalizumab) Genentech 3.7 CT-P43 StelaraⓇ (Ustekinumab) Johnson & Johnson 14.1 CT-P41 ProliaⓇ (Denosumab) Amgen 5.8 Note: global market size is as of 2021 Source: IQVIA In Global Phase 3 Clinical Trials (Jul.2020~) In Global Phase 3 Clinical Trials (Sep.2020~) In Global Phase 3 Clinical Trials (Jan.2021~) Investor Relations 2022 14#15Appendix HEALTHCARE CELLTRION#16Summary Income Statement (KRW bn) 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21 1Q22 '19 '20 '21 Revenue 356.9 420.3 463.4 387.0 356.3 433.3 409.1 605.8 415.7 1,100.9 1,627.6 1,804.5 Cost of Sales 262.4 292.0 289.4 242.0 274.0 306.1 334.4 459.5 311.4 891.6 1,085.8 1,374.0 Gross Profit 94.5 128.3 174.0 145.0 82.3 127.1 74.7 146.4 104.3 209.3 541.8 430.5 SG&A 38.7 41.4 46.3 53.3 50.8 50.9 52.7 76.7 59.2 126.5 179.7 231.1 Operating Income 55.8 86.8 127.7 91.8 31.5 76.2 22.0 69.7 45.0 82.8 362.1 199.4 (Loss) Non-operating Income 42.4 (18.1) (7.0) (64.5) 3.6 11.8 30.5 (45.9) 16.5 (6.7) (47.2) 0.0 Financial Income 22.8 3.6 3.1 9.2 5.5 4.6 2.2 0.8 4.3 20.0 38.7 13.1 Financial Expenses 7.4 16.9 8.2 1.4 12.5 3.5 18.5 (2.8) 5.0 29.5 33.9 31.7 Other Income 32.5 11.7 7.4 (13.2) 27.0 15.6 51.8 (22.6) 30.9 20.8 38.4 71.8 Other Expenses 5.5 16.5 9.3 59.1 16.4 4.9 5.0 26.9 13.7 18.0 90.4 53.2 Profit before Taxes 98.2 68.7 120.6 27.2 35.0 87.8 52.5 23.0 61.3 75.4 314.7 198.3 Tax Expense (Benefit) 22.0 22.2 34.5 (4.4) 3.5 24.1 11.9 (85.2) 17.7 10.4 74.3 (45.7) Net Profit 76.2 46.4 86.1 31.7 31.5 63.7 40.6 16.8 43.6 65.0 240.4 152.6 Investor Relations 2022 16#17Thank You HEALTHCARE CELLTRION

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