Uber Results Presentation Deck

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November 2021



#1Uber Technologies, Inc. Q3 2021 Earnings Supplemental Data November 4, 2021#2Non-GAAP Financial Measures Disclosure To supplement our financial information, which is prepared and presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America, or GAAP, we use the following non-GAAP financial measures: Adjusted EBITDA; Non-GAAP Costs and Operating Expenses as well as, revenue growth rates in constant currency. The presentation of this financial information is not intended to be considered in isolation or as a substitute for, or superior to, the financial information prepared and presented in accordance with GAAP. We use these non-GAAP financial measures for financial and operational decision-making and as a means to evaluate period-to-period comparisons. We believe that these non-GAAP financial measures provide meaningful supplemental information regarding our performance by excluding certain items that may not be indicative of our recurring core business operating results. We believe that both management and investors benefit from referring to these non-GAAP financial measures in assessing our performance and when planning, forecasting, and analyzing future periods. These non-GAAP financial measures also facilitate management's internal comparisons to our historical performance. We believe these non-GAAP financial measures are useful to investors both because (1) they allow for greater transparency with respect to key metrics used by management in its financial and operational decision-making and (2) they are used by our institutional investors and the analyst community to help them analyze the health of our business. There are a number of limitations related to the use of non- GAAP financial measures. In light of these limitations we provide specific information regarding the GAAP amounts excluded from these non-GAAP financial measures and evaluating these non-GAAP financial measures together with their relevant financial measures in accordance with GAAP. For more information on these non-GAAP financial measures, please see the section titled "Non-GAAP Reconciliations" included at the end of this deck. In regards to forward looking non-GAAP guidance provided on our Q3 2021 earnings release and call, we are not able to reconcile the forward-looking non-GAAP Adjusted EBITDA measure to the closest corresponding GAAP measure without unreasonable efforts because we are unable to predict the ultimate outcome of certain significant items. These items include, but are not limited to, significant legal settlements, unrealized gains and losses on equity investments, tax and regulatory reserve changes, restructuring costs and acquisition and financing related impacts. 2#3Forward Looking Statements This presentation contains forward-looking statements regarding our future business expectations, which involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from the results predicted, and reported results should not be considered as an indication of future performance. Forward- looking statements include all statements that are not historical facts and can be identified by terms such as "anticipate," "believe," "contemplate," "continue," "could," "estimate," "expect," "hope," "intend," "may," "might," "objective," "ongoing," "plan," "potential," "predict," "project," "should," "target," "will," or "would" or similar expressions and the negatives of those terms. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. These risks, uncertainties and other factors relate to, among others: the outcome of a tax case before the UK tax authority related to classification as a transportation provider, developments in the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact on our business and operations, competition, managing our growth and corporate culture, financial performance, investments in new products or offerings, our ability to attract drivers, consumers and other partners to our platform, our brand and reputation and other legal and regulatory developments and proceedings, particularly with respect to our relationships with drivers and delivery persons. In addition, other potential risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ from the results predicted include, among others, those risks and uncertainties