Investor Presentation

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Nexe Era Energy

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Nexe Era Energy







#1February/March Investor Presentation NEXTera® ENERGY NEXTera energy® PARTNERS M#2Cautionary Statements And Risk Factors That May Affect Future Results These presentations include forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws. Actual results could differ materially from such forward-looking statements. The factors that could cause actual results to differ are discussed in the Appendix herein and in NextEra Energy's and NextEra Energy Partners' SEC filings. Non-GAAP Financial Information These presentations refer to certain financial measures that were not prepared in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. Reconciliations of those non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable GAAP financial measures. can be found in the Appendix herein. Other See Appendix for definition of Adjusted Earnings, Adjusted EBITDA, and CAFD expectations. 2 NEXTera ENERGY NEXTera energy® PARTNERS#3NextEra Energy is an industry-leading clean energy company NEXTera ENERGY 65 GW $145 B $159 B In Operation(1) Market Capitalization(2) Total Assets (3) Clean Energy Generation Portfolio Integrated Supply Chain, Engineering and Construction Best-in-class Operations and Innovation Leader Буд L Power Delivery and Transmission до FPLⓇ NEXTera® ENERGY RESOURCES The largest electric utility in the United States by retail MWh sales and number of customers The world leader in electricity generated from the wind and sun and world leader in battery storage NextEra Energy's two businesses are supported by a common platform 1) Gigawatts shown includes assets operated by Energy Resources, including those owned by NextEra Energy Partners as of 12/31/2022; excludes assets which have been sold to third parties but continue to be operated by Energy Resources As of 2/23/2023; Source: FactSet 3 As of 12/31/2022 NEXTera ENERGY#4NextEra Energy has a long-term track record of delivering value to shareholders $0.88 Adjusted Earnings Per Share -8.3% CAGR Total Shareholder Return (1) $2.90 669% 541% -480% Outperformance vs. S&P 500 Utilities '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 '18 '19 '20 '21 '22 $0.41 Dividends Per Share ~9.9% CAGR $1.70 NEE 379% 226% 98% 75% Tech Consumer Disc. Industrials Financials Energy '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 '18 '19 '20 '21 '22 We believe NextEra Energy continues to offer the best investor value proposition in the industry 4 1) Source: Factset; assumes dividends are reinvested; 15-year returns ending 12/31/2022; S&P 500 sector indexes NEXTera ENERGY S&P 500 255% S&P 500 Utilities 191%#5Considering our historical track record and growth prospects, NextEra Energy offers an attractive value proposition Adjusted EPS CAGR 2012 - 2022 Top 10 Power Companies (1) Total Shareholder Return 2012 - 2022 Top 10 Power Companies (1,2) 528% 9.8% 7.4% 6.4% 5.0% 3.5% 3.1% 3.1% Average excluding NEE: 3.9% Average 261% 218% 194% 193% 162% 152% 146% excluding NEE: 150% 2.7% 2.6% 75% 1.5% NEE A B C D E F G H I DPS CAGR 2012 - 2022 Top 10 Power Companies (1) (52%) NEE A B C D E F G H I Current PEG Ratio 9.2x Top 10 Power Companies (1,3) 11.0% 6.7% 6.2% Average excluding NEE: 3.3% 5.4% 4.3% 3.3% 2.8% 2.7% 2.4% 4.4x 3.8x 3.5x 3.5x 3.3x 3.0x Average of Top 10 Power Companies: 3.9x 2.8x 2.6x 2.6x Payout Ratio (4) (4.3%) NEE A B C D E F G H | A B C D E F G H I NEE 59% 52% 58% 63% 63% 74% 71% 65% 71% 57% 1) Top ten U.S. power companies by market capitalization as of 12/31/2022; based on internal analysis using publicly available data 2 Source: Factset; assumes dividends are reinvested 3) 2023 PEG Ratio (Price/Earnings to Growth Ratio) as of 2/21/2023; source FactSet 5 LO 2022 payout ratio using 2022 dividend over actual adjusted EPS or consensus adjusted EPS NEXTera ENERGY#66 In 2022, NextEra Energy had one of its best execution years ever, continuing its long track record of outstanding operational and financial performance ~14% adjusted EPS growth at NextEra Energy (1) 2022 NextEra Energy Highlights 15.3% adjusted ROE at NextEra Energy for twelve months ending December 2022 ~8,000 MW record year of wind, solar and storage origination at Energy Resources Record savings from 2022 Velocity program delivering $400 MM run rate by 2025(1) Record