Third Quarter 2021 Investor Relations Handout

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#1Third quarter 2021 BUCHER Investor relations handout - Autumn 2021 Public P-49121 00#2Contents Bucher at a glance Group: Financial review Performance 3 - Invested capital - Financing and risk management 20 - Divisions: Our activities 21 - Kuhn Group - Bucher Municipal 30 Bucher Hydraulics 36 - Bucher Emhart Glass 42 - Bucher Specials 48 - Outlook and trends ~ WWNN NO 52 22 2 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public BUCHER#3Bucher at a glance BUCHER#4The five divisions of Bucher Industries Bucher Specials Individual businesses Kuhn Group Agricultural machinery Bucher Emhart Glass Glass container industry Bucher Municipal Municipal vehicles Bucher Hydraulics Hydraulic systems#5CHF 2.7 billion sales, 12'600 employees, 7.4% EBIT margin Bucher Industries 2020 Bucher Specials CHF 270 million sales 900 employees Bucher Emhart Glass CHF 420 million sales 1'600 employees 15% 20% Bucher Hydraulics CHF 540 million sales 2'500 employees 5 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public 9% 17% Kuhn Group 39% CHF 1'090 million sales 5'200 employees Bucher Municipal CHF 460 million sales 2'300 employees BO BUCHER#6International Group 16% North America CHF 450 million sales 1'500 employees Central and South America CHF 160 million sales 900 employees 6% 62% Europe CHF 1'700 million sales (Switzerland: CHF 130 m) 8'200 employees (Switzerland: 1'000) 10% Asia CHF 270 million sales 1'600 employees 6% Other CHF 160 million sales 400 employees#7Number 1 in selected markets இச Kuhn Group World market leader in forage harvesting machinery and feed mixers Bucher Municipal European market leader in sweepers and winter maintenance Bucher Specials World market leader in fruit juice and winemaking equipment OID Bucher Hydraulics World market leader in hydraulic power packs Bucher Emhart Glass World market leader in glass container manufacturing equipment#8Aspirations Diversified group in mechanical and vehicle engineering Decentralised responsibility for products, markets and results in the divisions; centrally co-ordinated Technological leadership for a strong market position Strengthening of divisions Solid balance sheet for long-term, industrial independence 8 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public Increase in enterprise value (RONOA WACC) BUCHER#9Principles High level of independence for divisions Leadership by - Strategic planning - Key financial figures - Standardised values and prescribed governance requirements Lean corporate center structure With approx. 30 employees 9 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public BUCHER#10Group: Financial review BUCHER#11Key figures – third quarter 2021 Performance - CHFM January - September Change in Full year 2021 2020 % %1) %2) 2020 Order intake Net sales 2'943 1'959 50.2 50.2 48.2 2'838 2'364 2'010 17.6 17.5 16.1 2'741 Order book 1'684 935 80.2 80.3 77.1 1'081 Employees at closing date³) 13'482 12'538 7.5 6.2 12'598 CHFM January-June Change in Full year 2021 2020 % 2020 Operating profit (EBIT) as % of net sales 179 11.2% 94 89.9 204 7.0% 7.4% Profit for the period as % of net sales 138 8.6% 68 102.5 152 5.0% 5.5% 1) Adjusted for currency effects 2) Adjusted for currency and acquisition effects 3) 13'485 employees (FTEs), of whom 3 on short-time work (September 2020: 12'686 employees, of whom 148 on short-time work) 11 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public BUCHER#12High profitability Performance: Net sales and EBIT margin - first half CHFM 3'500 3'000 3'065 3'106 2'741 2'647 2'500 2'380 2'000 1'500 1'000 1'608 +18.5% 1'357 11.2% 500 7.1% 8.6% 9.5% 9.2% 7.4% 7.0% 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1st HY 2020 1st HY 2021 Net sales EBIT margin 12 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public BUCHER#1311% reduction in average net operating assets Invested capital: Net operating assets (NOA) – first half CHFM 1'400 1'293 1'274 1'214 1'208 1'200 1'156 1'151 -10.7% 54.3% 1'079 48.1% 1'000 800 600 43.1% 42.0% 39.1% 37.7% 36.0% 19.6% 19.0% 400 13.2% 13.5% 11.6% 9.7% 200 0 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 as % of net sales Net operating assets (NOA 4q.