included under the captions "Risk Factors" and "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" in our annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2020 and subsequent annual reports, quarterly reports and other filings filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission from time to time. All information provided in this presentation is as of the date hereof and any forward-looking statements contained herein are based on assumptions that we believe to be reasonable as of such date. We undertake no duty to update this information unless required by law. 3#4Business Highlights Platform Highlights Segment Details Condensed Consolidated Financials Non-GAAP Reconciliations Uber Q3 2021 Earnings 4#5Three key takeaways from Q3 01. Recovery back on track, Uber emerging stronger (Pages 6-8) Uber Q3 2021 Earnings 02. Supply recovery progressing well (Pages 9-11) 03. Delivering on profitability commitments (Pages 12-13) 5#6Uber Gross Bookings reached an all-time high in October, up 45% vs. 2019 Uber GBs ~25% YOY Jan '20 Global COVID-19 outbreak Q3 2021 Earnings Feb Mar '20 '20 Apr May '20 '20 Jun '20 Jul Aug Sep Oct '¹20 '20 ¹20 '20 Note 1: Chart is monthly Gross Bookings for Mobility and Delivery Mobility Nov '20 Dec '20 Jan Feb '21 '21 Delivery Vaccine distribution starts Mar Apr '21 '21 May '21 Jun '21 Delta variant impacts Jul '21 Aug '21 Recovery back on track; GBs +11% MOM Sep Oct '21 '21 6#7Aggregate Gross Bookings 33% higher than October 2019 in NYC, London, Paris, and Sydney New York City Both Mobility and Delivery growing post reopening Paris Both Mobility and Delivery showed recovery from seasonal softness and restaurants reopening Uber Q3 2021 Earnings Jan '20 Apr '20 Jan Apr '20 '20 Reopening Jul Oct Jan '20 '20 '21 Jul Oct Jan '20 '20 '21 Apr '21 Jul '21 Reopening Apr '21 Jul '21 3.6x vs. Oct '19 0.9x vs. Oct '19 Oct '21 0.9x vs. Oct '19 2.6x vs. Oct '19 Oct '21 London Mobility steadily improving post reopening while Delivery holding ins (+150% vs. Oct '19) Sydney Sharp Mobility rebound post "Freedom Day" reopening, with pullback in Delivery demand D Jan '20 N Apr '20 Jan '20 Jul '20 Apr '20 سهيد Jamaiko Jul '20 Oct '20 Oct '20 Jan Apr '21 '21 Reopening Jan '21 Jul '21 Lockdown Apr '21 Jul '21 1.0x vs. Oct '19 2.5x vs. Oct '19 Oct '21 Oct '21 Reopening 2.1x vs. Oct '19 0.6x vs. Oct '19 Mobility Delivery Note 1: Weekly Gross Bookings in the respective cities. Measured from January 6th, 2020, to October 25th, 2021. Growth vs. October 2019 is measured as October 2021 vs. October 2019. Note 2: Delivery and Mobility Gross Bookings plotted on separate y-axis, and are not plotted to same scale Note 3: Sydney's 're-opening' date is shown as October 11, 2021 and 'lockdown' date is shown as June 26, 2021; New York Cities 're-opening' date is shown as January 29, 2021; London's 're-opening' date is shown as May 17,2021; Paris 're-opening' date is shown as May 19, 2021. 7#8US recovery gaining traction post Labor Day, with airport trips rapidly returning Us Mobility Trips Uber 130% 120% 110% 100% 90% Aug 30 Q3 2021 Earnings Sep 6 Sep 13 Airport Sep 20 Sep 27 Oct 4 Commute+Workday Note 1: Chart is indexed to the week of August 30th, 2021. Oct 11 Other Oct 18 Oct 25 US airport trips increased significantly in recent weeks, growing over 20% from the beginning of September, and set new post-COVID highs. US airport trip growth accelerated across all consumer cohorts, with business trips up 60%. Airport Gross Bookings mix in the US has reverted back to pre-COVID levels, while approaching 12% to 13% of global Mobility Gross Bookings (vs. 15% pre-COVID). 8#9Uber's platform supply growth efforts showing results in the US 200% 150% 100% Uber 50% 0% Jan '21 Q3 2021 Earnings Feb '21 Mar '21 Apr ¹21 May '21 US Active Drivers Jun '21 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Oct '21 US Active Couriers Note 1: Chart is indexed to January 2021. Note 2: Active Driver/Courier is defined as a Driver/Courier who has completed a Mobility/Delivery trip on our platform at least once in a given month Supply growth has been a key priority through 2021. We were focused on not only reviving driver supply, but also growing our courier base, to better position Uber's platform for future demand. In all, Uber's monthly active driver and courier base in the US has grown by nearly 640k since January. 