Investor Presentation

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Nexe Era Energy







#1INVESTOR CONFERENCE 2022 NEXTera ENERGY NEXTera energy® PARTNERS W#2Cautionary Statements And Risk Factors That May Affect Future Results These presentations include forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws. Actual results could differ materially from such forward-looking statements. The factors that could cause actual results to differ are discussed in the Appendix herein and in NextEra Energy's and NextEra Energy Partners' SEC filings. Non-GAAP Financial Information These presentations refer to certain financial measures that were not prepared in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. Reconciliations of those non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable GAAP financial measures can be found in the Appendix herein. Other See Appendix for definition of Adjusted Earnings, Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA by Asset Category, and CAFD expectations. For years 2021 and prior, "FPL" refers to Florida Power & Light Company excluding Gulf Power unless otherwise noted. 2 NEXTera ENERGY NEXTera energy® PARTNERS#3Investor Conference 2022 June 14, 2022 8:30am-12:30pm Presentation Opening & Welcome Introduction & Overview Florida Power & Light Break NextEra Energy Resources NextEra Energy Partners Summary & Financial Outlook Question & Answer Speakers Jessica Geoffroy John Ketchum Eric Silagy Rebecca Kujawa Mark Hickson Kirk Crews Executive Team NEXTera ENERGY NEXTera energy® PARTNERS#4INVESTOR CONFERENCE 2022 NEXTera ENERGY Introduction and Overview John Ketchum President and CEO June 14, 2022 NEXTera energy® PARTNERS#55 . Agenda NextEra Energy Value Proposition The NextEra Energy Playbook Leading the Energy Transition Growing a Multibillion Dollar Company NextEra Energy Partners Value Proposition . NextEra Energy and NextEra Energy Partners Outlook NEXTera ENERGY#6NextEra Energy is an industry-leading clean energy company NEXTera ENERGY 61 GW $149 B $145 B In Operation(1) Market Capitalization (2) Total Assets (3) Clean Energy Generation Portfolio Integrated Supply Chain, Engineering and Construction Best-in-class Operations and Innovation Leader 00 6 Буд L FPLⓇ NEXTera® ENERGY RESOURCES The largest electric utility in the United States by retail MWh sales and number of customers The world leader in electricity generated from the wind and sun and world leader in battery storage Power Delivery and Transmission до NextEra Energy's two businesses are supported by a common platform 1) Megawatts shown includes assets operated by Energy Resources, including those owned by NextEra Energy Partners as of March 31, 2022; excludes assets which have been sold to third parties but continue to be operated by Energy Resources 23 As of May 31, 2022; Source: FactSet As of March 31, 2022 NEXTera ENERGY#7FPL focuses on productivity and pursuing smart capital investments to deliver its best-in-class customer value proposition Florida Power & Light Company Bills Well Below National Average(2) Most Reliable Utility in the U.S. $100 Operational Cost Effectiveness (1) Adjusted Regressed Top Quartile Top Decile Largest Solar Portfolio (3) in the U.S. Best-in-Class O&M and Customer $/MWh Non-Fuel O&M Good 7 Service $10 1,000,000 10,000,000 100,000,000 Retail MWh Florida Power & Light is widely recognized as one of the best utility franchises in the U.S. 1) Source: FERC Form 1 non-fuel O&M; industry 2020, FPL excludes one-time storm impacts; FPL's 2021 $/MWh non-fuel O&M including Gulf Power was $12.77; excludes pensions and other employee benefits; includes holding companies with >100,000 customers and utility-owned generation FPL excluding Gulf Power; Gulf Power below latest EEI national average bill data through July 2021 3) Of any utility; based on owned and operated solar capacity as of March 31, 2022 FPL 2021 = $12.11/MWh 1,000,000,000 NEXTera® ENERGY#88 Energy Resources is the largest generator of wind and solar energy in the world and a