-average) 13 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public 30.06.2020 25.1% 30.06.2021 Return on NOA (RONOA) after tax BUCHER#14Acquisitions 2020 2020 Bucher Municipal Eurovoirie, France Net sales1) CHF 34 million²) Employees 75 Bucher Specials Luzzysa, Spain Bucher Municipal Spoutvac, Australia Bucher Municipal Richards Coach Works, Australia EVA EXZEL RICHARDS Asset Deal Asset Deal Net sales¹) Net sales¹) CHF 4 million CHF 16 million Employees Employees 20 35 1) before acquisition 2) of which more than half with Bucher Municipal equipment 14 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public Net sales1) CHF 1 million Employees 20 BUCHER#15Acquisitions 2021 2021 Kuhn Group Bucher Specials Khor, Brazil Strong Line Grain 50.000 KHOR AGRICOLA Bucher Hydraulics Merk Process, Germany Lenze Mobile Drives, Switzerland ALM 444 Net sales1) CHF 5 million Employees 80 Net sales¹) CHF 5 million Employees 20 Asset Deal (carve-out) Net sales²) CHF 15 million Employees 30, mainly in engineering and sales 1) before acquisition 2) next 12 months 15 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public BUCHER#16Acquisition Lenze Mobile Drives Bucher Hydraulics Product portfolio of inverters and converters for electrical auxiliary drives in mobile platforms such as buses, trucks etc. Lenze MOBILE AA Lenze Lenze Mobile Drives, Switzerland Net sales¹): CHF 15 million Employees: 30, primarily engineering and sales. MOBILE inverter and DC/DC converter 31. MOBILE PSE DCUS 2223030000000 A MOBILE single inverter 16 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public A ALA Strategic rationale - Electrification of vehicles WARRANTY SEAL - Future offering of a) hydraulic b) electric c) electrohydraulic solutions 1) next 12 months BUCHER#17Selected development projects Invested capital Kuhn Group Launch of the "AURA" autonomous feed mixer Navigates independently through facilities, loads itself with feed and distributes prescribed mixed feed ra- tions to livestock several times a day. Bucher Municipal First "UrBin RL110e" electric rear loaders delivered in Australia Ongoing expansion of electric-powered products, which are in high demand among customers. Bucher Emhart Glass "Smart Feeder" with "GobRadar" as the latest closed-loop control Camera-based sensor that optically monitors the weight and shape of each individual gob during forming and adjusts feeder automatically. 17 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public BUCHER Electric Vehicle Powered by in POSITION TRAJECTORY BUCHER#18Key investment projects Invested capital: Fixed and intangible assets Kuhn Group "MGM Monswiller" extension near Saverne, France The expanded facilities provide space for the safe and efficient assembly of some of the largest machinery produced by Kuhn Group. Kuhn Group Flagship location in the Russian agricultural region of Voronezh The new assembly, distribution, service and training facility is scheduled to commence operations in autumn 2021. 18 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public BUCHER#19Investment activity on a similar level as PY Invested capital: Capital expenditure - first half CHFM 140 120 100 93 60 78 80 60 60 74 103 92 10 76 75 82 82 125 84 83 88 72 29 29 41 40 4.0% 3.3% 3.4% 2.9% 2.6% 2.2% 20 0 2016 2017 Capital expenditure (Capex) 33 33 2.0% 42 2018 2019 2020 30.06.2020 30.06.2021 Depreciation & amortisation -Capex in % of net sales BUCHER 19 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public#20Successful cash management Financing and risk management - first half CHFM 500 400 300 200 129 84 100 61 0 -100 214 159 -40 67 215 -127 78 325 404 -200 2016 2017 2018 2019 1st HY 2020 2nd HY 2020 Free cash flow Net cash/debt 20 20 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public -82 329 1st HY 2021 BUCHER#21Divisions: Our activities BUCHER#22Kuhn Group Specialised agricultural machinery Arable farming Ploughing Dairy and livestock farming Tillage Hay and forage harvesting Feed storage Ο Seeding Fertilisation Spraying 22 22 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public Landscape maintenance Bedding and feeding Manure spreaders Hedge cutters BUCHER#23A key player in the global agricultural equipment market Strategic focus of Kuhn Group KUHN VB 7190 VB 7190 KUHN 23 23 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public Support modern agriculture and connect with customers - Large machines for large farms Digital solutions for precision farming and customer retention Close to customers: opening of new distribution centres BUCHER#24Complete product range under the Kuhn brand Kuhn Group Mowers