9#10Us Mobility marketplace rapidly us normalizing as drivers return New York City +52% Active Drivers since January United States +67% Active Drivers since January Uber Q3 2021 Earnings tumin 1.9 2% 4.7 min 4.2 Jan '21 6% min 56% Jan '21 Feb '21 Mar '21 Apr '21 May '21 Feb '21 7.4 min Jun '21 39% Jul '21 - NYC % of Trips Surged - NYC Wait Time (minutes) Mar '21 Apr '21 May '21 Jun '21 Jul '21 - US % of Trips Surged - US Wait Time (minutes) 12% Aug '21 Sep '21 17% Aug '21 Sep '21 Oct '21 2.3 min 18% Note 1: Wait Time is the amount of time elapsed from confirmation of ride to pickup Note 2: Active Driver is defined as a Driver who has completed a Mobility trip on our platform at least once in a given month Note 3: Demand recovery and supply recovery are defined as Shopping Session recovery and Supply Hours recovery versus 2019 respectively. 25% 4.5 min Oct '21 Uber's consumer experience in the US is rapidly normalizing as a result of our decisive and early investments in driver supply growth. Active US drivers are up over 65% since January. For the first time in 2021, demand recovery is in balance with supply recovery. As a result, surge is approaching 2019 normalcy. Reliability has improved as well, with US wait time under 5 minutes vs. around 3 minutes in 2019. 10#11US Delivery courier supply also up significantly US Eats courier growth efforts have focused on improving onboarding and acquisition Accelerated courier onboarding Migrate Postmates couriers Improve marketing acquisition Experiment with Eats <> Rides strategy Increase push and surge messaging Uber Q3 2021 Earnings Note 1: Active Courier is defined as a Courier who has completed a Delivery trip on our platform at least once in a given month Since January Improving marketing acquisition Curious about delivering with Uber Eats in New York City? See how much you can earn in your first month. Uber Eats +80% Revamping onboarding process Uber Enter your vehicle information Make Select a Make Model Select a Model Year Select a Year License plate Enter your license plate Help Continue active couriers Combined onboarding You're ready to earn with Uber Eats! Start making deliveries or get approved for rides to maximize your earnings. Approved for deliveries 5 items Start making deliveries Explore the app and start delivering with Uber Eats. 2 Get approved for rides Profile photo Vehicle insurance Vehicle registration + > > > 11#12Mobility margins rebounded to 2019 highs Uber 23.0% O $12,554 Q3 '19 5.0% $631 22.6% $13,512 Q3 2021 Earnings 5.5% Q4 '19 Q1 '20 $742 11 Q3 '19 22.7% $10,874 5.3% $581 25.9% $3,046 Q2 '20 Take Rate* 1.6% $50 23.1% $5,905 21.7% Q3 '20 Q4 '20 4.1% $6,789 Gross Bookings ($M) $245 4.3% $293 21.5% $6,773 Q1 '21 4.4% $298 18.7% $8,640 Q2 '21 2.1% $179 Q4 '19 Q1 '20 Q2 '20 Q3 '20 Q4 '20 Q1 '21 O Mobility Adjusted EBITDA Margin (as a % of Gross Bookings) Adjusted EBITDA ($M) *Take Rate is excluding UK accrual impacts. Please see the "Mobility Highlights" page for adjustment details 21.1% $9,883 Q3 '21 5.5% $544 Q2 '21 Q3 '21 Disciplined execution drove Mobility's Q3'21 Adjusted EBITDA margins (as % of Gross Bookings) above Q3'19 levels. This margin improvement is particularly impressive with Mobility Gross Bookings down 21% vs. Q3'19 and Take Rate 190 basis points* below Q3'19, considering the varying state of recovery around the world, and the lack of a level playing field in the UK for worker classification. 12#13Delivery near breakeven in Q3 Gross Bookings Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA Margin Uber Q3 2021 Earnings 48% YOY 106% YoY (4.9%) Q3 '19 Q3 '19 (12.2%) 133% YoY (1.7%) Us&C 134% YoY Q3 '20 Q3 '20 (2.6%) International 54% YoY (0.2%) Note 1: US&C gross bookings growth benefitted by 19% in Q3'21 Note 2: Gross Bookings and Adjusted EBITDA charts show Gross Bookings $'s and Adjusted EBITDA $'s respectively. Adjusted EBITDA Margin is as a % of Gross Bookings 47% YoY Q3 '21 Q3 '21 0.1% Delivery Adjusted EBITDA improved nearly $150M QoQ and nearly reached breakeven in Q3. The US & Canada delivered an outstanding quarter, with sequential topline growth and category position gains, while improving EBITDA $132M QoQ and approaching breakeven. Over the past two years, Delivery has shown tremendous progress. Gross Bookings increased over 250% and Adjusted EBITDA improved $300M+ (Q3'19-Q3'21), while establishing a category leading position in 7 of our top 10 markets, and beginning to rapidly build our non-restaurant food delivery offerings in 2021. 