restoration in response to hurricanes lan and Nicole -8.6% reduction of already best-in- class non-fuel O&M per MWh at FPL (1) ~5,000 MW commissioned despite supply chain challenges -19 GW year-end record backlog at Energy Resources (3) 1) Compared to 2021 23 Estimated savings based on current forecasts As of 1/25/2023; net of projects placed in service and removed from backlog from 10/28/2022 - 1/25/23 NEXTera ENERGY#77 NextEra Energy has a clear vision and a clear strategy to extend our leadership in the U.S. clean energy transition which we believe will reduce costs for our customers NextEra Energy Decarbonization Strategy Lead Decarbonization Decarbonize + of the U.S. Ourselves Power Sector + Lead Decarbonization of the U.S. Economy (C&I) + Lead Transmission Buildout to Support New Renewables Lead by Example Replicate Our Success Leverage Our Leading Platform Build to Support Decarbonization We plan to leverage our position, scale and scope to achieve our vision to be the world's largest, most profitable competitive clean energy company NEXTera® ENERGY#8The clean energy transition occurring across the U.S. is being accelerated by multiple renewable demand drivers that support our decarbonization strategy Demand Drivers for New Renewables Economic Sustainability Regulatory Renewables Lowest Cost Volatile Oil and Natural Form of Generation Gas Prices Cost of and Access to Capital Corporate Sustainability Goals Federal and State Incentives RPS (2) Mandates LNG Exports, High Power Prices Pipelines and Coal-to-Gas Switching Increasing Carbon Offset & REC (1) Prices Rating SEC Agency Disclosure Requirements Requirements Low Carbon Fuel Standards 8 12 Customers value low-cost, clean energy solutions Renewable Energy Credit Renewable Portfolio Standard NEXTera ENERGY#9Attractive renewables economics are expected to continue driving a transformation of the U.S. generation fleet Estimated Costs of Generation Resources Late-2020s (1) ($/MWh) Near-Firm Wind (2) Near-Firm Solar (2) Existing Natural Gas (3,4) Existing Nuclear (3) Existing Coal (3) New Natural Gas CC (4) New Offshore Wind $14 - $21 $17 - $24 $27 - $40 $34 - $49 $43 - $74 $50-$63 $85 - $114 $105 $135 New Small Modular Nuclear Storage Adder Carbon Adder (5) Even with $3/MM Btu gas prices, we believe near-firm wind and solar will remain the lowest-cost option for new generation in the late-2020s NextEra Energy Resources' estimate, based on current law (i.e. including the expected impacts of the IRA) Near-firm assumes a 4-hour battery to achieve roughly equivalent reliability during peak hours for comparison with dispatchable generation sources 3) Represents all-in cash operating cost per MWh including fuel and ongoing capital expenditures 4 Range assumes $3/MMBtu gas prices Reflects modest CO2 cost consistent with existing state and regional CO2 policies and IOU planning conventions NEXTera ENERGY 6#10Renewables provide customers the opportunity to avoid volatile natural gas and wholesale power prices and instead lock-in low-cost energy supply for decades $5 Market Prices for Renewables Alternatives (1) Forward Gas Prices 7x24 ($/MM Btu) Forward Power Prices 7x24 ($/MWh) $50 $4 ~36% increase in forward gas prices since year-end 2021 31% $3 1/31/2023 $40 ~41% increase in forward power 31% prices since year-end 2021 40% $30 1/31/2023 48% Year-End 2021 Year-End 2021 $2 $20 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Power prices are up nearly 50% in the back-end of the curve compared to year-end 2021 10 1) Based on ERCOT market, as of 1/31/2023 NEXTera ENERGY#11The competitive position of renewables continues to improve as the impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act have more than offset the inflation observed over the last two years Prevailing Inflation Impacts on Levelized Costs (1) Impacts of Inflation on Levelized Costs (1) Existing New Natural $3/MMbtu Gas New $/MWh Comparison in 2023 (2) $3/MMbtu Gas New Gas-Fired Unit (3) -45% Headroom to Gas-fired Generation -63% Headroom to Gas-fired Generation Natural Gas +19% (2) Gas Wind New +17% (2) (w/o IRA) Solar +9% (w/o IRA) +5% New Wind (w/ IRA) (9%) New Solar (w/ IRA) (11%) New Natural Gas New New Solar Wind 11 23 Even at $3/MMBtu natural gas, renewables continue to be significantly cost competitive 1) Levelized cost of energy comparisons from January 2021 to February 2023; assumes $3/MMbtu natural