Hay and forage Tedders Rakes Balers Hedge cutters Feed mixers A Kuhn Group John Deere CNHi AGCO Claas Krone Amazone Pöttinger Kubota / Kverneland / Great Plains Exel Group / Hardi Lemken Horsch Väderstad Same-Deutz-Fahr Maschio 24 224 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public Tillage equipment powered non- powered Seeding Planting Spreaders Sprayers Tractors Harvesters self-propelled BUCHER#25Net sales by region Kuhn Group CHFM 930 1'204 1'177 1'094 1'076 3% 4% 28% 27% 28% 30% 65% 67% 32% 65% 62% 61% 8.0% 8.6% 8.7% 8.3% 8.3% 1% 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 25 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public Other Asia Americas Europe Of which Switzerland EBIT margin BUCHER#2620 6 4 2013 Crop price EUR and USD / bushel 16 14 12 10 8 2015 2017 Price development soybeans, corn, wheat, milk (average prices until September 2021) 2019 Dec 19 Feb 20 -USA - Wheat -USA - Soybeans Source: USDA, AHDB / European Commission Apr 20 Jun 20 Aug 20 Oct 20 222222 Dec 20 Feb 21 Apr 21 Jun 21 -USA - Corn 26 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public -EU Milling wheat Aug 21 0 10 20 30 40 Milk price EUR and USD / 100 kg 50 √ 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 Dec 19 Feb 20 Apr 20 Jun 20 Aug 20 Note: After Dec 2019, prices for EU without UK Source:, USDA USA -EU Oct 20 Dec 20 Feb 21 Apr 21 Jun 21 Aug 21 BUCHER#2727 0 30 120 90 60 60 Net cash income Source: USDA; value in nominal (current) dollars 2015 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public 2016 Farm income USDbn 150 2017 2018 US farm income (USDA) (as of 2 September 2021) 2019 -Net farm income 2020E 2021E 0 2012 20 10 2013 2014 30 30 2015 40 2016 Direct government payments USDbn 50 2017 2018 BUCHER 2019 2020E 2021E#28Key figures Kuhn Group CHFM January - September Change in Full year 2021 2020 % %1) %2) 2020 Order intake Net sales 1'247 847 47.2 49.6 48.4 1'290 1'004 821 22.3 24.0 23.4 1'094 Order book 831 419 98.5 101.4 99.5 587 Employees at closing date³) 5'738 5'118 12.1 10.6 5'194 CHFM January-June Change in Full year 2021 2020 % 2020 Operating profit (EBITDA) 108 69 58.1 as % of net sales 14.9% 11.7% 125 11.4% Operating profit (EBIT) as % of net sales 91 12.5% 51 77.4 91 8.8% 8.3% 1) Adjusted for currency effects 2) Adjusted for currency and acquisition effects 3) 5'739 employees (FTEs), of whom 1 on short-time work (September 2020: 5'124 employees, of whom 6 on short-time work) 28 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public BUCHER#29Very good development despite increasing challenges Kuhn Group: Outlook for 2021 Strong demand for agricultural machinery due to various government support programmes, good prices for agricultural products and high demand for them especially from China and overall favourable weather conditions; in addition, larger orders and early order placement because of dealers' low inventory levels - - - North America: Marked improvement following several difficult years Europe: Market conditions good in the dairy and livestock industry as well as in the arable sector Brazil: Agricultural producers extremely eager to invest due to very good margins Higher costs in second half of the year because of increasing challenges in production and the supply chain For 2021: Marked rise in sales compared with 2020; thanks to good capacity utilisation and price increases also marked increase in operating profit margin to double-digit level 29 29 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public BUCHER#30Bucher Municipal Municipal vehicles and winter maintenance equipment Compact sweepers BUCHER Winter equipment BUCHER FUCHER CityCat 5006 Truck mounted sweepers BUCHER V650 BUCHER CONNECT 30 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public Sewer cleaning כן pb BUCHER municipal in 201 Refuse collection BUCHER#31"Driven by better" Strategic focus of Bucher Municipal Ο CityCat V20 BUCHER BUCHER DUCHER BUCHER 31 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public Industrialise production and build service presence - - - - "One company - one brand" for optimised sales and service Market penetration with new line of electric-powered sweepers, winter maintenance equipment and refuse collection vehicles Greater efficiency due to modularisation Integration of companies acquired in China, France and Australia BUCHER#32Complete product range under one brand Bucher Municipal Competitors Bucher