13#14Business Highlights Platform Highlights Segment Details Condensed Consolidated Financials Non-GAAP Reconciliations Uber Q3 2021 Earnings 14#15Operating Metrics In Millions MAPCS Trips Monthly Trips / MAPC Uber Q3 2021 Earnings 78 Q3 2020 1,184 Q3 2020 5.1 93 Q4 2020 1,443 Q4 2020 5.2 98 Q1 2021 1,447 Q1 2021 4.9 101 Q2 2021 1,511 Q2 2021 5.0 109 Q3 2021 1,641 Q3 2021 5.0 +40% MAPCS Growth YoY +39% Trips Growth YoY Note 1: MAPCs is the number of unique consumers who completed a Mobility ride or received a Delivery order on our platform at least once in a given month, averaged over each month in the quarter. Note 2: We define Trips as the number of completed consumer Mobility rides and Delivery orders in a given period. 15#16Gross Bookings $ in Millions $14,745 Q3 2020 (10%) (8%) Uber Q3 2021 Earnings $17,152 Q4 2020 (5%) (4%) $19,536 Q1 2021 24% 22% $21,900 Q2 2021 114% 104% $23,113 Q3 2021 57% 53% % Growth YoY +6% Gross Bookings Growth QoQ % Constant Currency Growth YoY Note 1: We define Gross Bookings as the total dollar value, including any applicable taxes, tolls, and fees, of Mobility rides, Delivery orders, and amounts paid by Freight shippers, in each case without any adjustment for consumer discounts and refunds, Driver and Merchant earnings, and Driver incentives. Gross Bookings do not include tips earned by Drivers. Note 2: "% Constant Currency Growth YoY" is calculated by translating our current period financial results using the corresponding prior period's monthly exchange rates for our transacted currencies other than the U.S. dollar 16#17Revenue $ in Millions 19.1% Uber $2,813 Q3 2020 (21%) (20%) Q3 2021 Earnings 18.5% $3,165 Q4 2020 (16%) (15%) 14.9%* $2,903* Q1 2021 (11%) (11%) 17.9% $3,929 Q2 2021 105% 95% 21.0% $4,845 ** Q3 2021 72% 69% Take Rate % Growth YoY % Constant Currency Growth YoY *Q1'21 Revenue of $2,903 million includes the impact of a $600 million accrual made for the resolution of historical claims in the UK relating to the classification of drivers. Excluding that impact, Revenue would be $3,503 and Take Rate would be 17.9%. **Q3'21 Revenue of $4,845 million includes the benefit of a $123 million accrual release for the resolution of historical claims in the UK relating to the classification of drivers. Excluding that benefit, Revenue would be $4,722 and Take Rate would be 20.4%. Refer to "Reconciliations of Non-GAAP Financial Measures" for more information. Note 1: Take Rate is defined as Revenue as a percentage of Gross Bookings. Note 2: During the fourth quarter of 2020, we changed our accounting policy related to the presentation of negative revenue arising from cumulative payments to Drivers in excess of cumulative revenue from Drivers. Our policy for the presentation of these excess cumulative payments has changed from presenting them within cost of revenue, exclusive of depreciation and amortization, to presenting them as a reduction of revenue in our consolidated statement of operations. 17#18Adjusted EBITDA $ in Millions ($625) Uber (4.2%) Q3 2020 Q3 2021 Earnings ($454) (2.6%) Q4 2020 ($359) (1.8%) Q1 2021 ($509) (2.3%) Q2 2021 $8 0% Q3 2021 +$633M YoY improvement in Adjusted EBITDA Adjusted EBITDA Margin as a % of Gross Bookings Note 1: We define Adjusted EBITDA as net income (loss), excluding (i) income (loss) from discontinued operations, net of income taxes, (ii) net income (loss) attributable to non-controlling interests, net of tax, (iii) provision for (benefit from) income taxes, (iv) income (loss) from equity method investments, (v) interest expense, (vi) other income (expense), net, (vii) depreciation and amortization, (viii) stock-based compensation expense, (ix) certain legal, tax, and regulatory reserve changes and settlements, (x) goodwill and asset impairments/loss on sale of assets, (xi) acquisition and financing related expenses, (xii) restructuring and related charges and (xiii) other items not indicative of our ongoing operating performance, including COVID-19 response initiatives related payments for financial assistance to Drivers personally impacted by COVID-19, the cost of personal protective equipment distributed to Drivers, Driver reimbursement for their cost of purchasing personal protective equipment, the