H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation

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#1AmBank Group FOCUS ap AmBank Group H1FY2024 RESULTS (30 SEPTEMBER 2023) INVESTOR PRESENTATION 22 NOVEMBER 2023 ACCELERATING TOMORROW AmBank Group#2GCEO PRESENTATION Dato' Sulaiman Mohd Tahir 3456 H1FY24 Financial snapshot Retail PHRA Loans by stages Outlook for CY2024#3Financial Snapshot (Reported) | H1FY24 Financial snapshot H1FY24 Reported Financials Profitability Income Expenses PBP 2,326 H1FY231: 2,329 Variance Stronger Q2 PATMI; Positive operating leverage; Strengthening CET1; Interim dividend of 6.0 sen • Noll grew 24% from higher fees, trading gains and investment income Partially offset by 7% reduction in NII affected by H1FY24 NIM compression at 1.79% (H1FY23: 2.17%) (1,000) H1FY231: (1,047) (4%) Disciplined cost management, CTI of 43.0% (H1FY23: 45.0%) 1,325 3% H1FY231: 1,282 (RM' mil) (204) Impairment (24%) H1FY231: (267) • Positive JAWS 4% Mainly due to higher impairment from BB and RB, partially offset by WB overlay reversals Net impairment of RM267mil in H1FY23 included Amgen net impairment of RM113mil Stronger Q2 PATMI (RM470 mil) PATMI 848 H1FY231: 837 1% ROE (Annualised) 9.3% H1FY231: 9.9% (0.6%) • ROA: 0.89% 130.8 Assets & Gross Loans Liabilities (RM' bil) Customer Deposits Flat loans growth, primarily from RB and BB FY23: 130.2 135.3 4% • Time Deposits up 13% YTD; CASA ratio 32.2% (FY23: 37.4%) FY23: 130.3 FHC CET12 12.91% 0.40% (with Transitional Arrangements ("TA")) FY23: 12.51% Capital & Liquidity FHC LCR Dividend per share Capital ratios continue to strengthen, FHC CET1 (without TA) = 12.66% (FY23: 12.10%) AMMB group rating upgraded to AA2 from AA3 162.5% 13.3% High liquidity maintained FY23: 149.2% 6.0 sen Interim dividend payout ratio of 23% H1FY23: 6.0 sen 1. H1FY23 P&L numbers are restated following the adoption of MFRS 17 for Insurance Business After deducting proposed dividend 2. AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation 3#4Payment Holiday and Repayment Assistance (PHRA) loans under 6 or 12 months observation period | Retail Banking (RB) PHRA loans Total Retail Banking loans and PHRA by staging (RM' bil) A) Mortgage loans and PHRA by staging (RM' bil) I Of which, PHRA balance¹ Of which, PHRA balance¹ 73.3 1.4, 2% 7.9, 11% 74.0 1.4, 2% 8.2, 11% 46.0 1.0, 2% 4.5, 10% 46.9 1.0, 2% 4.7, 10% 2 7.5 7.0 63.9, 87% 64.3, 0.9, 12% 0.9, 13% 4.8 4.6 87% 3.7, 50% 3.5, 50% 40.5, 88% 41.2, 0.7, 14% 0.6, 14% 88% 2.4, 50% 2.4, 51% 2.9, 38% 2.6, 37% 1.7, 36% 1.6, 35% June'23 Total RB Loans Sept'23 Total RB Loans I June'23 | Total Sept'23 Total I RB PHRA RB PHRA June'23 Mortgage Sept'23 Mortgage June'23 Mortgage PHRA Sept'23 Mortgage PHRA ■Stage 1 Stage 2 ■Stage 3 (GIL) Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 (GIL) B) Auto Financing loans and PHRA by staging (RM' bil) Of which, PHRA balance¹ C) Retail SME loans and PHRA by staging (RM' bil) Of which, PHRA balance¹ 13.9 0.1, 1% 1.4, 10% 14.0 0.1, 1% 1.4, 10% 5.1 5.1 0.2, 5% 0.3, 5% 1.0 1.7 1.5 1.4, 28% 1.5, 29% 0.8 12.4, 89% 12.5, 89% 0.1, 5% 0.1, 5% 0.2, 18% 0.8, 48% 0.7, 48% 0.2, 23% 3.5, 3.3, 0.4, 44% 67% 0.4, 49% 66% 0.8, 47% 0.7, 47% 0.4, 38% 0.2, 28% June'23 Sept'23 June'23 Sept'23 Auto Financing Auto Financing Auto Financing PHRA Auto Financing June'23 Retail SME Sept'23 June'23 Retail Retail Sept'23 Retail SME SME SME PHRA PHRA PHRA ■Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 (GIL) Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 (GIL) 1. 2. AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation PHRA balances consist of active and expired PHRA books under 6 or 12 months of observation Includes RM0.1bil comprising Credit Card balances and Personal Loans 4#51. Loans (Reported) | Loans by stages Loans by ECL Stages (RM' bil) Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Breakdown by Business Segments¹ (%) Stage 1 130.2 129.0 130.8 RB 126.3 124.4 120.1 1.5% 1.7% 1.7% 1.5% 1.6% 1.6% 11.9% 9.7% 9.9% 9.9% BB WB 11.0% 10.2% 91.5% 91.5% 88.9% 88.6% 87.0% 87.2% Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Q1FY24 Q2FY24 88.8% 87.5% 88.2% 88.4% 88.4% Stage 2 86.5% WB BB RB 10.8% 11.1% 9.8% 9.4% 7.7% 7.6% Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Q1FY24 Q2FY24 Gross Loans Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Q1FY24 Q2FY24 (RM'bil) Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Q1FY24 Q2FY24 Stage 1 103.9 108.9 111.4 115.6 114.1 115.6 Stage 3 Stage 2 14.3 13.6 12.9 12.7 12.8 13.0 WB Stage 3 1.9 1.9 2.0 1.9 2.1 2.2 RB BB Total 120.1 124.4 126.3 130.2 129.0 130.8 2.0% 1.9% 1.6% 1.7% 0.8% 0.9% The comparatives have been restated with current business realignment, mainly between Wholesale Banking (WB) and Business Banking (BB) AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Q1FY24 Q2FY24 5#6Market Outlook | Outlook for CY2024 CY Calendar Year GDP Growth 4.0% to 5.0% w www Inflation