Eutelsat ESG Presentation Deck

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September 2021



#1C EUTELSAT CSR PRESENTATION September 15, 2021#2EUTELSAT AGENDA 1. Introduction 2. CSR Principles 3. CSR in Action 4. Conclusions 2#3GOVERNANCE BASED ON RECOGNISED PRINCIPLES, INVOLVING ALL STAKEHOLDERS Adherence to the principles of the United Nations Global Compact CSR criteria reflected in senior management compensation CSR Committee including three COMEX members meets twice a year to steer the CSR strategy CSR team with two full time officers Dedicated CSR representatives in all the main departments (Technical, Purchasing, Legal, HR, etc.) External audit undertaken by Grant Thornton ▸ EUTELSAT COMPACT UN GLOBALS € 15AM Grant Thornton |3#4STRONG INVOLVEMENT THROUGHOUT THE COMPANY CSR Committee Its role ▶ Steers the company's CSR strategy ► Validates the company's CSR policy ► Promotes CSR practices within the company Its members Three EXCOM members → Human Resources → Technical → Legal Affairs ▸ Internal Audit ► Investor Relations ► Corporate Communications EUTELSAT Buy-in throughout the company Dedicated CSR Team ► Contributors in each of the Group's departments supporting the CSR team in reporting and implementing CSR actions within their teams. → Regional and Group HR managers → Legal Department → International and Institutional Affairs Department → Corporate Communications → Investor Relations → Technical Department → Teleport managers → Purchasing → General Services#5ADHERENCE TO THE UN GLOBAL COMPACT Contributing to Sustainable Development Goals as defined by the UN 4 5 8 9 EDUCATION DE QUALITÉ ÉGALITÉ ENTRE LES SEXES ợ TRAVAIL DÉCENT ET CROISSANCE ÉCONOMIQUE INDUSTRIE. INNOVATION ET INFRASTRUCTURE → Equal opportunities, with access to education for vulnerable people →Gender equality with a strong diversity for women to policy and access management positions. A working environment that promotes the development of its employees → Sustainable, resilient and accessible infrastructure EUTELSAT 10 13 MESURES RELATIVES LA CONTRE LES CHANGEMENTS CLIMATIQUES 16 INÉGALITÉS RÉDUITES 17 PAIX, JUSTICE ET INSTITUTIONS EFFICACES PARTENARIATS POUR LA REALISATION DES OBJECTIFS COMPACT UN GLOBAL different in → Reducing inequalities countries thanks to our efforts to bridge the digital divide → Measures to limit our impact on climate change → Accountable management practices supported by a stringent anti-corruption policy → Technological partnerships in favour of civilian protection CONFIDENTIAL 5#6EUTELSAT AGENDA 1. Introduction 2. CSR Principles 3. CSR in Action 4. Conclusions |6#7AN ALREADY LOW ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT... Comparison of GHG emissions on scope 1 and 2 (TCO2eq) 5 683 EUTELSAT 31 787 ▸ EUTELSAT SES 81 000 GROUPE iliad 630 000 Valeo → FSS industry: low impact on greenhouse gas production for direct emissions → Eutelsat: No factories, no production sites and ~1,200 employees Did you know? Broadcasting video by satellite emits only 0.15g CO2/ hour of viewing Broadcasting video via satellite is approximately 800 times less CO2 intensive than via 4G per hour of viewing Ex Friendly TV | 7#8...BUT WITH A POLICY TO FURTHER REDUCE EMISSIONS Additional measures to reduce the emissions directly attributable to us ► ISO 14001 certification (Madeira teleport and soon Cagliari) Restricted travel policy under LEAP 1 and 2 ▸ Energy audits on Teleports with implementation of measures to reduce consumption → Progressive deployment of passive de-icing systems to avoid heating the antennae in winter → Installation of systems to bring in fresh air from outside ▸ Installation of photovoltaic panels on the Madeira and Caligari teleports ▸ One Move IT, virtualization to reduce the number of servers leading to reduction in electricity consumption EUTELSAT NMENTAL NVIRONME MANAGEMENT GEMENT SYSTEM ISO 14001 |8#9A POLICY BASED ON FOUR CSR OBJECTIVES FOE Bridging the