costs related to free rides and food deliveries to healthcare workers, seniors, and others in need as well as charitable donations Note 2: We define Adjusted EBITDA margin as a percentage of Gross Bookings as Adjusted EBITDA divided by Gross Bookings. Note 3: See Non-GAAP reconciliations for reconciliation of non-GAAP measures 18#19Business Highlights Platform Highlights Segment Details Condensed Consolidated Financials Non-GAAP Reconciliations Uber Q3 2021 Earnings 19#20Mobility Highlights $ in Millions Gross Bookings % Constant Currency Growth YoY Revenue % Constant Currency Growth YoY Adjusted EBITDA Uber Q3 2021 Earnings $5,905 (50%) 23.1% O $1,364 (51%) 4.1% O $245 $6,789 (47%) 21.7% $1,471 (51%) 4.3% $293 $6,773 (36%) 12.6%* $853* (63%) 4.4% $298 Q1 2021 $8,640 Note 1: Take Rate is defined as Revenue as a percentage of Gross Bookings. Note 2: See Non-GAAP reconciliations for reconciliation of non-GAAP measures. Note 3: All measures are for Mobility segment unless otherwise noted. 174% 18.7% $1,617 98% 2.1% $179 $9,883 Q2 2021 63% 22.3%* $2,205* 59% 5.5% O $544 +14% QoQ improvement in Gross Bookings Q3 2020 Q4 2020 Q3 2021 *Q1'21 Revenue of $853 includes the impact of a $600 million accrual made for the resolution of historical claims in the UK relating to the classification of drivers. Excluding that impact, Revenue would be $1,453 and Take Rate would be 21.5%. **Q3'21 Revenue of $2,205 includes the benefit of a $123 million accrual release for the resolution of historical claims in the UK relating to the classification of drivers. Excluding that benefit, Revenue would be $2,082 and Take Rate would be 21.1%. Refer to "Reconciliations of Non-GAAP Financial Measures" for more information. Revenue: Take Rate Adjusted EBITDA: Segment Adjusted EBITDA Margin as a % of Gross Bookings 20#21Delivery Highlights $ in Millions Gross Bookings % Constant Currency Growth YoY Revenue % Constant Currency Growth YoY Adjusted EBITDA Uber Q3 2021 Earnings $8,550 135% 13.3% O $1,136 187% ($183) (2.1%) Q3 2020 $10,050 128% 13.5% $1,356 220% ($145) (1.4%) Q4 2020 $12,461 157% 14.0% $1,741 215% ($200) (1.6%) Q1 2021 Note 1: Take Rate is defined as Revenue as a percentage of Gross Bookings. Note 2: See Non-GAAP reconciliations for reconciliation of non-GAAP measures. Note 3: All measures are for Delivery segment unless otherwise noted. $12,912 75% 15.2% $1,964 106% ($161) (1.2%) Q2 2021 $12,828 46% 17.4% $2,238 92% ($12) (0.1%) Q3 2021 +92% Revenue Growth YoY at Constant Currency +1.1 pts QoQ improvement in Adj. EBITDA Margin as a % of Gross Bookings Revenue: Take Rate Adjusted EBITDA: Segment Adjusted EBITDA Margin as a % of Gross Bookings 21#22Freight Highlights $ in Millions Revenue % Constant Currency Growth YoY Adjusted EBITDA Uber Q3 2021 Earnings $288 32% ($73) (25.2%) Q3 2020 $313 43% ($41) (13.1%) Q4 2020 $301 51% ($29) (9.6%) Q1 2021 Note 1: See Non-GAAP reconciliations for reconciliation of non-GAAP measures. Note 2: All measures are for Freight segment unless otherwise noted. $348 65% ($41) (11.8%) Q2 2021 $402 40% ($35) (8.7%) Q3 2021 +40% Revenue Growth YoY at Constant Currency +3.1 pts Improvement in Adj. EBITDA Margin as a % of Gross Bookings Adjusted EBITDA: Segment Adjusted EBITDA Margin as a % of Gross Bookings 22#23Business Highlights Platform Highlights Segment Details Condensed Consolidated Financials Non-GAAP Reconciliations Uber Q3 2021 Earnings 23#24Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations (Unaudited) $ in Millions, except share amounts, which are in thousands, and per share amounts Uber Q3 2021 Earnings Revenue Costs and expenses Cost of revenue, exclusive of depreciation and amortization shown separately below Operations and support Sales and marketing Research and development General and administrative Depreciation and amortization Total costs and expenses Loss from operations Interest expense Other income (expense), net Loss before income taxes and loss from equity method investments Provision for (benefit from) income taxes Loss from equity method investments Net loss including non-controlling interests Less: net loss attributable to non-controlling interests, net of tax Net loss attributable to Uber Technologies, Inc. Net loss per share attributable to Uber Technologies, Inc. common stockholders: Basic Diluted Basic Three Months Ended September 30, Nine Months Ended September 