Municipal Federal Signal Alamo Douglas Dynamics Terberg-RosRoca Aebi-Schmidt Faun Fayat Hako Boschung Cappellotto Kaiser Zoomlion Sweepers Refuse vehicles Winter maintenance Vacuum tankers Vacuum Mechanical Truck Truck mounted Compact mounted Front Rear Side Spreaders Ploughs Snow blowers Municipal Industry Compact 32 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public BUCHER#33Net sales by region Bucher Municipal CHFM 539 541 4% 6% 7% 462 6% 426 5% 3% 389 18% 17% 4% 5% Other 7% 5% 18% 8% 70% 69% Asia 19% 17% 69% Americas 68% 69% 9.5% 8.4% 3.7% 6.1% 6.0% 2% 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 33 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public Australia Europe Of which Switzerland →EBIT margin BUCHER#34Key figures Bucher Municipal CHFM January - September Change in Full year 2021 2020 % %1) %2) 2020 Order intake Net sales 451 343 31.7 28.5 25.1 460 377 320 17.9 14.8 11.2 462 Order book 235 182 29.5 26.5 26.5 157 Employees at closing date³) 2'381 2'305 3.3 1.8 2'327 CHFM January-June Change in Full year 2021 2020 % 2020 Operating profit (EBITDA) 22 13 75.2 as % of net sales 8.6% 5.8% 38 8.1% Operating profit (EBIT) as % of net sales 1) Adjusted for currency effects 2) Adjusted for currency and acquisition effects 3) September 2020: 2'307 employees (FTES), of whom 2 on short-time work 17 6.5% 8 112.8 3.6% 28 6.0% 34 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public BUCHER#35Sales growth with good demand Bucher Municipal: Outlook for 2021 Demand developing positively - - Recovery led by key European markets Newly launched electrified products, particularly in the sweeper and winter maintenance equipment businesses Full-year consolidation and integration of Spoutvac, the Australian manufacturer of sewer cleaning vehicles Production hampered by COVID-19 measures and problems in the supply chain, in particular for chassis For 2021: Rise in sales and in operating profit margin compared to 2020 due to better utilisation of production capacity and efficiency gains 35 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public BUCHER#36Bucher Hydraulics Customised drive systems Pumps Valves Subsystems Tailor-made Motors Cylinders Power packs customer solutions Agricultural machinery Construction equipment Materials handling Industry Other segments: Mining/tunnelling, energy technology, municipal vehicles, elevator technology, high-voltage switch gear 36 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public BUCHER#37Investment in the future Strategic focus of Bucher Hydraulics P-48121 00 Leverage electrification and broaden product offering Extend new AX axial piston line, particularly suitable for electric-powered machines Develop innovative electrohydraulic subsystems Ongoing expansion of product line in the lower price segment 37 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public BUCHER#38Leading manufacturer with wide range of products Bucher Hydraulics Competitors Bucher Hydraulics Parker (USA) Eaton (USA) Rexroth (DE) Danfoss (DK) Hydac (DE) HAWE (DE) Dana (IT) Interpump (IT) Argo-Hytos (DE) Moog (USA) Concentric (SE) Husco (USA) Sun Hydraulics (USA) Hydraforce (USA) Pumps Valves Piston Vane Gear Industrial Servo Direc- Car- HIC (Cetop) Spe- tional tridge spool cial Motors and cylinders Gear Piston Cylin- ders Accessories Power packs Elec- Accumu-Filters Other tronics lators Com- Con- pact trac- ting 38 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public BUCHER#39Net sales by region Bucher Hydraulics CHFM 649 627 12% 11% 546 536 9% 1% 475 16% 29% 29% 7% 29% Other 30% 26% 60% 58% Asia 62% 63% 57% 11.9% 13.7% 13.4% 12.5% 11.0% 2% 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 39 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public Americas Europe Of which Switzerland EBIT margin BUCHER#40Key figures Bucher Hydraulics CHFM January - September Change in Full year 2021 2020 % %1) %2) 2020 Order intake Net sales 646 399 61.9 61.9 60.1 561 509 403 26.1 26.0 25.0 536 Order book 282 105 169.4 169.3 156.8 134 Employees at closing date³) 2'790 2'513 11.0 9.8 2'537 CHFM January-June Change in Full year 2021 2020 % 2020 Operating profit (EBITDA) as % of net sales 57 16.8% 36 56.5 13.6% 81 15.1% Operating profit (EBIT) as % of net sales 46 13.5% 25 80.3 59 9.5% 11.0% 1) Adjusted for currency effects 2) Adjusted for currency and acquisition effects 3) 2'792 employees (FTEs), of whom 2 on short-time work (September 2020: 