gas, which is below the current forward curve Assumes $3/MMbtu natural gas, which is below the current forward curve Includes fixed and variable O&M and fuel; existing natural gas assumes a 7,500 Btu/kWh heat rate; new natural gas assumes 6,800 Btu/kWh heat rate and capital recovery NEXTera® ENERGY#12Florida Power & Light is recognized as one of the best and most innovative electric providers in the U.S. DE Florida Power & Light Company Largest electric utility in the U.S. ~5.8 MM customer accounts ~33 GW in operation (1) $ ~$17 B in operating revenues $87 B in total assets Areas Served by FPL (in Northwest FL, Counties with Areas Served by FPL) Natural Gas Nuclear Universal Solar Battery *Plant Scherer in GA, Plant Daniel in MS FPL has driven its growth by deploying smart capital that creates long-term benefits for customers 1) Includes -0.5 GW of battery storage 12 Note: All data is as of 12/31/2022 NEXTera ENERGY#13FPL's blueprint for achieving its Real Zero™ carbon emissions goal involves strategic actions to drive customer value, including enhanced reliability and resiliency FPL's Decarbonization Opportunity(1) Solar & Battery Storage + T&D Investment Green Hydrogen 92 GW 50 GW 16 GW New solar capacity of green H2 capacity (2) New battery storage capacity Decarbonizing FPL is expected to have no incremental cost to customers and presents a nearly 160 GW (3) solar, storage and hydrogen opportunity 2 13 1) We are striving to achieve our goal of Real Zero emissions by no later than 2045 so long as there is no incremental cost to customers relative to alternatives, our efforts to do so are supported by cost-effective technology advancements and constructive government policies and incentives and our investments are acceptable to our regulators By 2045, we expect ~30 GW of excess solar and electrolyzer capacity that will produce 500 MM kg of green H2 Certain projected solar, battery storage, hydrogen storage and RNG additions are subject to approval by the FPSC NEXTera ENERGY#14· At FPL, we remain focused on identifying smart capital investments to further improve our outstanding customer value proposition FPL's Areas of Focus Unyielding commitment to low bills, high reliability and excellent customer service • Focus on efficiency and best-in- class cost performance • Reduced non-fuel O&M cost per megawatt by ~8.6% in 2022 Invest capital in ways that benefit customers - Plan to deploy more than $10 B of solar through 2025(2) and expect to double solar additions in the next TYSP (3) compared to the previous filing - T&D investments of ~$14 - 16 B through 2025 to support customer growth and grid hardening programs Operational Cost Effectiveness (1) $100 $/Retail MWh Adjusted Regressed Top Quartile Top Decile Log/Log 2022: $11.59/MWh $10 1,000,000 10,000,000 100,000,000 1,000,000,000 Retail MWh Regulatory Capital Employed (4) $69 B $71 B -9% CAGR $49 B - 2023 Storm Protection Plan of ~$14.5 B through 2032 approved by the FPSC # 2021 2025E 1) FERC Form 1 non-fuel O&M; industry 2021; excludes pensions and other employee benefits; excludes one-time storm impacts; includes holding companies with >100,000 customers and utility owned generation 3) - 2) Reflects capital investments from 2022 2025 under the current settlement agreement Ten-Year Site Plan NEXTera® ENERGY 14 13-month average; includes retail rate base, wholesale rate base, clause-related investments and AFUDC projects#15FPL has significant investment opportunities embedded in its settlement agreement that are expected to generate customer savings and further enhance reliability FPL 2022-2025 Capital Expenditures Status Recovery Mechanism Opportunity SOBRA (2024 and 2025) SolarTogether Phase 1 extension Rate Base Solar Clean Water Recovery Center 500 kV transmission project Transmission & distribution storm hardening Twenty-four sites projected to be constructed 2024 and 2025 Twenty-four sites projected to be constructed 2022 - 2025 Projected to be constructed 2022 2025 Projected Investment (1) ~$2.7 B Solar Base Rate Adjustment ~$2.7 B Base rates w/ participant contributions as offset ~$4.8 B Base rates Expected COD 2024 ~$0.3 B Environmental recovery clause Ongoing ~$1.0 B Base rates Investments from 2022 - 2025 ~$5.0-$6.0 B Storm protection plan cost recovery clause / base rates All other transmission & distribution Investments from 2022 - 2025 ~$8.0 $9.0 B Base rates Innovative