30, 2021 Diluted 2020 $2,813 1,298 365 924 493 711 138 $3,929 ($1,116) (112) 151 (1,077) 23 (8) (1,108) (19) ($1,089) Weighted-average shares used to compute net loss per share attributable to common stockholders: ($0.62) ($0.62) 1,755,029 1,755,029 $4,845 2,438 475 1,168 493 625 218 $5,417 ($572) (123) (1,832) (2,527) (101) (13) (2,439) (15) ($2,424) ($1.28) ($1.28) 1,898,954 1,898,954 2020 $7,974 3,713 1,450 2.545 1,722 2,135 395 $11,960 ($3,986) (340) (1,688) (6,014) (215) (27) (5,826) (27) ($5,799) ($3.33) ($3.33) 1,739,488 1,739,488 2021 $11,677 6,247 1,330 3,527 1,496 1,705 656 $14,961 ($3,284) (353) 1,821 (1,816) (395) (28) (1,449) (61) ($1,388) ($0.74) ($0.75) 1,877,655 1,878,997 24#25Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited) $ in Millions Uber Q3 2021 Earnings Assets Cash and cash equivalents Short-term investments Restricted cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable, net Prepaid expenses and other current assets Assets held for sale Total current assets Restricted cash and cash equivalents Collateral held by insurer Investments Equity method investments Property and equipment, net Operating lease right-of-use assets Intangible assets, net Goodwill Other assets Total assets As of December 31 2020 $5,647 1.180 250 1,073 1,215 517 $9,882 1,494 860 9,052 1,079 1,814 1,274 1,564 6,109 124 $33,252 As of September 30 2021 $6,482 414 1,333 1,455 $9,684 2,894 12.239 971 1,781 1,218 1,278 6,447 372 $36,884 25#26Continued: Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited) $ in Millions Uber Q3 2021 Earnings Liabilities, redeemable non-controlling interests and equity Accounts payable Short-term insurance reserves Operating lease liabilities, current Accrued and other current liabilities Liabilities held for sale Total current liabilities Long-term insurance reserves Long-term debt, net of current portion Operating lease liabilities, non-current Other long-term liabilities Total liabilities Redeemable non-controlling interests Equity Common stock Additional paid-in capital Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) Accumulated deficit Total Uber Technologies, Inc. stockholders' equity Non-redeemable non-controlling interests Total equity Total liabilities, redeemable non-controlling interests and equity As of December 31 2020 $235 1,243 175 5.112 100 $6,865 2,223 7,560 1,544 1,306 $19,498 787 35.931 (535) (23,130) $12,266 701 $12,967 $33,252 As of September 30 2021 $310 1,379 168 6,269 $8,126 2,577 9,279 1,488 1,129 $22,599 229 37,281 1,168 (24,518) $13,931 125 $14,056 $36,884 26#27Summary of liquidity position and equity stakes Liquidity Position Uber Q3 2021 Earnings $6.5B Unrestricted Cash Equity Stakes (Carrying value) $13.1B $0.3B $0.3B Other Joby Aurora Grab Yandex Zomato Didi $2.3B $4.1B $0.9B $1.1B $4.1B Uber's Ownership Position DiDi Grab Aurora Yandex Taxi zomato JOBYⓇ Lime ~11% ~16% ~25% ~29% ~7% ~4% ~31% Note 1: Liquidity position excluding revolver. Undrawn revolver provides additional liquidity of $2.0B, net of letters of credit. As of September 30, 2021, Uber's long-term debt was roughly $9.3 billion. Note 2: All equity stakes and dollar ownership amounts based on carrying value as of 9/30/2021, which may be different than potential market transaction values. Note 3: As of September 30, 2021, Uber owns approximately 612M shares of Zomato, 411M shares of Grab, 133M shares of Aurora, and 26M shares of Joby, and 144M ordinary shares of Didi (each ADS listed on the NYSE represents 0.25 ordinary shares). On August 30, 2021, Uber entered into a restructuring agreement with Yandex to restructure their joint ventures. As part of the agreement, Uber sold its entire equity interest in Yandex Self-Driving Group B.V. and 4.5% of its equity interest in MLU B.V. to Yandex in the third quarter of 2021. Yandex will also acquire all of Uber's equity interest in Yandex.Eats, Yandex.Lavka and Yandex. Delivery following such entities demerger from MLU B.V., which is expected to occur in the fourth quarter of 2021. Note 4: Ownership stake percentages as of September 30, 2021 and based on a fully diluted basis. 