2'596 employees, of whom 83 on short-time work) 40 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public BUCHER#41Extraordinary momentum in hydraulic markets continues Bucher Hydraulics: Outlook for 2021 Extremely high demand in all key regions and segments - Marked upward trend in Europe and America following China Strong demand in the agricultural machines, materials handling and construction machinery segments High capacity utilisation; challenging to make necessary adjustments to production capacity Focus on electrohydraulics: with acquisition of Lenze Mobile Drives in early July, division positions itself in rapidly growing market for electrohydraulic solutions For 2021: Despite challenges in production, marked growth in sales and in operating profit margin compared to 2020 41 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public BUCHER#42Bucher Emhart Glass Glass container manufacturing equipment Hot End Gob forming Glass-forming machine Batch charger Batch plant Furnace Forehearth Gob forming 30%0 ↓ Glass container manufacturing process 42 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public Cold End Inspection Forming machine Ware handling ww Im mm mm mm mmm Palletising Lehr Inspection BUCHER#43Further strengthening of market position Strategic focus of Bucher Emhart Glass 43 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public Drive customers' production efficiency Provide customers with "End to End" solutions and automation technologies to integrate the "hot end" to the "cold end" - Expand services, e.g. "Training under glass" - Develop inspection machine business BUCHER#44World's leading machinery manufacturer Bucher Emhart Glass Competitors Bucher Emhart Glass Bottero (IT) Heye (DE) Sklostroj (CZ) BDF (IT) Competitors (CN) Tiama (FR) Sorg Horn Gob forming Hot end IS forming machine Cold end Furnace Forehearth Feeder and shear NIS AIS IS Ware handling Lehr Inspection Palletising Wrapping 44 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public BUCHER#45Net sales by region Bucher Emhart Glass CHFM 45 487 447 7% 421 8% 5% 381 371 26% 4% 6% 26% 26% 31% Other 29% 27% Asia 27% 26% 32% 31% Americas 40% 43% 39% 33% Europe 34% 13.5% 10.4% 10.5% 7.1% 6.6% EBIT margin 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public BUCHER#46Key figures Bucher Emhart Glass CHFM January - September Change in Full year 2021 2020 % %1) 2020 Order intake Net sales 392 223 76.2 72.6 317 284 285 -0.2 -2.4 421 Order book 267 197 35.3 32.4 155 Employees at closing date 1'553 1'652 -6.0 1'611 CHFM January-June Change in Full year 2021 2020 % 2020 Operating profit (EBITDA) 28 20 43.1 as % of net sales 16.4% 11.0% Operating profit (EBIT) as % of net sales 24 13.7% 15 57.0 8.4% 53 12.7% 44 10.5% 1) Adjusted for currency effects 46 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public BUCHER#47Very high demand due to renewed confidence among customers Bucher Emhart Glass: Outlook for 2021 Marked increase in demand - - Upturn in project business for glass-forming machines due to easing of restrictions in the gastronomic sector and at major public events Approval of investment projects by customers for modernising and expanding their machinery as well as for completely new plant Good production capacity utilisation after weak first quarter Persistent hindrances in supply chain and logistics as well as in Malaysia due to restrictions caused by COVID-19 For 2021: Sales in line with 2020; significantly higher operating profit margin compared to 2020 thanks to persistently low cost base and product mix 47 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public BUCHER#48Bucher Specials Individual businesses Bucher Vaslin Bucher Unipektin Winemaking equipment Bucher Landtechnik Equipment for fruit juice processing, beer filtration and drying Jetter Agricultural distributorship in Switzerland 48 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public Automation solutions BUCHER#49Net sales by region Bucher Specials CHFM 316 309 5% 272 10% 273 263 9% 4% 12% 84% 7% 9% 9% 7% 10% 76% 10% 82% 76% 77% 8.0% 8.1% 8.3% 6.2% 2.5% 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 49 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public 39% Other Asia Americas Europe Of which Switzerland -EBIT margin BUCHER#50Key figures Bucher Specials CHFM January - September Change in Full year 2021 2020 % %1) %2) 2020 Order intake Net sales 256 184 39.3 38.4 32.6 261 239 219 