world leader in battery storage #1 Wind Developer in the U.S. #1 Energy Resources Solar Developer in the U.S. World's Top Generators of Wind and Solar Energy in 2021 (1) 72 (TWh) 53 48 46 31 29 25 24 #1 Storage Developer in the U.S. Leader in Renewable Energy Data Analytics Energy A B C D E F G Resources Solar ■ Wind Energy Resources is well positioned to grow as the U.S. pursues economic carbon reductions via electrification 1) Based on third-party research data and corporate disclosures; NextEra Energy Resources actuals; includes NextEra Energy Partners' assets and other minority-owned assets at ownership share NEXTera® ENERGY#9Since the last investor conference, we have expanded our regulated business and grown our renewable market share NEXTera ENERGY FPL. NEXTera ENERGY RESOURCES 6 2) 2019 Investor Conference: Key Objectives Objectives Grow adjusted EPS by 6% - 8% (1) per year Increase dividends 12% -14% per year through at least 2020 off a 2017 base Maintain balance sheet strength Deliver superior customer value Be a best-in-class, cost-effective operator Invest capital for the benefit of customers Transform Gulf Power (2) Continue to build North America's leading renewables business Expand energy storage and regulated transmission Recycle capital to fund long-term contracted growth 6% -8% growth plus accretion from the Florida acquisitions in 2019 Effective 1/1/2021, FPL and Gulf Power merged, with FPL as the surviving entity 3) Performance is 2019-2021 unless noted otherwise; DPS growth is 2017-2021 Performance (3 (3) >10% adjusted EPS CAGR ~12% Dividend per share CAGR >11% Best in class regulatory non-fuel capital employed O&M CAGR (4) >22,000 megawatts originated (5) 4) 13-month average; includes retail rate base, wholesale rate base, clause-related investments and AFUDC projects; excludes accumulated deferred income taxes 5) Wind, wind repowering, solar, and battery storage; as of April 21, 2022 ~13% adjusted EPS CAGR NEXTera ENERGY#10We have a long-term track record of delivering value to shareholders Adjusted Earnings Per Share ~8.4% CAGR Total Shareholder Return (1) $2.55 976% $0.76 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 '18 '19 '20 '21 Dividends Per Share 9.8% CAGR $0.38 -620% Outperformance vs. S&P 500 357% $1.54 274% 264% 244% 242% NEE S&P 500 B A с S&P 500 Utilities '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 '18 '19 '20 '21 Index We believe NextEra Energy continues to offer the best investor value proposition in the industry NEXTera ENERGY 10 1) Source: Factset; assumes dividends are reinvested; 15-year returns ending December 31, 2021#11NextEra Energy has outperformed all of the top ten power companies in adjusted EPS growth over the past 15 years Adjusted EPS CAGR 2006 - 2021 Top 10 Power Companies (1) by Market Cap Adj. EPS CAGR (%) 8.4% 1 Average I I excluding I I NEE: 2.9% 5.4% 4.7% 4.6% 3.6% 3.3% 2.7% 2.7% (0.2%) (0.7%) NEE A B C D E E F G F H | NextEra Energy's annual adj. EPS growth over the last 15 years is almost 3x that of the historic average growth rate of the top 10 power companies 11 1) Top ten U.S. power companies as of May 31, 2022; source: FactSet NEXTera ENERGY#12Our disciplined, customer-focused growth strategy has elevated our company to the position of industry leader Top 15 Global Utility Equity Market Capitalization (1) As of 6/1/2001 ($ MM) As of 5/31/2022 ($ MM) Market Cap Rank Market Cap Rank 1 $38,574 1 $148,693 2 $38,185 2 $86,629 3 $34,476 3 $86,489 4 $34,111 4 $82,061 5 $30,955 5 $80,391 6 $23,906 6 $76,100 7 $21,537 7 $68,302 8 $20,093 8 $65,826 9 $17,297 9 $53,817 10 $16,873 10 $52,397 11 $16,279 11 $51,502 12 $15,884 12 $48,177 13 $15,785 13 $47,468 14 $14,601 14 $41,034 15 $14,461 15 $38,875 30 $10,206 NextEra Energy NextEra Energy Proud of our track record, yet never satisfied, our team is committed to execution and focused on the future with a drive to be better every day 12 1) Source: Factset NEXTera ENERGY#1313 Agenda ● NextEra Energy Value Proposition . . The NextEra Energy Playbook Leading the