Malaysia $$$0 -$- Banking Sector AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation Unemployment Rate 2.5% to 3.5% 3.4% USD/MYR Outlook 4.40 to 4.50 Loans Growth 4.0% to 5.0% $ Asset Quality Stable OPR E$$ 3.00% Liquid & Capital Positions Resilient 6#7GCFO PRESENTATION Jamie Ling 7-23 Financial Overview#8Financial Overview | Q2FY24 Financial overview 1 Capital, Liquidity and Funding • Declared interim dividend of 6.0 sen per share, interim dividend payout ratio of 23% 2 • CET1 at 12.91%, TCR at 16.56%. Without TA, CET1 at 12.66%, TCR at 16.38% Highly liquid (FHC LCR of 162.5%, LDR 96.7%) Q2FY24 Reported Results (QoQ) - - Income of RM1,124mil, fell 7% QoQ NII of RM846mil, up 5%. Reported NIM of 1.82% (Q1FY24: 1.76%) Noll at RM278mil, fell 29% mainly due to lower trading and investment income Expenses fell 3% QoQ to RM493mil, CTI at 43.8% (Q1FY24: 42.2%) • PBP fell 9% QoQ to RM631mil • Net impairment charge is lower at RM13mil (Q1FY24: RM190mil). Total overlay reserves carried forward RM314mil (Q1FY24: RM362mil): AmBank Group Q2FY24 QoQ Change 99 (90) 102 (38) (139) 290 61 (229) (100) (48) 52 190 13 (177) Charge/ (writeback) Impairment (excl. overlays and Q1FY24 188 forward looking provisions) Forward looking provisions Impairment (excl. overlays) Overlays Net Impairment Q2FY24 reported PATMI at RM470mil (Q1FY24: RM378mil); Continuing PATMI stood at RM470mil (Q1FY24: RM352mil) H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation 80#9Financial Overview (Reported) | H1FY24 Performance summary - P&L P&L (RM' mil) Q1FY24 Q2FY24 QoQ Change H1FY231 H1FY24 YoY Change Total Income 1,202 1,124 (7%) 2,329 2,326 22 NII 809 846 5% 1,787 1,654 (7%) NOII 393 278 (29%) 542 671 24% MFRS 17 restatement impact (17) Expenses (508) (493) (3%) (1,047) (1,000) (4%) PBP 694 631 (9%) 1,282 1,325 3% Net Impairment PBT (190) (13) (93%) (267) (204) (24%) 504 618 23% 1,015 1,122 11% PAT 403 470 16% 778 873 12% -Profit from Continuing Operations² 352 470 33% 844 822 (3%) - Profit from Discontinued Operation³ PATMI 51 N/A (66) 51 >100% 378 470 24% 837 848 1% - PATMI from Continuing Operations² -PATMI from Discontinued Operation³ 352 470 33% 844 822 (3%) 26 N/A (7) 26 >100% Financial Indicators Q1FY24 Q2FY24 QoQ Change H1FY231 H1FY24 YoY Change CTI 42.2% 43.8% 1.6% 45.0% 43.0% (2.0%) NIM 1.76% 1.82% 0.06% 2.17% 1.79% (0.38%) ROE (Annualised) 8.3% 10.1% 1.8% 9.9% 9.3% (0.6%) Basic EPS (sen)4 11.44 14.20 24.1% 25.29 25.65 1.4% Net Assets per Share (RM)5 5.59 5.60 0.1% 5.19 5.60 7.9% 1. H1FY23 P&L numbers are restated following the adoption of MFRS 17 for Insurance Business 2. 3. 4. Continuing operations comprised Banking operations and Insurance. Insurance mainly consists of Life Insurance (as JV) and General Insurance (as associate from August'22 onwards) Discontinued operation in H1FY23 and Q1FY24/H1FY24 comprised General Insurance as subsidiary from April'22 to July'22 and RM51m gain from AmGen divestment completion respectively Computed based on weighted average number of shares 5. Computed based on number of ordinary shares issued at period end (excludes treasury shares) AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation 9#10Financial Overview (Reported) | H1FY24 Performance summary - Balance Sheet Balance Sheet (RM' bil) Q1FY24 Q2FY24 QoQ Change FY23 H1FY24 YTD Change Gross Loans 129.0 130.8 1% 130.2 130.8 ≈2 GIL 1.66% 1.65% (0.01%) 1.46% 1.65% 0.20% LLC (include Reg Reserves) 115.6% 109.2% (6.4%) 127.7% 109.2% (18.5%) LLC (exclude Reg Reserves) 107.5% 96.2% (11.3%) 116.5% 96.2% (20.3%) Customer Deposits 130.3 135.3 4% 130.3 135.3 4% -Time deposits / Fixed Deposits 90.7 91.8 1% 81.5 91.8 13% - CASA 39.6 43.5 10% 48.8 43.5 (11%) CASA Mix 30.4% 32.2% 1.8% 37.4% 32.2% (5.3%) Capital Indicators (without TA)¹ Q1FY24 Q2FY24 QoQ Change FY23 H1FY24 YTD Change FHC CET1 12.59% 12.66% 0.07% 12.10% 12.66% 0.56% FHC Tier 1 12.59% 12.66% 0.07% 12.10% 12.66% 0.56% FHC Total Capital 16.33% 16.38% 0.05% 15.47% 16.38% 0.91% Liquidity Ratios Q1FY24 Q2FY24 QoQ Change FY23 H1FY24 YTD Change FHC LCR 170.0% 162.5% (7.5%) 149.2% 162.5% 13.3% LDR² 99.0% 96.7% (2.3%) 99.9% 96.7% (3.3%) NSFR³ 104.3% 106.9% 2.6% 107.3% 106.9% (0.4%) 1. After deducting proposed dividend 2. 3. Loan-to-Deposit (LDR) refers to Gross Loans divided by Customer Deposits Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) refers to Total Available Stable Funding divided by Required Stable Funding AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation 10 10#11Group P&L | P&L walk YoY Growth 837 7 844 (5%) 36% 3% ▲ 6% 2% 32% (3%) (3%) (3%) >100% ▲ 1% 165 26 848 7 822 (90) (54) (50) Reported PATMI H1FY23 Discont'd PATMI Cont'd PATMI H1FY23 Net Interest Income Non-Interest Income Total Income Expenses PBP Impairment PBT Tax & Zakat Cont'd PATMI H1FY24 Discont'd PATMI Reported PATMI H1FY24 Positive growth in H1FY24 Contraction in H1FY24 Continuing NII NOII Operations H1FY24 1,654 620 H1FY23 1,744 455 Total Income 2,274 2,200 Tax and Expenses PBP Impairment PBT Zakat Cont'd PATMI Discont'd Reported (1,000) 1,274 (946) 1,253 (204) (154) 1,071 (248) 822 PATMI 26 PATMI 848 1,100 (255) 844 (7) 837 Continuing PATMI by Lines of Business (YoY) Effective Continuing Noll % CTI Tax Rate H1FY24 27.3% 44.0% 23.0% H1FY23 20.7% 43.0% 23.1% 23% (21%) 19% RB 6% IB -5% Others (>100%) 3% Insurance >100% 1 ▼(18%) 25% BB Cont'd PATMI RM822mil (3%) 8 AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation 52% WB ▲ 18% 1. Insurance comprised Liberty Insurance Berhad (LIB), AmMet Life and AmMet Life Takaful. The results of LIB (associate) has been equity accounted from 1 August 2022 onwards. 