technology investments including green hydrogen Investments from 2022 - 2025 ~$1.5 $2.0 B Base Rates Maintenance of existing assets, Ongoing ~$6.0 B Base rates nuclear fuel and other - $32 $34 B Tax incentives from the Inflation Reduction Act provide the opportunity to deploy incremental, cost-effective solar for the benefit of customers in 2026+ 15 1) Represents amounts invested 2022 through 2025, unless otherwise noted NEXTera ENERGY#16Energy Resources is the leading North American clean energy company NextEra Energy Resources (1) World leader in electricity generated from the wind" and sun ~30 GW (2) of clean energy in operation 22 GW wind 5 GW solar 2 GW nuclear 1 GW battery storage ~19 GW backlog of signed wind, solar and storage contracts (3) $$71 B in total assets W 17 States with Project(s) in Operation Wind Natural Gas Nuclear Universal Solar Storage Other Pipeline Transmission Generation and Storage Capacity (2) Wind 68% Oil 2% Storage 4% Natural Gas 5% Nuclear 7% Solar 14% Capacity shown includes assets operated by Energy Resources owned by NextEra Energy Partners as of 12/31/2022; all other assets are included at ownership share Map excludes small-scale solar projects 3) Includes signed contracts as of 1/25/2023 16 Note: All other data as of 12/31/2022 NEXTera® ENERGY#1717 We believe Energy Resources' competitive advantages position us to be the clean energy solutions provider of choice for a wide variety of customers Energy Resources Competitive Differentiators * Advanced analytics that enable superior site identification and design Operating cost advantages Scale of project pipeline and interconnect positions Sourcing/buying power and resilient supply chain Ability to leverage and augment existing renewables portfolio Established customer relationships 30-year track record of execution Market knowledge and capability enabling integrated energy solutions Software and service platform for customers to set, track and optimize energy use Access to capital and strength of balance sheet Experienced and innovative team NEXTera® ENERGY#18We believe demand for renewables has never been stronger and Energy Resources is well-positioned to continue growing its portfolio Superior Renewables Development Growth Renewables Portfolio Growth (1) U.S. Renewables and Storage Growth (2) GW 25 20 15 10 5 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 S2010 2011 2012 ~13% CAGR 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Wind Solar ■Battery Storage Renewables Customers 18% Existing 39% 2020-2022 Renewables 50% 18% Signed Portfolio (1,3) 64% PPAs (4) 11% 2020 2021 2022 2023 - 2026 2027-2030 ~180 GW U.S. renewables and storage demand ~250 GW U.S. renewables and storage demand C&I Muni/Coop Utility 1) Capacity shown includes assets operated by Energy Resources owned by NextEra Energy Partners; excludes assets which have been sold to third parties but continue to be operated by Energy Resources 2 Source: Wood Mac and IHS December 2022 Outlooks 3) Operated by Energy Resources as of 12/31/2022 18 ~20 GW of wind, solar and battery storage PPAs signed from 2020 - 2022 NEXTera® ENERGY#19Energy Resources remains focused on capitalizing on decarbonization and executing on our industry-leading development program of new renewables and storage Energy Resources Development Program (1) (Signed Contracts and Expectations as of January 25, 2023) 2023 - 2024 COD 2023 - 2024 Expectations 2025 - 2026 COD 2025-2026 Expectations 2023-2026 Expectations Wind 3.947 4,000 4,800 1,356 8,000 9,800 12,000 14,600 Solar 5,579 5,500-6,600 5,018 - 9,400 12,400 14,900 - 19,000 Energy Storage 2,400 2,500 - 2,800 985 2,600 - 4,000 5,100-6,800 Wind Repowering (2) 100-400 600-1,000 700 1,400 Total 11,925 12,100 14,600 7,359 20,600 27,200 32,700 41,800 Build-Own-Transfer 380 19 Energy Resources expects to build roughly 33 to 42 GW of new renewables and storage projects from 2023 through 2026 1) MW capacity expected to be owned and/or operated by Energy Resources; includes assets with long-term power purchase agreements, build-own-transfer projects with long-term O&M agreements and assets with expected long-term agreements for power hedging and/or the sale of environmental attributes 2) Includes repowering expectations for NextEra Energy Partners wind assets, reflected at NextEra Energy's expected ownership share NEXTera ENERGY#20Energy Resources' total renewable