Energy Transition Growing a Multibillion Dollar Company NextEra Energy Partners Value Proposition NextEra Energy and NextEra Energy Partners Outlook NEXTera ENERGY#1414 We believe NextEra Energy's team has the best skills and capabilities across the industry with a long track record of delivering value for customers and shareholders NextEra Energy's Team has a Proven Playbook Productivity and Profitability Innovate and Deliver Execute in a The Best Rapidly Innovation Team in the Industry Growth Changing Market Customer and Shareholder Value Execution We believe we have the best team to lead the clean energy transition NEXTera ENERGY#15NextEra Energy has always been forward-thinking, investing for the benefit of customers while keeping costs low A 30-year Evolution of FPL Operational Excellence 1991: FPL 4% higher $40 $35 $30 $/MWh 2004: FPL 39% lower 2012: FPL 38% lower 2021: FPL 66% lower 1$35.59 Non-Fuel $25 O&M (1) I$19.40 $20 $15 $18.69 $10 $19.40 $11.86 $26.11 $16.22 $12.11 (2) 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 FPL Industry Average FPL's best-in-class non-fuel O&M position saves customers over $2 billion per year versus average utilities 15 23 Non-fuel O&M based on FERC Form 1 filings; excludes pensions and other employee benefits 2021 Industry Average is based on data accessible through S&P Capital IQ as of May 31, 2021 NEXTera ENERGY#162 Project Velocity's 2022 program is expected to result in our largest cost savings to date with an estimated $400 MM in run rate savings by 2025 • • Projects Momentum, Accelerate and Velocity Summary Annual bottoms-up, employee-generated idea process for reducing costs and increasing revenues From Projects Momentum, Accelerate and Velocity, over the course of 2013 to 2022, our employees: - - Submitted 24,000 ideas 2 Evaluated 15,000 ideas. Helped ~8,000 ideas receive approval and be implemented Annual Run-Rate Savings (1) ($ MM) $2,300 $2,200 $2,100 $1,900 $1,600 $1,400 $1,000 $800 $600 $450 $350 $200 $30 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 M1 ■M2 ■ M3 ■ M4 ■ A1 ■A2 A3 ■ A4 A5 V1 Since 2012, NextEra Energy's Project Momentum, Project Accelerate and Project Velocity are projected to generate $2.3 B (2) in run-rate savings 1) Includes base O&M plus IT cost to implement 16 2) By 2025 NEXTera ENERGY#1717 We believe NextEra Energy's competitive position sets us apart from the industry and allows us to lead for both customers and shareholders NextEra Energy Competitive Differentiators Our Team Build Cheaper * Buy Cheaper Operate Cheaper Finance Cheaper Identify Customer Solutions In-House Data Analytics and Market Knowledge Development Expertise Innovate Better With over 30 years of experience in renewables, NextEra Energy has built significant competitive advantages leveraging its scale, skills and scope NEXTera ENERGY#1818 NextEra Energy has the track record and expertise to execute on large infrastructure investments Superior Execution and Construction Expertise Proven Track Record 2019 2021 Top 10 U.S. Capital Investors (2) ($ B) ~17,200 -300 $80 $70 Megawatts (1) $70 Major capital $62 placed in service from 2019-2021 projects $56 $60 $51 completed over past 15 years $50 $40 $30 ~10,000 Suppliers used in 2021 $20 $10 $0 $43 $39 $38 $35 $32 $31 NEE NextEra Energy was the fifth largest (2) investor of capital in the U.S. across all sectors in 2021 1) Includes wind, solar, wind repowering, storage and fossil generation 2) NextEra Energy internal estimates based on publicly-available information NEXTera ENERGY#19We are pleased with the administration's efforts to support the continued delivery of solar panels into the U.S. Mitigants to Solar Panel Sourcing Impacts Actively work with customers and suppliers Work with suppliers to source polysilicon and wafers for solar panels outside China Support efforts to enable domestic manufacturing Energy Resources expects average COD delays of ~6 months (1) for 2022 and 2023 projects which is accounted for in our financial expectations 19 1) On 2022 and 2023 solar