11#12Income | Stable income growth YoY Business Segments Q1FY24 Q2FY24 QoQ Change H1FY23¹ H1FY24 YoY Change (RM' mil) Wholesale Banking 334 247 (26%) 546 580 6% Investment Banking 91 82 (10%) 149 173 16% Retail Banking 465 495 6% 926 960 4% Business Banking 269 286 6% 500 555 11% Group Funding & Others (17) (3) 84% 90 (20) (>100%) Banking Income 1,142 1,106 (3%) 2,210 2,248 2% Insurance 9 17 87% (11) 27 >100% Total Income - Continuing 1,151 1,124 (2%) 2,200 2,274 3% Total Income - Reported 1,202 1,124 (7%) 2,329 2,326 Total Income trend (RM'mil) 1. I 2,329 2,326 2,274 2,200 542 455 671 620 1,153 1,176 1,165 1,202 1,151 1,124 1,035 289 253 251 393 204 342 278 I 1,787 I 1,744 1,654 1,654 I 863 831 923 913 809 809 846 Reported Cont'd Q1FY23 Q1FY23 Net Interest Income Reported Cont'd Q2FY23 Q2FY23 Reported Cont'd Q1FY24 Q1FY24 Reported/Cont'd Q2FY24 ■Non-Interest Income H1FY23 P&L numbers are restated following the adoption of MFRS 17 for Insurance Business AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation I Reported Cont'd H1FY23 H1FY23 Reported Cont'd H1FY24 H1FY24 12#13NIM | NIM compression moderating Net Interest Margin (NIM) Movement (QoQ) bps 176 Q1FY24 Reported 0.7 Divisions (1.6) (0.1) (0.6) 1.5 Funding + Deposits YoY NIM H1FY24: Reported: 1.79% ( H1FY23: (38bps)) Reported: 2.17% 0.9 6.1 Reported: ▲ 6bps 182 Retail Banking Wholesale Banking Investment Banking Business Banking Asset mix Interbank/Group Funding Deposits Q2FY24 Reported Positive growth in Q2FY24 NIM Trend Contraction in Q2FY24 Gross Yield 3.72% 3.68% 3.73% COF 3.65% NIM 4.87% 4.49% 4.62% 4.70% 4.07% 3.80% 3.13% 3.24% 2.97% 2.55% 2.08% 2.03% 2.09% 2.00% 2.12% 2.15% 1.82% 2.12% 2.13% 1.84% 1.84% 1.82% 1.84% 1.86% 1.84% 1.76% Q1FY22 Q2FY22 Q3FY22 % (Jun 2021) (Sep 2021) (Dec 2021) Q4FY22 (Mar 2022) Q1FY23 Q2FY23 (Jun 2022) (Sep 2022) Q3FY23 (Dec 2022) Q4FY23 (Mar 2023) Q1FY24 (Jun 2023) Q2FY24 (Sep 2023) Net interest spread 1.88 1.84 1.90 1.81 1.94 1.92 1.94 1.65 1.57 1.63 OPR 1.75 1.75 AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation 1.75 1.75 2.00 2.50 2.75 2.75 3.00 3.00 13#14Noll | Strong Treasury & Markets, Investment Banking and Insurance performance Composition 1% 4% 22% 21% 8% 4% 10% 13% 5% 6% 4% 2% 100% YoY Growth ▼(47%) ▲ 6% >100% 15% ▲ 10% ▼ (6%) ▲ 17% ▲ 12% ▲ 85% ▲ 5% ▲ >100% ▲ 69% ▲ 36% (41%) ▲ 24% 542 76 16 455 1 (87) (8) 51 671 37 5 620 17 5 9 9 14 2 (2) Reported Noll H1FY23 Discont'd Noll Cont'd Noll H1FY23 Corporate Transaction Banking Banking GTM Business Banking Wealth Mgt Cards Other retail products Fund Mgt Debt markets, CF & ECM Other IB biz Insurance (General Others & Life) Cont'd Noll H1FY24 Discont'd Noll Reported Noll H1FY24 Positive growth in H1FY24 Contraction in H1FY24 H1FY23 Noll H1FY24 Noll Continuing Noll Corp Transaction Banking Banking GTM Business Wealth Banking Mgt Cards Other retail products Debt Fund Mgt markets, Insurance Other IB Cont'd Discont'd Reported (General & Others biz Noll Noll Noll CF & ECM Life) H1FY24 9 24 135 132 47 27 59 82 31 35 26 13 620 51 671 H1FY23 17 23 59 114 42 29 51 73 17 33 (11) 8 455 87 542 Wholesale: 70% AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation Retail: 9% Investment: ▲ 20% 14#15Expenses | Positive JAWs, Reported CTI 43.0% Business Segments Q1FY24 Q2FY24 QoQ Change H1FY23 H1FY24 YoY Change (RM' mil) Wholesale Banking 75 78 4% 138 154 11% Investment Banking 52 55 5% 98 108 10% Retail Banking 274 272 (1%) 508 546 7% Business Banking 81 90 11% 154 171 11% Group Funding & Others 25 (3) (>100%) 43 22 (49%) Banking Expenses 508 493 (3%) 941 1,000 6% Insurance 0 5 0 (99%) Total Expenses - Continuing 508 493 (3%) 946 1,000 6% Total Expenses - Reported 508 493 (3%) 1,047 1,000 (4%) Expense Walk (YoY Movement) (RM'mil) Expense (RM'mil) and CTI Trend (%) Expenses CTI Positive P&L impact in H1FY24 Negative P&L impact in H1FY24 1,047 10 1 13 1,000 33 (3) 946 (101) I' RPTD H1FY23 47.2% 45.3% 45.0% 44.1% 43.8% 44.0% 42.8% 43.0% 43.0% 42.2% 41.0% I 1,047 1,000 1,000 946 544 504 508 508 469 478 493 I T I Discont'd Expenses Cont'd H1FY23 Staff cost Compu- terisation cost & Amortisation Admin & General Sales & Marketing Others H1FY24 RPTD Cont'd Q1FY23 Q1FY23 RPTD Cont'd Q2FY23 Q2FY23 Q1FY24 Cont'd Q1FY24 RPTD/Cont'd