9.4 8.6 5.6 273 Order book 92 47 96.6 95.1 75.7 70 Employees at closing date³) 958 888 7.9 6.0 868 CHFM January-June Change in Full year 2021 2020 % 2020 Operating profit (EBITDA) as % of net sales 14 9.4% 7 105.9 5.0% 12 4.4% Operating profit (EBIT) as % of net sales 1) Adjusted for currency effects 2) Adjusted for currency and acquisition effects 3) September 2020: 945 employees (FTEs), of whom 57 on short-time work 12 7.9% 5 154.3 3.4% 7 2.5% 50 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public BUCHER#51Demand continues to recover Bucher Specials: Outlook for 2021 Increasing investments by customers in project business - - - Bucher Vaslin: Recovery of sales, also due to catch-up effects Bucher Unipektin: Increase in sales, in part because of the two acquisitions made in the past two years Bucher Landtechnik: Continuation of positive development of previous year ― Jetter: Increase in sales due to recovery in glass industry For 2021: Significant growth in sales compared with 2020 and operating profit margin in the mid-to-high single-digit range thanks to the cost-savings measures put in place 51 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public BUCHER#52Outlooks and trends BUCHER#53Marked increase in sales and operating profit margin Group: Outlook for 2021 Continuation of economic momentum; however, difficulties in procurement, logistics and recruitment will intensify; price increases compensating higher costs to a large extent - - Kuhn Group: Marked rise in sales and operating profit margin with the latter reaching the double-digit level Bucher Municipal: Growth in sales and higher operating profit margin - Bucher Hydraulics: Marked growth in sales and operating profit margin - - Bucher Emhart Glass: Sales in line with previous year and significantly higher operating profit margin Bucher Specials: Marked growth in sales and operating profit margin in the mid-to-high single-digit range For 2021: Marked increase in sales, operating profit margin and profit for the year versus 2020; operating profit margin likely to reach target of 10% 53 33 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public BUCHER#54Long-term earnings targets Outlook and trends IFRS FER + Full year Full year January - June EBIT margin in % 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Targets I Kuhn Group 8.0 8.6 8.1 I 8.7 8.3 8.3 8.8 12.5 12 T Bucher Municipal 3.7 6.1 9.0 I 9.5 8.4 6.0 3.6 6.5 9 I Bucher Hydraulics 11.9 13.7 13.1 13.4 12.5 11.0 9.5 13.5 12 Bucher Emhart Glass 7.1 6.6 10.1 10.4 13.5 10.5 8.4 13.7 10 | I Bucher Specials 8.0 8.1 7.8 8.3 6.2 2.5 3.4 7.9 10 Bucher Industries 7.1 8.6 9.1 9.5 9.2 7.4 7.0 11.2 >10 ¡ I I Group and divisions 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 Target RONOA after tax 9.7 13.2 15.7 19.6 19.0 13.5 11.6 25.1 >20 I 54 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public BUCHER#55Regionally divergent trends. require a geographically adapted strategy Trends i Developed countries Emerging markets Efficiency/sustainability Mechanisation/urbanisation Topics - - - Selected projects - Stricter environmental regulations Innovation Sensors, data, networking Electrification - Market access Localisation Compliance Precision farming Electrification municipal equipment Electrohydraulic system solutions "End to End" glass forming - Kuhn Group in the east Expansion of Bucher Municipal Asia - Selected acquisitions#56Sustainability strategy Objectives 56 ата Customers Keep customers happy Develop innovative products and optimal solutions Customer health and safety Employees - - - Be an attractive employer and offer internal career opportunities Develop employees by offering training Safeguard health and safety at work Foster a diverse and inclusive culture Environment - Develop new machinery and equipment that enable customers to improve their environmental sustainability Reduce CO2 emissions in production Compliance Do business with integrity and professionalism and conduct ourselves fairly towards customers, colleagues, business partners, competitors and authorities Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public BUCHER#5757 40 Notes Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public BUCHER#58Notes 58 Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public BUCHER#59Contact for investors and financial analysts T +41 58 750 15 50 [email protected] BUCHER

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