and storage projects NEXTera ENERGY#20We believe our strong balance sheet and banking relationships allow us to finance efficiently in both stable economic environments and during periods of disruption Financing Competitive Advantages Utility Credit Ratings (3) Relationships with over 100 banks that span 18 Multiple Capital 60% NextEra Recycling 50% Avenues Energy countries and 5 continents 40% 30% 20% Over $17 B (1) Lower interest in tax equity proceeds rates versus 10% industry average (2) 0% A or A- BBB+ BBB+ BBB- Non-IG higher ■Regulated ■Mostly Regulated 20 1 -23 Financial discipline and a strong balance sheet are foundations of our success Proceeds from differential membership interests from 2007 - 2021 On a weighted average basis; sourced from public disclosures Ratings based upon S&P's scale and sourced from EEI's Q1 2022 'Utility Credit Ratings Distribution' NEXTera ENERGY#21From development to operations, NextEra Energy's digital solutions across the value chain are helping to drive costs lower for the benefit of our customers Renewable Siting Optimization Digital Transformation and Innovation Battery Storage Integration NextEra 360 Software Platform Machine Learning Capabilities € Optimal layout and design Efficiently store and dispatch Automated load management Predictive maintenance 21 Analyze 185,000 variables and 10 MM configurations in 24 hours 30+ years of renewables data integrated into proprietary software Provides customers the action items needed to reduce costs, increase ROI and achieve sustainability goals Prevented over 4,000 unplanned outages and over 22,000 truck rolls in 2021 Our competitive edge in advanced analytics is expected to drive innovation and provide further cost reductions across our businesses NEXTera ENERGY#2222 Our value proposition is anchored in a culture focused on delivering outstanding results NextEra Energy Culture of Delivering Results Focus on our people Diverse and talented team of employees who are the foundation of our success Focus on our customers Deliver best-in-class customer value proposition Key cornerstone of our culture Passion to succeed in any competitive environment FORTUNE FORTUNE CHANGE THE WORLD 2021 THE WORLD'S MOST ADMIRED COMPANIES® 2022 AMERICA'S BEST LARGE EMPLOYERS Forbes 2022 POWERED BY STATISTA We never settle and have a passion to be the best, with a culture rooted in continuous improvement NEXTera ENERGY#23Our performance at Gulf Power demonstrates how our playbook can improve customer value and deliver better returns for shareholders Gulf Power Three-Year Execution Summary Operational Cost Effectiveness (1) ($/Retail MWh) Service Reliability (2) (Minutes) ~$32 Good 2018 ~101 Good ~40% Reduction ~$20 2021 Regulatory Capital Employed (3) ($ B) ~$4.7 -$3.0 ~16% CAGR 2018 -60% Improvement ~43 Net Income ($ MM) 2021 $271 $160 -19% CAGR 2018 2021 1) GAAP O&M per retail MWh 2 System Average Interruption Duration Index 23 2018 13-month average; includes retail rate base, wholesale rate base, clause-related investments and AFUDC projects; excludes accumulated deferred income taxes 2021 NEXTera® ENERGY#2424 Agenda ● NextEra Energy Value Proposition . The NextEra Energy Playbook • Leading the Energy Transition Growing a Multibillion Dollar Company NextEra Energy Partners Value Proposition . NextEra Energy and NextEra Energy Partners Outlook NEXTera ENERGY#25The clean energy transition occurring across the U.S. is being accelerated by multiple renewable demand drivers that support our decarbonization strategy Demand Drivers for New Renewables Economic Sustainability Regulatory High Power Prices Renewables Lowest Cost Form of Generation High Oil and Natural Gas Prices LNG Exports, Pipelines and Coal-to-Gas Switching Cost of and Access to Capital Corporate Sustainability Goals Federal and State Incentives RPS (2) Mandates Increasing Carbon Offset & REC (1) Prices Rating SEC Agency Disclosure Requirements Requirements Customers value low-cost, clean energy solutions 1) Renewable Energy Credit 25 2) Renewable Portfolio