generation capacity is expected to exceed the total installed capacity for ALL generation types of any company in the U.S. by 2026 69 2022 Total U.S. Installed Capacity by Company (1) 57 43 (ALL Generation Types, GW) Energy Resources Renewable Capacity FPL Total Installed Capacity for ALL Generation Types 40 40 37 35 34 33 32 31 28 27 26 23 22 18 17 20 Energy A B C D E F G FPL Resources in 2026 (2,3) H Energy I J K L M N Resources in 2022 (2) Based on current development expectations, Energy Resources is expected to double its total renewable generation capacity by 2026 Portfolio as of year-end 2022 Capacity shown includes renewable assets operated by Energy Resources owned by NextEra Energy Partners as of 12/31/2022; all other assets are included at ownership share 3) Includes renewable assets operated by Energy Resources owned by NextEra Energy Partners as of year-end 2022 plus upper-end of 2023-2026 development expectations, excludes repowerings NEXTera ENERGY#21Decarbonization of the entire U.S. economy could create a ~$4 trillion renewables and storage investment opportunity through 2050 2050 Decarbonized U.S. Economy: Growth in Renewables and Storage Opportunity (1) ~33x ~$2 T ~17x ~3,550 GW ~210 GW Excess energy converted to hydrogen to decarbonize other sectors (2) 2021 U.S. Capacity 2050 Power Sector Decarbonization ~$4 T ~7,000 GW 2050 Full Economy Decarbonization ■Renewables & Storage Expanding renewables beyond just the power sector is projected to double the total addressable market for renewables 21 1) Source: ABB Ventyx (2021); NextEra Energy internal analysis, with uncertainties in assumptions including transmission and land costs, future cost declines for certain technologies and treatment of stranded costs for certain existing generation assets; Princeton Net-Zero America Report for Full Economy Decarbonization 2) High renewable penetration to decarbonize the electricity sector results in ~25-30% excess renewable generation in 2050, which could be used to make hydrogen to decarbonize other sectors of the economy NEXTera® ENERGY#22Commercial and industrial customers need comprehensive clean energy solutions to help reduce their energy costs and carbon footprint Commercial and Industrial Customers Customer Operations Goal Integrated Clean Energy Solution 1 Analyze • Understand energy usage Lower Energy Bills • Evaluate energy costs • Analyze carbon footprint NEXTera 360° States with NEER Project(s) in Operation High energy costs Many utility bills 2 Reduce Bills • Create plans specific to customers' needs in order to reduce bills Build wind, solar, storage, and other clean energy solutions to reduce bills and achieve goals and timelines Achieve Carbon Reduction Goals (3) Optimize Operations spanning the U.S. Different plants and fuel types Diverse vehicle fleet Monitor and predict real-time generation performance •Optimize operations and market dispatch to reduce bills Customers need experienced partners that can convert a complex network of operations today into an integrated clean energy solution for tomorrow 22 NEXTera ENERGY#2323 Energy Resources is better positioned than anyone in the industry to leverage its teams, tools, data and decades of experience to design comprehensive clean energy solutions Integrated Clean Energy Solution Decarbonize Electricity Usage Scope 2 Reduce Electricity Bills Firming & Shaping Decarbonize Business Operations Scope 1 Onsite Offsite Green Hydrogen & Derivatives Renewables $ Onsite Offsite Energy Efficiency Renewables H₂ EV Fleet Renewable Fuels RNG • Converting electric supply to renewables will reduce costs • Renewables development can deploy wind, solar, and storage - front- or behind-the-meter • Customer supply can firm and shape balance of green energy when the wind doesn't blow and the sun doesn't shine • NextEra 360 software platform can reduce energy costs by evaluating and optimizing energy usage and carbon emissions profile . • Green hydrogen and renewable fuel deployment can decarbonize hard- to-abate operations • Real-time marketing can optimize operations, drawing on expertise in every U.S. energy market NEXTera ENERGY#24We believe green hydrogen will play an essential role in future decarbonization and are already observing the massive tailwind it could provide for new renewables demand Growing Green Hydrogen Opportunity Recent Announced Opportunities 140 tons-per-day (TPD) clean hydrogen project that could be powered by FPL solar (1) 120 TPD clean hydrogen project with Linde that would support decarbonization of the West Coast mobility and industrial markets (1,2) Industry Applications Ammonia production Specialty chemicals Refining • Agriculture • Forklifts Transport • Long-haul trucking • Zero-carbon jet fuel 24 800 MW solar facility to support green hydrogen facility in Central U.S.