Q2FY24 RPTD Cont'd H1FY23 H1FY23 RPTD Cont'd H1FY24 H1FY24 RPTD Reported AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation 15#16PBP & PAT | Positive operating leverage Business Segments Q1FY24 Q2FY24 QoQ Change H1FY23¹ H1FY24 YoY Change (RM' mil) Wholesale Banking 259 168 (35%) 408 427 5% Investment Banking 38 27 (30%) 51 65 27% Retail Banking 191 223 17% 417 414 (1%) Business Banking 188 196 4% 346 384 11% Group Funding & Others (42) (0) 100% 47 (42) (>100%) Banking PBP 634 614 (3%) 1,269 1,248 (2%) Insurance 9 17 86% (16) 26 >100% Total PBP-Continuing 643 631 (2%) 1,253 1,274 2% Total PBP-Reported 694 631 (9%) 1,282 1,325 3% PBP -РАТ 609 I 673 687 566 425 458 I 387 403 353 352 694 643 631 470 1,325 I 1,282 1,253 1,274 873 844 822 778 Reported Q1FY23 Cont'd Q1FY23 Reported Q2FY23 Cont'd Q2FY23 Reported Q1FY24 Cont'd Q1FY24 Reported/Cont'd Reported Q2FY24 H1FY23 Cont'd H1FY23 Reported H1FY24 Cont'd H1FY24 1. Q1FY23/Q2FY23/H1FY23 P&L numbers are restated following the adoption of MFRS 17 for Insurance Business AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation 16#17Loans | Flat loans growth Gross Loans Movement (RM' bil) Breakdown by rate sensitivity: Fixed rate 21% Variable rate -79% Breakdown by concept: Islamic - 35% Conventional - 65% Breakdown by customers' type: ROA: ROTA: Retail -55% 0.89% 0.89% Non-retail 45% YTD Growth (7%) 1% 3% 5% 5% (11%) (1%) ▲ 2% 12 Composition 15% 27% 36% 11% 2% 4% 4% 1% 100% 0.7 0.2 130.2 1.5 0.0 130.8 0.5 (0.8) (0.0) (1.5) Gross loans trend (RM'bil) H1FY24 FY23 FY22 YTD Growth Industry 130.8 ≈3 2%1 130.2 9% 5%² 120.0 6% 5%2 FY23 Wholesale Banking Business Banking Mortgage Auto Financing Cards Personal Financing Retail SME Investment Banking & others H1FY24 & others Retail: 2% Positive growth in H1FY24 Contraction in H1FY24 12 1. Based on BNM data from end Mar'23 to end Sep'23 2. Based on BNM data and in accordance with AMMB's financial period AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation 17#18Asset Quality | Higher impairment charges in BB and RB Net Impairment (YoY Movement) (RM'mil) 266.9 153.7 123.0 (113.2) (30.7) 20.7 86.8 45.3 135.5 350.6 (55.6) (5.0) Overlay: Q1FY24: (99.6) Q2FY24: (47.5) 203.5 (147.1) Reported H1FY23 Discont'd impairment Cont'd H1FY23 Overlay charge H1FY23 H1FY23 Before Overlay H1FY23 ECL Stage 1 & 2 ECL stage 3 Individual Allowances Recoveries Commitment & Contingencies Others Before Overlay H1FY24 Overlay write-back H1FY24 Reported H1FY24 Positive P&L impact in H1FY24 Negative P&L impact in H1FY24 Gross Impaired Loans (RM'mil) and Loan Loss Coverage (LLC) Ratios Credit Cost and New Impaired Loans Formation AmBank Group FY21 FY22 FY23 H1FY234 H1FY244 1 Retail Business Wholesale GIL Ratio ⚫LLC (incl RR) LLC (excl RR) Gross Credit cost² 1.12% 0.46% 0.56% 0.46% 0.54% (excl. recoveries) (%) 139.2% 124.1% 127.7% 122.6% Net credit cost² (%) 0.81% 0.26% 0.32% 0.22% 0.34% 109.2% 133.1% 124.1% 116.5% 114.2% 96.2% Net credit cost (%) (excl. overlay³) 0.44% 0.39% 0.27% 0.17% 0.56% 1.65% 1.57% 1.52% 1.46% 1.40% New Impaired Loans (RM'mil) 990 1,357 1,961 1,109 1,442 2,164 1,896 1,892 1,770 169 1,676 107 264 589 448 1. Includes Regulatory Reserve (RR) of NIL (FY21), RM103m (FY22), RM212m (FY23), RM159m (H1FY23) and RM281m (H1FY24) 628 517 352 2. Computed based on gross and net loan loss allowances (FS Note A23) 3. 260 266 Overlay charges/(write-backs) of RM412m (FY21), -RM160m (FY22), RM68m (FY23), RM31m (H1FY23) and -RM147m (H1FY24) 1,342 1,276 1,405 4. Annualised credit cost 882 893 FY21 FY22 FY23 H1FY23 H1FY24 AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation 18#19Asset Quality | Vigilant monitoring of sector exposures Impaired Loans by Sector Loans by Internal Risk Grade Strong Very Strong Mar'23 Jun'23 Sep'23 Sector Composition RM' mil RM' mil RM' mil YTD Movement QoQ Movement Loans outstanding Satisfactory Moderate Marginal Substandard Impaired Bonds & Loans outstanding 2% 2% Agriculture 7 7 7 0% 4% Mining and 12% 43 58 52 3% 21% (11%) quarrying 21% 8% Manufacturing 215 271 287 13% 33% 6% Oil & Gas: RM4.5bil Oil & Gas: ~ 3% of total RM5.8bil Electricity, gas and 16% 47 48 50 3% 6% 5% gross loans water 64% 75% Construction 172 178 157 7% (9%) (12%) Wholesale, retail trade, hotels and 213 239 314 15% 47% 32% restaurants 3% Transport, storage 24 25 26 1% 9% 4% and communication 20% Finance and 11 9 8 0% (25%) (2%) insurance Real estate 11 34 40 Business activities 44 50 47 10 47 2% >100% 17% Construction: RM4.4bil ~ 3% of total gross loans 43% 2% 7% (7%) 34% Education and 12 23 health 22 22 1% 82% (8%) Household of which: 1,096 1,197 1,154 53% 5% (4%) - Residential 8% 842 916 887 41% 5% (3%) Properties - Transport Vehicles 115 118 114 5% (1%) (3%) 31% - Others 139 163 153 7% 10% (6%) gross loans Real Estate: RM7.8bil ~ 6% of total 61% Total 1,896 2,139 2,164 100% 14% 1% AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation 19#20Deposits | Highly liquid