digital divide Pursuing efforts to overcome the "digital divide" in terms of access to information and communication technologies (ICTS), in particular the internet and television broadcasting Protecting the environment and space Protecting the environment and ensuring that space around the Earth remains clean and uncluttered ▸EUTELSAT Promoting diversity and enhancing the attractiveness of the Group as an employer through an appropriate human resources policy TYT Promoting ethics and loyalty in our relationships with our stakeholders |9#10BRIDGING THE DIGITAL DIVIDE Providing Internet access in areas beyond reach of terrestrial networks Coverage of Europe, Africa, Russia and South America ▸ Strengthening in-orbit resources with KONNECT and KONNECT VHTS Launching affordable offers for businesses and consumers ▸ Deploying Wifi hotspots to provide internet connectivity to a wider audience Meeting the specific needs of public policies on digital inclusion (schools, hospitals, etc.) ► Schoolap programme in DRC ► Postal network in Ivory Coast ▸ Wifi Hotspots in partnership with Facebook TÉLÉCOMS SANS FRONTIÈRES Communications for life Engaged in humanitarian relief operations ► Founding member of the UN Crisis Connectivity Charter ► Partnering with Telecom Sans Frontières (crisis cell equipment) and NetHope Eutelsat collaborated with governments in Africa to fight Covid-19 EUTELSAT schoolap educate now... NETHOPE | 10#11EUTELSAT RESPONDS TO HUMANITARIAN EMERGENCIES Facing natural disasters ▸ Eutelsat worked with the World Food Programme in the aftermath of Hurricane Idai in Mozambique and Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas Eutelsat provided terminals to the UN logistics base in Panama for the upcoming hurricane season ► Emergency connectivity for recent earthquake emergency ▸ Satellite industry representative at the Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) Facing the COVID-19 crisis ► Collaboration with the South African government to connect clinics in areas with no digital terrestrial access ► Broadband internet connection supplied all co-ordination offices in charge of the response to COVID-19 in DRC. EUTELSAT TELECOMS SANS FRONTIERES datingt O | 11#12MAINTAINING SPACE CLEAN AND UNCLUTTERED Strong expertise in satellite and operational control: ► ISO 9001 Certification since 2005 Strict compliance with French, European and international standards A Space Debris Mitigation Plan that goes beyond required standards ► Station-keeping operations geostationary orbit satellite repositioning ▶ co-location strategies ► anomaly response inclined orbit and end-of-life operations 01010011010 00000 ISO 9001 210 SPACE DATA poo 10 ASSOCIATION 000 Sharing Eutelsat's policy and practices to improve overall industry impact Member of the Space Data Association: sharing information to reduce interference and collision risks Regular presentations of internal policy and feedback ▸ EUTELSAT 8 | 12#13PROMOTING ETHICS AND LOYALTY Strengthening our Compliance programme under Sapin II Law ▸ Systematic pre-contractual due diligence for all third parties (1,517 Worldcheck checks) Strengthened internal whistle-blowing system outsourced to an independent service provider ▸ Intensified anti-corruption training (100% of the employees trained in 2020) ► Regular monitoring and evaluation of measures by Internal Audit Measures taken to protect personal data: ► Compliance with regulations Establishment of a DPO with an internal network of correspondents within the subsidi ► RGPD training implemented on a large scale (>100 employees) Human rights commitments ► Long-standing adherence to the UN Global Compact ▸ Commitment to leading international conventions ► Incorporation of "human rights" clauses in our contracts EUTELSAT THE LOI SAPIN 2 TYT Transparence, lutte contre la corruption et modernisation de la vie économique GLOBAL COMPACT WE SUPPORT | 13#14PROMOTING DIVERSITY AND EQUALITY