Standard Low Carbon Fuel Standards NEXTera ENERGY#26We believe decarbonization will be driven by the low cost of renewables and will require a set of core skills that have been two decades in the making at NextEra Energy Economic Drivers and Core Skills Required Potential Cost per MWh Late-2020s (1) Near-Firm Wind Near-Firm Solar Existing Natural Gas Existing Nuclear (2) Existing Coal (2) New Natural Gas CC ($/MWh) EV and Hydrogen Mobility Comprehensive Renewables and Storage Capabilities Superior Sites and Interconnections $25-$32 $30-$37 (2) $35-$47 $34 $49 $43 $74 $56-$69 Transmission Capabilities Carbon Adder Storage Adder (3) U.S. Electricity Production by Fuel Type (4) Hydrogen and Renewable Fuels ~160 GW U.S. renewables and storage demand 2022-2025(5) Data Analytics and Software Market Knowledge and Retail 2021 Wind & Solar 26 2035E Natural Gas Nuclear Coal Other Firming and Shaping Behind the Meter Renewables 1) Energy Resources' estimate, based on current law Represents all-in cash operating cost per MWh including fuel and ongoing capital expenditures 3) Near-firm assumes a 4-hour battery to achieve roughly equivalent reliability during peak hours for comparison with dispatchable generation sources 45 Source: U.S. EIA Annual Energy Outlook (2021); IHS 2021 Fast Transition Case (2035E) Source: IHS North American Power Market Outlook (November 2021) NEXTera ENERGY#27On a relative basis, renewables are now even cheaper than new gas fired generation after accounting for the impacts of the circumvention investigation and inflation Prevailing Inflation Impacts on Levelized Costs (1) Impacts of Inflation on Levelized Costs (1) $/MWh Comparison in 2021 (3) Existing Natural Gas +63% (2) New Natural Gas +39% (2) New New Solar Wind +16% +11% New Gas-Fired Unit (2) --38% ~41% Headroom to Gas-fired Generation Headroom to Gas-fired Generation New Natural Gas New Solar New Wind $/MWh Comparison in 2022 (3) New Gas-Fired Unit (2) ~48% Headroom to Gas-fired Generation ~53% Headroom to Gas-fired Generation New Natural Gas New Solar New Wind Increased gas, power and REC prices are expected to support customer demand for renewables even with higher near-term input costs 1) Levelized cost of energy comparisons from January 2021 to May 2022 2) Includes fixed and variable O&M and fuel; existing natural gas assumes a 7,500 Btu/kWh heat rate; new natural gas assumes 6,800 Btu/kWh heat rate and capital recovery 27 3) Comparison based on ERCOT pricing NEXTera ENERGY#28Rising power prices and demand for renewable energy credits (RECs) as a result of corporate sustainability goals are further stimulating demand for new renewables Electrification and Renewables Attributes Power Prices (1) Cal. Year 7x24 ($/MWh) ~40% increase in 5-year forward prices in ~5 months Voluntary REC Prices (1) ($/MWh) $4.75 60% CAGR over past five years $115 $105 $95 $85 $75 $65 139% $55 $45 $35 5/31/2022 $0.72 $0.65 $0.80 Year-End 20211 43% $25 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 $3.30 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 We believe rising gas and power prices and increased demand for RECS creates long-term price support for renewables 28 1) Based on ERCOT market NEXTera® ENERGY#29Today, we are laying out a clear vision and a clear strategy to extend our leadership in the U.S. clean energy transition NextEra Energy Decarbonization Strategy Decarbonize Ourselves Decarbonize U.S. Electric Sector Decarbonize U.S. Economy Lead by Example + Replicate Our Success + Achieve Real Zero™ carbon emissions (1) by no later than 2045 Execute on the largest renewables buildout by an electric utility in the country to reduce fuel costs and customer bills 29 Decarbonize other investor-owned utilities, municipalities and cooperatives to reduce. customer bills Extend our leadership in renewables and storage Leverage Our Leading Platform Build new renewables and storage to enable customers beyond the power sector to decarbonize and to reduce electric costs Provide "one-stop shop" for clean energy