Deposits (RM' bil) CASA (RM' bil) and CASA Composition (%) Customer Deposits Trend YTD Growth Industry CASA Trend H1FY24 135.3 4% 1%1 H1FY24 FY23 130.3 6% 5%² FY23 FY22 122.6 2% 5%2 FY22 Non-Retail CASA Non-Retail FD Retail CASA Retail FD AmBank Group Deposits Market Share (%) YTD Growth Industry 43.5 (11%) 1%¹ 48.8 13% (2%)² 43.1 21% 6%2 Retail CASA Non-Retail CASA CASA mix (%) 32.6% 32.9% 5.9% 32.2% 5.7% 5.7% 5.5% 5.5% 5.4% 135.3 130.3 130.3 124.3 121.4 121.0 39.6 39.8 40.0 23.5 24.9 20.8 20.4 21.4 21.3 43.5 49.8 49.2 20.4 21.3 21.4 45.0 46.3 43.1 19.2 18.6 18.6 23.9 18.8 20.0 37.4% 32.2% 30.4% 48.8 43.5 39.6 24.9 23.5 20.8 23.9 19.2 18.6 18.6 18.8 20.0 35.6 38.1 39.4 38.0 40.9 42.6 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Q1FY24 Q2FY24 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Q1FY24 Q2FY24 FD 81.8 81.2 84.4 81.5 90.7 91.8 (RM'bil) Retail Retail CASA Mix 48.5% 46.6% 46.6% 49.0% 47.4% 46.0% Deposits 45.1% 46.8% 46.7% 47.5% 45.8% 46.2% Mix a 22 1. Based on BNM data from end Mar'23 to end Sep'23 2. Based on BNM data and in accordance with AMMB's financial period AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation 20 20#21Capital | Stronger capital position, interim dividend payout ratio of 23% RWA/Total Assets FHC Capital Adequacy Ratios² RM' bil 1 Total Assets RWA/Total Assets Peers 66.7% 67.4% 62.7% CET 1/Tier 1 Total CAR 16.38% 16.56% 63.6% 15.80% 15.18% 15.47% 15.32% 15.65% 14.14% 14.48% 58.1% 56.8% 54.9% 55.2% 12.44% 11.65% 12.10% 12.66% 10.42% 11.33% 12.20% 12.51% 12.91% 197.4 194.5 170.2 174.8 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 H1FY24 FY21 FY22 FY23 H1FY24 FY21 FY22 FY23 1. Based on an average RWA/ Total Assets of 7 domestic banks as at June 2023 FHC CET1 (QoQ Movement) H1FY24 without TA 2. After deducting proposed dividends Positive growth in Q2FY24 Contraction in Q2FY24 0.39% 12.88% 0.01% 12.82% (0.06%) 12.59% (0.29%) (0.11%) with TA 0.25% 12.91% 12.66% (0.16%) Q1FY24 (with TA) TA Q1FY24 (without TA) Profit for Q2FY24 Transfer to Reg reserve from RE RWA³ Others Q2FY24 (without TA) Proposed Interim Q2FY24 (without TA Dividend after proposed dividend) 3. Credit RWA: -0.19%; Market RWA: 0.09%; Operational & Other RWA: -0.01% AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation TA Q2FY24 (with TA after proposed dividend) 21#22Summary | H1FY24 Summary SOLID FOUNDATION CREDIT PROFILE OPERATING LEVERAGE PROJECTS 8 $ Divestment of Life Insurance Improved capital ratios, AMMB Group rating upgraded Tax deduction boost in Q3 Partial NPL write- offs against existing overlays and assessing additional provisions to cover portfolio vulnerabilities Reviewing capitalised software and technology assets as part of the new investment horizon FIRB Interim dividend of 6.0 sen per share, 23% dividend payout ratio for H1FY24 AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation 22 22#23Appendix | Appendix: P&L - Continuing & Discontinued Operations Financial Effects post Disposal (Year-on-Year) H1FY23 H1FY24 YoY Movement RM'mil Reported (A) + (B) Cont'd Ops (A) Discont'd Op (B) Reported (A) + (B) Cont'd Ops Discont'd Op Reported (A) (B) Continuing Operations Discontinued Operation Income - NII - NOII 2,329 2,200 130 2,326 2,274 51 3% (61%) 1,787 1,744 42 1,654 1,654 (7%) (5%) (100%) 542 455 87 671 620 51 552 24% 36% (41%) Expenses (1,047) (946) (101) (1,000) (1,000) (4%) 6% (100%) PBP 1,282 1,253 28 1,325 1,274 51 3% 2% 81% (Impairment) / Writeback (267) (154) (113) (204) (204) (24%) 32% (100%) PBT 1,015 1,100 (85) 1,122 1,071 PAT 778 844 (66) 873 822 PATMI 837 844 (7) 848 822 ཁྐྲ; 11% (3%) >100% 12% (3%) >100% 1% (3%) >100% CTI 45.0% 43.0% 78.2% 43.0% 44.0% N/A (2.0%) (1.0%) N/A Financial Effects post Disposal (Quarter-on-Quarter) Q1FY24 Q2FY24 QoQ Movement RM'mil Reported (A) + (B) Cont'd Ops (A) Discont'd Op (B) Reported (A) + (B) Cont'd Ops (A) Discont'd Op (B) Reported Continuing Operations Discontinued Operation Income 1,202 1,151 51 1,124 1,124 (7%) (2%) N/A - NII 809 809 846 846 5% 5% N/A - NOII 393 342 52 51 278 278 (29%) (19%) N/A Expenses (508) (508) 1 (493) (493) (3%) (3%) N/A PBP 694 643 51 631 631 (9%) (2%) N/A (Impairment)/Writeback (190) (190) (13) (13) (93%) (93%) N/A PBT 504 453 51 618 618 23% 37% N/A PAT 403 352 51 470 470 16% 33% N/A PATMI 378 352 26 470 470 24% 33% N/A CTI 42.2% 44.1% N/A 43.8% 43.8% (1.6%) (0.3%) N/A AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation 23#24THANK YOU#25H1FY24 Results (Reported) | Reported yearly performance (LATMI) / PATMI (RM' mil) & ROE (%)¹ PATMI: ROE: YoY Growth ▲ 1.3% YoY Growth (0.6%) 9.3% 9.8% 9.9% 9.3% 1,503 1,701 837 848 FY21 FY22 FY23 H1FY23 H1FY24 (3,826) -20.2% Cost to Income Ratio and Expenses Growth (%)¹ Expenses YoY Growth 46.8% CTI CTI Avg improvement (1.1%) (FY21-FY23) 44.9% Expenses: CAGR FY21-FY23 (0.8%) 44.7% 45.0% 43.0% 3.9% 1.1% 0.3% -1.8% FY21 1. AmBank Group FY22 FY23 Total Income (RM' mil) and Non-interest