A strong diversity policy ► Dedicated Diversity Committee ► Target to increase the proportion of female employees 'Job booster' scheme to accelerate graduate careers Above average Gender Equality Index score of 91/100 Multiple actions to maintain strong attractiveness and strengthen cohesion Emphasis on quality of life at work: new headquarters for greater comfort, collective agreements on teleworking Time Savings Account work- personal life balance, etc. ►'One Eutelsat' programme to reinforce corporate culture Talent retention schemes ► Regular measurement of employee buy-in and satisfaction via 'Bloom at Work' programme JOB BOOSTER RECRUITMENT CAMPAIGN FOR YOUNG GRADUATES ▸EUTELSAT BLOOM AT WORK EUTELSAT O EMI ACC RI RECO TR CO PION F S 200 ON TE eutelsat ONE EUTELSAT ALSEVEN VALUES | 14#15TANGIBLE ACTIONS AND KPIS Bridging the digital divide Fixed broadband revenues of €80m in FY 2020-✔ 21 ✓ Available HTS capacity: around 130 Gbps ✓ Number of free-to-air channels distributed: 2,237 Diversity and equality ✓ Fulfilment index: 8.6/10 ✓ Proportion of women: 34% Number of nationalities in the Group: 49 EUTELSAT Maintaining Space uncluttered and clean De-orbited and passivated satellites: 22 with a 96% success rate ✓ Repositioned satellites: 113 with a 100% success rate R 20 Integrity and Ethics ini ✓ Establishment of a Group DPO ✓ Anti-corruption training: 100% of employees trained in 2020 ✓ Over 1.500 Worldcheck audits in 2020 | 15#16EUTELSAT AGENDA 1. Introduction 2. CSR Principles 3. CSR in Action 4. Conclusions | 16#17ONGOING REINFORCEMENT OF OUR CSR POLICY Longer term aims: Strengthen CSR policy ► Increase weight of CSR objectives in compensation ► Further improve CSR ratings ► Increase CSR awareness throughout the Group Reduce our environmental impact ► Pre-study to evaluate the possibility of implementing Photovoltaïc solar panels at the Rambouillet teleport ► Reinforce our sustainable procurement policy ► Better define our environmental scope EUTELSAT | 17#18REINFORCED CSR OBJECTIVES IN SENIOR MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION CEO remuneration 2021: ► Annual bonus: 33% of qualitative objectives →Bridging the digital divide → Improving the careers of women ISO 14 000 environmental certification of Cagliari Teleport ► Long-term benefits (LTIP): 20% of total → Rise in proportion of women in the workforce ▸ EUTELSAT STIP EVOLUTION ■ ESG criteria 2018 6% 2019 10% 2020 CEO remuneration 2022: ► Annual bonus: 33% of qualitative objectives → Bridging the digital divide: 350 hotspots in Africa → Gender equality index VS SBF120 → Anti-corruption compliance: training ► Long-term benefits (LTIP): 20% of total → Under review LTIP EVOLUTION ■ ESG criteria 2018 20% 2019 20% 2020 | 18#19CONTINUOUSLY IMPROVING EXTRA-FINANCIAL RATING Stronger position within various indices REFINITIV Refinitiv grade of 68/100, ie 39/231 in F the Telecoms sector FTSE Russell Member of the FTSE4Good indices since 2017 with ESG score of 3.9/5 ▸ EUTELSAT CSR policy recognised by ESG rating agencies MSCI vigeiris 58/100 (2020) AA (AAA) (2020) Top 7% of Media & Entertainment sector +10 points compared to 2019 SUSTAINALYTICS 15/100 (2021) Low ESG risk score Top 12% of the global ranking S&P Global ROBECOSAMO We are Sustainability Investing. 30/100 (2019) In line with sector average | 19#20EUTELSAT AGENDA 1. Introduction 2. CSR Principles 3. CSR in Action 4. Conclusion | 20#21TO SUM UP Infinite connectivity e EUTELSAT ▸EUTELSAT Clarity of governance and stakeholder involvement A strategy reflecting the distinctive features of the Group and the industry Initiatives conducted in each of these areas leading to tangible progress based on selected indicators Reinforced CSR criteria in the remuneration of top management Sound scores from extra-financial rating agencies Roadmap for further improvement | 21#22EUTELSAT Ada CONTACT CONFIDENTIAL 22

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