solutions NextEra Energy also expects to continue to build the nation's leading transmission business to support new renewables growth 1) Covers all Scope 1 and 2 emissions; we are striving to achieve our goal of Real Zero emissions by no later than 2045 so long as there is no incremental cost to customers relative to alternatives, our efforts to do so are supported by cost-effective technology advancements and constructive government policies and incentives and our investments are acceptable to our regulators NEXTera® ENERGY#30NextEra Energy is pursuing over $40 B in new transmission opportunities through its competitive transmission business #1 Competitive transmission company in North NextEra Energy Transmission ~1,400 miles and ~40 substations Current Opportunity Pipeline Opportunity Projects CapEx Type Competitive Bids CAISO, MISO, > $5 B SPP (various) America Sponsored ISO-NE, NYISO, > $20 B Solutions PJM (various) Mega/Giga- Various Over $6 B Assets in > $5 B Projects Prospects invested by 2025 every RTO and NERC region (1) Other Projects Various Prospects > $10 B Total: $40 B We believe no one is better positioned than NextEra Energy to capture the transmission opportunity that decarbonization presents 30 1) Regional Transmission Organization (RTO); North American Reliability Corporation (NERC); includes awarded projects NEXTera ENERGY#3131 NextEra Energy is announcing its industry-leading goal to achieve Real Zero carbon emissions by no later than 2045 NextEra Energy's Goal to Reach Real Zero by 2045(1) Real Zero Emissions Does not rely on offsets Direct Emissions (Scope 1) (2) - Zero emissions from NextEra Energy's operations Indirect Emissions (Scope 2) - Zero emissions from purchased power Greater transparency on Scope 3 emissions - Opportunity to help suppliers. Real Zero for Customers • At FPL: • - Build zero-carbon emissions projects that are lower cost than other alternatives Customers benefit from both fuel and O&M savings as well as lower emissions At Energy Resources: - Deliver zero-carbon emissions clean energy solutions to our expanding customer base NextEra Energy's goal is to achieve Real Zero carbon emissions by no later than 2045 while improving customer affordability and reliability 1) Covers all Scope 1 and 2 emissions; we are striving to achieve our goal of Real Zero emissions by no later than 2045 so long as there is no incremental cost to customers relative to alternatives, our efforts to do so are supported by cost-effective technology advancements and constructive government policies and incentives and our investments are acceptable to our regulators 2) Of calendar year 2021 Scope 1 and 2 emissions, NextEra Energy's Scope 1 emissions represented 99.9% of the verified emission profile NEXTera ENERGY#32NextEra Energy Real Zero Video REAL 32 NEXTera® ENERGY#331300 37% better 1100 CO2 Lbs/ 900 MWh 700 500 300 We have a proven track record of reducing emissions and investing in affordable clean energy generation Reducing Carbon Emissions (1,2) Average CO2 Emissions Rate 2. (NextEra Energy vs. Ū.S. Electric Power Sector) 1500 NextEra Energy Additions (3) (2002-2021 Cumulative Additions) 29 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 GW 30 25 20 15 51% 10 better 10 5 сл 2019 2021 3 0 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 -NextEra Energy, Inc. —U.S. Electric Power Sector Wind & Solar Nuclear NextEra Energy has increased zero carbon-emitting generation by ~300% (4) since 2005 and avoided ~63 MM tons of CO, in 2021 alone 2 Sources: NextEra Energy: historic internal; U.S. Electric Power Sector: DOE data Please see the Definitional Information slide in the Appendix for additional information related to our emissions reduction rate 3) Zero-carbon-emissions GW additions includes assets operated by NextEra Energy including those owned by NextEra Energy Partners 33 4) As of year-end 2021 since 2005; based on MWh NEXTera ENERGY 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2021

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