Income (%)¹ Total Income: CAGR FY21-FY23: YoY Growth 1.7% 22 Total Income Non-Interest Income % 36% 30% 29% 25% 23% 4,552 4,665 4,704 2,329 2,326 FY21 FY22 FY23 H1FY23 H1FY24 ROA (%) and EPS (Basic)¹ ROA: EPS: YoY Growth ▲ 0.01% YoY Growth A 1.4% EPS ROA 0.94% 0.90% 0.88% 0.89% 45.54 52.41 25.29 25.65 FY21 FY22 FY23 H1FY23 H1FY24 -4.5% (127.22) H1FY23 H1FY24 H1FY23 & FY23 P&L numbers are restated following the adoption of MFRS 17 for Insurance Business H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation -2.24% 25#26Asset Quality | (Impairments) / Recoveries Net (Impairments) / Recoveries and GIL Ratio Total impairments by category (RM' mil) ECL Stage 1 & 2 / CP - Non defaulted1 ECL Stage 3/CP - Defaulted Individual Provisions 6 19 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 (55) Q4FY23 Q1FY24 Q2FY24 QoQ Change H1FY23 H1FY24 YoY Change 17 (31) 98 >100% 24 67 >100% (125) (155) (167) (141) (174) (150) (14%) (279) (325) 16% (12) (20) (66) (41) (52) (67) 31% (32) (119) >100% Recoveries 71 83 68 88 69 65 (5%) 154 134 (13%) Other Provisions2,3 (6) (15) 71 26 (2) 42 >100% (21) 40 >100% Total net impairments - Continuing (66) (88) (149) (51) (190) (13) Total net impairments - Reported (64) (203) (149) (51) (190) (13) (93%) (154) (93%) (204) (267) (204) 32% (24%) Total impairments by divisions (RM' mil) Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Q1FY24 Q2FY24 QoQ Change H1FY23 H1FY24 YoY Change Wholesale Banking Investment Banking 13 43 (8) (15) 49 74 52% 56 124 >100% 0 (1) 0 (0) (0) 0 >100% (1) 0 >100% Retail Banking (38) (121) (85) (58) (127) (83) (34%) (159) (210) 32% Business Banking (11) (10) (112) 23 (114) (4) (97%) (21) (117) >100% Group Funding & Others³ (30) 1 56 (1) 1 (1) >100% (29) 1 >100% Total net impairment - Continuing (66) (88) (149) (51) (190) (13) (93%) (154) (204) 32% Total net impairment - Reported (64) (203) (149) (51) (190) (13) (93%) (267) (204) (24%) GIL Ratio4 Wholesale Banking Retail Banking Business Banking Group Industry 1. Includes overlay and forward-looking provision 2. Includes trade & sundry debtors and provision for contingencies 3. Excludes AmGen's net impairment of -RM2.0 (Q1FY23) and RM115.2m (Q2FY23) 4. FY23 numbers have been restated with current business realignment, mainly between Wholesale Banking (WB) and Business Banking (BB) 1.35% Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 1.72% 1.32% 1.27% 0.50% 0.83% 0.85% 1.71% 1.82% 1.87% 1.85% 1.97% 1.90% 1.20% 1.09% 1.30% 1.59% 1.68% 1.55% 1.52% 1.62% 1.46% 1.66% 1.65% 1.81% 1.82% 1.72% 1.74% 1.76% 1.72% Q4FY23 Q1FY24 Q2FY24 QoQ Change YoY Change 0.02% (0.47%) (0.07%) 0.08% 0.09% 0.59% (0.01%) 0.13% (0.04%) (0.10%) AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation 26#27Divisional Performance#28Wholesale Banking | Wholesale Banking Total Income (YoY Movement) and Assets by Line of Business PAT Trend (RM' mil) 27% Transaction Banking 19% Total Income RM580 mil 6% Transaction Banking 3% Corporate Banking 24% Total Assets Group Treasury & RM81.8bil Markets 73% Group Treasury & Markets 53% Corporate Banking 28% 16% (4%) 1. FY23 numbers have been restated with current business realignment, mainly between Wholesale Banking (WB) and Business Banking (BB) AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation QoQ Growth: YoY Growth: 152 209 FY23: 671 168 142 237 H1FY24: 425 188 ilili Q1FY23¹ Q2FY23¹ Q3FY23¹ Q4FY23¹ Q1FY24 Q2FY24 Corporate Banking Loan Disbursement and Repayment ■Disbursement ■Repayment (21%) 18% Disbursement QoQ Mvmt: *Disbursement YoY Mvmt: Repayment QoQ Mvmt: *Repayment YoY Mvmt: >100% (55%) 81% 2% 1 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY231 Q4FY23¹ Q1FY24 Q2FY24 28 *Note: YoY mvmt - H1FY24 vs H1FY23#29Wholesale Banking | Wholesale Banking Income Statement YoY Growth 361 (8%) ▲ 70% 6% 11% 5% >100% ▲ 19% 22% 18% (35) 69 (16) 67 425 (22) RM' mil Net Interest Income Non-Interest Income Total Income Expenses PBP Recoveries PBT Tax Expenses PAT H1FY24 412 168 580 (154) 427 124 550 (125) 425 H1FY23 447 99 546 (138) 408 56 464 (103) 361 (Restated)¹ H1FY24 PAT H1FY23 PAT Positive growth in H1FY24 Contraction in H1FY24 Balance Sheet (RM' mil/%) Key Ratios FY23 H1FY24 Gross Loans/Financing FY23 (Restated)¹ 21,345 YTD Change H1FY24 YTD Change (Restated)¹ GIL Ratio 0.50% 0.85% 0.35% 19,816 (7%) CTI 26.2% 26.5% 0.2% Gross Impaired Loans 107 169 58% Loan Loss Coverage 512.7% 250.7% (>100.0%) Customer Deposits 43,145 46,925 9% ROA 0.88% 1.01% 0.13% CASA 10,698 10,597 (1%) CASA Mix 24.8% 22.6% (2.2%) 1. FY23 numbers have been restated with current business realignment, mainly between Wholesale Banking (WB) and Business Banking (BB) AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation 29 29#30Investment Banking | Investment Banking League Table Market Share¹ As At 30 September 2023 Rank² DCM (Overall MYR Bonds) Islamic Sukuk 15.0% 4 12.3% 4 Unit Trust 7.5% 5 PAT Trend (RM' mil) Stockbroking³ 7.2% 5 ▶> 23 