(3) Power Sector LLL Replace natural gas in last 15-20% of electric generation NextEra Energy is evaluating opportunities representing ~$20+ B of capital investment and ~13+ GW of new renewable deployment beyond 2026 1) Southeast and Southwest hubs encouraged to file full applications for federal funding from the U.S. Department of Energy under its $8 B hydrogen program 2) Signed memorandum of understanding with Linde, the world's largest industrial gases company and the largest liquid hydrogen producer in the U.S., to form a joint venture to build the facility 3) Term sheet for approximately 800 MW of new solar not included in our backlog as of 1/25/2023; expected COD in 2026 NEXTera ENERGY#25NextEra Energy Transmission is an industry leader in competitive transmission and has a strong track record of success across the U.S. . • . NextEra Energy Transmission Highlights Recent Highlights Transmission business grew net income -20% in 2022 Grew transmission portfolio by over $1 B in 2022(1) Expect nearly 17% annual adjusted EBITDA growth from 2021 through 2025 . Near-Term Growth Prospects Decarbonization is creating tremendous opportunities for T&D investment Significant pipeline of potential projects: Opportunity Type Competitive Bids Sponsored Solutions Projects CAISO, MISO, SPP (various) ISO-NE, NYISO, PJM (various) Various Prospects Mega/Giga-Projects Other Projects Various Prospects CapEx > $10 B >$15 B > $5 B > $10 B Total: >$40 B NextEra Energy Transmission is currently pursuing over $40 B in opportunities 25 1) Future projected capital expenditures for projects awarded in 2022 NEXTera® ENERGY#26NextEra Energy is well positioned to continue our strong adjusted EPS and dividends per share growth $2.55 NextEra Energy's Financial Expectations (1) 6% -8% off 2024 adjusted EPS range $3.63- $4.00 $3.23- $3.45 - $3.70 $3.43 $2.98 - $3.13 $2.90 2021 2022 2023E 2024E 2025E 2026E Recently extended 6 - 8% annual growth rate through 2026, off the 2024 adjusted EPS expectations range From 2021 to 2026 expect compound annual growth in operating cash flow to be at or above our adjusted EPS growth rate • Continue to expect -10% annual dividend per share growth through at least 2024(2) Reflects 9.4% CAGR from 2021 to the high end of the 2026 adj. EPS expectations range • We will be disappointed if we are not able to deliver financial results at or near the top end of our adjusted EPS expectations ranges through 2026 1) Subject to our usual caveats including normal weather and operating conditions 26 2) Off á 2022 base; dividend declarations are subject to the discretion of the Board of Directors of NextEra Energy NEXTera ENERGY#27We believe our strong balance sheet and banking relationships allow us to finance efficiently in both stable economic environments and during periods of disruption NextEra Energy Ratings (1) Utility Credit Ratings (2) S&P Moody's Fitch 60% NextEra Energy Issuer Credit Rating A- Baa1 A- 50% Florida Power & Light NextEra LT Issuer Credit Rating A A1 A 40% Energy First Mortgage Bonds A+ Aa2 AA- 30% Senior Unsecured A A1 A+ Tax-Exempt Bonds A-1 VMIG-1/P1 F1 20% Commercial Paper A-1 P-1 F1 Capital Holdings 10% LT Issuer Credit Rating A- Baa1 A- Senior Unsecured BBB+ Baa1 A- 0% Junior Subordinated BBB Baa2 BBB A or A- BBB+ BBB BBB- Non-IG higher Commercial Paper A-2 P-2 F2 Regulated Mostly Regulated Our financial discipline and commitment to a strong balance sheet are foundations for our success NEXTera ENERGY 1 27 2) The outlook associated with each rating is 'stable' Ratings based upon S&P's scale and sourced from EEI's Q3 2022 'Utility Credit Ratings Distribution'#28We believe NextEra Energy presents a compelling investment opportunity NextEra Energy Value Proposition Drill-down of S&P 500 Companies Adj. EPS CAGR (5) 382 Investment grade (1) >9% ~8% ~6% 106 Market capitalization > $60 B 43 Adj. EPS CAGR > 8% past 15 years (2) NEE Median S&P 500 Median UTY 25 '22-'26E Annual Total Return (3) > 10% DPS Growth (4) >9% 20 20 '22 '26E DPS CAGR (4) >9% -6% ~6% NEXTera® 1 ENERGY Beta past 5 years < .75 NEE Median UTY Median S&P 500 1) S&P credit rating as of February 8, 2023 2) 2007 2022 3) Compound annual growth rate based on 2022 actual adjusted EPS and 2026 consensus adjusted EPS plus dividend yield as of December 31, 2022 Compound annual growth rate based on 2022 actuals and 2026 consensus estimates 28 5) Compound annual growth rate based on 2021 actuals and 2026 consensus estimates Source: FactSet as of December 31, 2022 NEXTera ENERGY#29NEXTera energy® PARTNERS M#30NextEra Energy Partners is a best-in-class clean energy company with a market capitalization of over $12 B (1) NextEra Energy Partners' Portfolio (2) ~7,570 MW of wind ~1,530 MW of solar ~240 MW paired storage ~4.3 Bcf total natural gas pipeline capacity (3) States with Project(s) in Operation Wind Solar Storage Pipeline Stable cash flows supported by a diverse portfolio of long-term contracted assets and solid distribution growth through accretive acquisitions 30 1) Represents market capitalization of NextEra Energy Operating Partners, LP, which includes NextEra Energy's ownership position in the NextEra Energy Partners' portfolio. As of 2/23/2023; Source: FactSet 2 Portfolio as of 12/31/2022; does not include 150 MW of assets expected to be in service in 2023 Reflects net Bcf for pipelines where NextEra Energy Partners' ownership stake is less than 100% NEXTera energy® PARTNERS#31NextEra Energy Partners unitholders benefit from Energy Resources' operating and development platform coupled with the transformational impact of the IRA NextEra Energy Partners' Growth Advantages NEP CAFD (1) Growth Avenues Resources' best-in-class O&M • Benefits from Energy and development expertise Supports organic growth. Scale advantage Financing efficiency - Broad banking group and Organic Acquisitions from Energy Third-party acquisitions growth in existing Resources portfolio Enhanced Opportunities with the IRA strong industry relationships. - Access to a variety of low-cost capital Structural tax advantages - NEP is not expected to pay meaningful U.S. taxes for at least 15 years Accelerated wind and solar growth New acquisitions Repowers Co-located storage with wind and solar assets Transferability of tax credits 31 1) Cash Available for Distribution NEXTera energy® PARTNERS#32Energy Resources has a very large renewable portfolio that offers clear growth visibility to NextEra Energy Partners Energy Resources' Renewable Portfolio Available to NextEra Energy Partners -19 GW ~17 GW ~23 GW ~36 GW- 59 GW Energy Resources' Current Renewables Existing Renewables Portfolio (1) Backlog (ex. Repowering & BOTS) (2) Additional Potential Current Portfolio 2023 2026 Growth (3) including Backlog & - Growth NextEra Energy Partners could support its growth expectations through 2026 without additional potential growth and solar and storage backlog 1) Portfolio as of December 31, 2022; including storage 2) As of January 25, 2023; includes renewables backlog of 19.0 GW less 2.0 GW under contract to be sold to a third-party (build-own-transfer or BOT) NEXTera energy® PARTNERS 32 3) Assuming top-end of revised 2023-2026 renewables development expectations#33. • NextEra Energy Partners takes a disciplined approach to evaluating third-party M&A and plans to focus on clean energy assets while retaining balance sheet strength Third-Party M&A at NextEra Energy Partners NextEra Energy Partners remains focused on growth from renewables - Acquired ~490 MW of renewables from third parties in 2021 Success and execution in M&A has been enabled by competitive advantages, including: - - - Best-in-class operating platform Low-cost of capital Significant relationships with sponsors across the industry ~300 GW (1) representing current potential acquisition targets plus future U.S. growth through 2026 Additional growth potential from organic growth investments on acquired assets NextEra Energy Partners' ability to leverage Energy Resources' expertise provides a significant competitive advantage for third-party M&A NEXTera energy® PARTNERS 33 1) Renewables value based on 2022 U.S. installed capacity less Energy Resources' current portfolio and utility-owned wind and solar plus future renewables growth through 2026 minus the top-end of Energy Resources development expectations

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