18 M&A³ Fund Raising³ 19.9% 1 7.1% 3 (non-DCM) 1. Calendar Year data 2. Comparing rank movement with 30 June 2023 3. Rank by value Fund Management - AUM (RM' bil) 47.9 47.6 47.8 48.3 42.1 FY20 AmBank Group FY21 FY23: 91 28 22 22 QoQ Growth: YoY Growth: (28%) 23% 29 H1FY24: 50 21 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Q1FY24 Q2FY24 Private Banking - AUM (RM' bil) 10.3 9.8 10.1 9.2 7.9 FY22 FY23 H1FY24 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation I I I I T I I H1FY24 30#31Investment Banking | Investment Banking Income Statement YoY Growth (4%) 20% 16% 10% 27% >100% 29% 53% 23% 41 (1) 24 (10) 1 50 (5) RM' mil Net Interest Income Non-Interest Income Total Income Expenses PBP H1FY24 25 148 173 (108) 65 Recoveries/ (Impairment) 0 PBT Tax Expenses PAT 65 55 (15) 50 H1FY23 26 123 149 (98) 51 (1) 51 (10) 41 H1FY24 PAT H1FY23 PAT Positive growth in H1FY24 Contraction in H1FY24 Balance Sheet (RM' mil/%) Key Ratios FY23 H1FY24 YTD Change FY23 H1FY24 YTD Change Gross Loans/Financing 2,382 2,416 1% CTI 64.4% 62.3% (2.1%) Share Margin Financing 1,661 1,716 3% ROA 3.13% 3.17% 0.04% Customer Deposits 955 1,199 26% Average AUM¹ 57,176 58,278 2% CASA 136 139 3% CASA Mix 1. Inclusive of Private Banking 14.2% 11.6% (2.6%) AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation 31#32Retail Banking | Retail Banking Total Income (YoY Movement) and Loans by Line of Business PAT Trend (RM' mil) Total Income 4% RM 960 mil QoQ Growth: YoY Growth: >100% (21%) (9%) 11% Wealth 5% Retail SME 38% 8% >100% (44%) Others 8% Mortgage 11% (18%) Persona Financing Retail SME 7% Auto Financing 10% Cards 7% 4% Auto Financing 19% Total Loans Mortgage RM74.0 bil 63% Cards 13% Deposits 43% AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation Personal Financing 2% (41%) 125 FY23: 409 H1FY24: 156 71 122 91 49 107 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Q1FY24 Q2FY24 22 32#33Retail Banking | Retail Banking Wealth Sales (RM' mil) FY23: 1,899 Merchant Volume QoQ Growth: YoY Growth: 34 34 35% 56% Merchant volume (RM'mil) Merchants in force ('000) QoQ Growth: QoQ Growth: 6% YoY Growth: 1% YoY Growth: ≈2 (1%) 35 34 34 34 H1FY24: 1,269 730 FY23: 15,367 H1FY24: 7,844 4,040 3,945 3,870 3,844 3,804 3,708 563 524 539 433 379 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Q1FY24 Q2FY24 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Q1FY24 Q2FY24 Credit Cards Mortgage and Auto Finance Quarterly Disbursements Cards in circulation ('000) New cards issued ('000) Cards in circulation QoQ Growth: *Cards in circulation YoY Growth: New cards issued QoQ Growth: *New cards issued YoY Growth: 1% 9% (9%) (3%) ■Mortgage Auto Finance 680 660 640 620 600 580 560 540 520 500 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Q1FY24 Q2FY24 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 New cards issued 20 10 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Cards in circulation AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation Mortgage QoQ Growth: *Mortgage YoY Growth: Auto Finance QoQ Growth: *Auto Finance YoY Growth: 25% 21% (22%) 44% Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Q1FY24 Q2FY24 *Note: YoY growth - H1FY24 vs H1FY23 33#34Retail Banking | Retail Banking Income Statement YoY Growth 3% 9% 4% 7% (1%) 32% ▼(21%) (23%) (21%) 11 23 196 (37) (51) 14 156 RM' mil Net Interest Income Non-Interest Income Total Income Expenses PBP Impairment PBT Tax Expenses PAT H1FY24 827 133 960 (546) 414 (210) 204 (48) 156 H1FY23 804 122 926 (508) 417 (159) 258 (62) 196 H1FY24 PAT H1FY23 PAT Positive growth in H1FY24 Contraction in H1FY24 Balance Sheet (RM' mil/%) Key Ratios FY23 H1FY24 YTD Change FY23 H1FY24 YTD Change Gross Loans / Financing 72,351 73,978 2% GIL Ratio 1.85% 1.90% 0.04% Gross Impaired Loans 1,342 1,405 5% CTI 55.3% 56.9% 1.5% Customer Deposits 61,933 62,581 1% Loan Loss Coverage 88.7% 83.4% (5.3%) CASA 23,936 20,020 (16%) ROA 0.58% 0.43% (0.16%) CASA mix 38.6% 32.0% (6.7%) Average AUM 2,281 2,062 (10%) (Wealth Management) AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation +4 34#35Business Banking (Reported) | Business Banking Gross Loans (RM' mil) Non-trade Trade QoQ Growth: YoY Growth: 5% 9% PAT Trend (RM' mil) 34,512 34,972 31,483 32,142 31,998 33,220 FY23: 477 10,163 10,127 9,452 9,615 9,298 9,265 22,031 22,527 22,701 24,349 23,954 24,844 1 1 1 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY231 Q1FY24 Q2FY24 Customer Deposits (RM' mil) CASA FD 130 QoQ Growth: YoY Growth: 12% 6% 118 24,610 24,898 23,437 23,474 22,005 22,150 10,253 11,841 11,702 11,248 11,277 10,500 14,358 10,727 11,735 12,226 11,650 13,057 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 1 1 Q3FY23³ Q4FY23 1 Q1FY24 Q2FY24 Q1FY23¹ QoQ Growth: YoY Growth: >100% (18%) H1FY24: 204 163 147 99 66 57 40 1 Q2FY23¹ Q3FY23¹ 1 Q4FY23¹ Q1FY24 Q2FY24 1. FY23 numbers have been restated with current business realignment, mainly between Wholesale Banking (WB) and Business Banking (BB) AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation 35#36Business Banking | Business Banking Income Statement YoY Growth 10% 15% 11% 11% 11% >100% (18%) (18%) (18%) 17 38 248 (18) (96) 14 204 RM' mil Net Interest Income Non-Interest Income Total Income Expenses PBP Impairment PBT Tax Expenses PAT H1FY24 423 132 555 (171) 384 (117) 267 (63) 204 H1FY23 (Restated)¹ H1FY24 PAT H1FY23 PAT 385 114 500 (154) 346 (21) 325 (77) 248 Positive growth in H1FY24 Contraction in H1FY24 Balance Sheet (RM' mil/%) Key Ratios FY23 FY23 H1FY24 YTD Change H1FY24 YTD Change (Restated)¹ (Restated)¹ Gross Loans/Financing 34,512 34,972 1% GIL Ratio 1.30% 1.68% 0.39% Gross Impaired Loans 448 589 32% CTI 30.3% 30.8% 0.5% Customer Deposits 24,610 24,898 1% Loan Loss Coverage 105.1% 82.0% (23.1%) CASA 14,358 13,057 (9%) ROA 1.52% 1.17% (0.34%) CASA Mix 58.3% 52.4% (5.9%) 1. FY23 numbers have been restated with current business realignment, mainly between Wholesale Banking (WB) and Business Banking (BB) AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation 36#37AmBank (M) entity level | AmBank (M) Income Statement YoY Growth ▼(4%) 26% 2% (6%) ▲ 8% 84% ≈2 = 78 557 (50) 40 (68) ▲ 2% (1%) 553 (4) RM' mil Net Interest Income Non-Interest Income Total Income Expenses PBP Impairment PBT Tax Expenses PAT H1FY24 1,127 377 H1FY23 1,177 299 1,504 1,476 (637) 867 (148) 719 (166) 553 (676) 800 (81) 719 (162) 557 H1FY24 PAT H1FY23 PAT Positive growth in H1FY24 Contraction in H1FY24 Balance Sheet (RM' mil/%) Key Ratios Gross Loans 83,739 85,178 FY23 H1FY24 YTD Change 2% GIL Ratio FY23 H1FY24 YTD Change 1.64% 1.84% 0.20% Gross Impaired Loans 1,374 1,564 14% CTI 47.3% 42.3% (5.0%) Customer Deposits 85,391 90,075 5% Loan Loss Coverage 123.6% 106.2% (17.4%) CASA 31,342 29,578 (6%) ROA 0.86% 0.81% (0.05%) CASA Mix 36.7% 32.8% (3.9%) AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation 37#38AmBank Islamic entity level | AmBank Islamic Income Statement YoY Growth (6%) ▲ 48% ▼(2%) 49% (21%) (25%) (20%) (20%) (20%) 273 23 (32) (79) 18 16 219 RM' mil Net Financing Income H1FY24 H1FY23 509 Non-Financing Income 70 Total Income Expenses PBP Impairment PBT Tax & Zakat PATZ 579 (239) 340 (55) 285 (65) 219 541 47 588 (160) 428 (73) 355 (82) 273 H1FY24 PATZ H1FY23 PATZ Positive growth in H1FY24 Contraction in H1FY24 Balance Sheet (RM' mil/%) Key Ratios FY23 H1FY24 YTD Change FY23 H1FY24 YTD Change Gross Financing 45,641 44,727 (2%) GIF Ratio 1.14% 1.34% 0.19% Gross Impaired Financing 521 597 15% CTI 27.8% 41.2% 13.5% Customer Deposits 45,253 45,528 1% Financing Loss Coverage 136.5% 115.0% (21.5%) CASA 17,785 14,234 (20%) ROA 0.95% 0.72% (0.23%) CASA Mix 39.3% 31.3% (8.0%) AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation 38#39Glossary & Disclaimer | Glossary & Disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability Reported Performance Reported performance refers to the financial performance as reported in the audited financial statements and disclosed to the market Growth Definition QoQ growth refers to Q2FY24 vs Q1FY24 YoY growth refers to H1FY24 vs H1FY23 YTD growth refers to H1FY24 vs FY23 Disclaimer on rounding differences Numbers may not add up due to rounding Disclaimer on restatement of comparatives The comparatives for business segments' financials have been restated to reflect current business realignment The information has been prepared by AMMB Holdings Berhad (AmBank Group or the Group) for information purpose and is believed to be correct at the time of presentation. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is given by or on behalf of AMMB Holdings as to the accuracy and completeness of the information or opinion contained in this presentation. This presentation does not purport to contain all information that may be required to evaluate AmBank Group or its financial position and should not be construed as an offer or recommendation to buy or sell securities. Neither does this presentation to form the basis of, or be relied in any connection with, any contract, investment decision or commitment whatsoever. Certain statements in this presentation may contain forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on current beliefs and expectations of the Group and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. The term "AMMB Holdings" and "AmBank Group" denotes all Group companies within the AMMB Holdings Group and this Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Liability policy applies to the financial institutions under AMMB Holdings. For further information, visit www.ambankgroup.com; or contact Yeoh Ru Hann Head, Group Finance - Investor Relations Email: [email protected]/[email protected] AmBank Group H1FY24 Results - Investor Presentation Soh Yee Tyng Vice President, Group Finance - Investor Relations Email: [email protected] 39

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