27#28Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited) $ in Millions Uber Q3 2021 Earnings Cash flows from operating activities Net loss including non-controlling interests Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash used in operating activities: Depreciation and amortization Bad debt expense Stock-based compensation Gain on business divestitures, net Gain from sale of investments Deferred income taxes Loss from equity method investments, net Unrealized loss on debt and equity securities, net Impairment of debt and equity securities Impairments of goodwill, long-lived assets and other assets Unrealized foreign currency transactions Other Change in assets and liabilities, net of impact of business acquisitions and disposals: Accounts receivable Prepaid expenses and other assets Collateral held by insurer Operating lease right-of-use assets Accounts payable Accrued insurance reserves Accrued expenses and other liabilities Operating lease liabilities Net cash used in operating activities Nine Months Ended September 30, 2020 2021 ($5,826) 395 51 591 (127) (272) 27 123 1,690 372 44 (3) 380 159 259 274 (34) (16) 77 (104) ($1,940) ($1,449) 656 75 834 (1,684) (171) (482) 28 56 16 12 50 (354) (229) 860 116 71 490 891 (124) ($338) 28#29Continued: Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited) $ in Millions Uber Q3 2021 Earnings Cash flows from investing activities Purchases of property and equipment Purchases of marketable securities Purchases of non-marketable equity securities Purchase of notes receivable Proceeds from maturities and sales of marketable securities Proceeds from sale of non-marketable equity securities Proceeds from sale of equity method investments and grant of related call option Acquisition of businesses, net of cash acquired Return of capital from equity method investee Other investing activities Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities Cash flows from financing activities Issuance of senior notes, net of issuance costs Principal repayment on Careem Notes Principal payments on finance leases Proceeds from the issuance of common stock under the Employee Stock Purchase Plan Proceeds from sale of subsidiary preferred stock units Other financing activities Net cash provided by financing activities Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents, and restricted cash and cash equivalents Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents, and restricted cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents, and restricted cash and cash equivalents Beginning of period Reclassification from assets held for sale during the period End of period Nine Months Ended September 30, 2020 (493) (1,493) (10) (85) 801 (1,536) 91 48 ($2,677) 1,492 (891) (175) 82 (25) $483 (167) (4,301) 12,067 $7,766 2021 (218) (1,113) (857) (242) 2,291 500 800 (111) 17 $1,067 1,485 (195) (166) 67 125 50 $1,366 (45) 2,050 7,391 349 $9,790 29#30Legacy auto insurance transfer $ in Millions Summary Overview James River ("JR") returned $724 million of Collateral held by insurer to trust (presented in restricted cash) ● On September 27, 2021, entered into an LPTA transferring automobile liability insurance risks relating to activity on our platform between 2013 and 2019 from JR to Uber in exchange for payment by JR of $345M In connection with the LPTA, claims currently administered by JR will be transferred to a third- party claims administrator for ongoing handling (the "Transferred Claims") at our expense • The liabilities associated with the Transferred Claims were re-evaluated as of September 30, 2021, and adverse development was recognized on certain of those liabilities During the third quarter of 2021, we recognized a $103 million charge in our condensed consolidated statements of operations consisting of the difference between the Premium and the assumed liabilities (including the cost of future claims administration), expenses associated with the LPTA, and the adverse development on the Transferred Claims Uber Q3 2021 Earnings *Includes loss payments, collateral adjustments, and transaction costs **Excluded from Adjusted EBITDA. See "Legacy auto insurance transfer" adjustment in the Non-GAAP reconciliations for further reference Significant cash movements Return of collateral Premium received Other transfer related cash impacts during Q3* Net benefits to cash/restricted cash during Q3 P&L Impact** Cost of revenue General & administrative Q3'21 +$724 +$345 ($41) +$1,028 Q3'21 $101** $2** 30#31Business Highlights Platform Highlights Segment Details Condensed Consolidated Financials Non-GAAP Reconciliations Uber Q3 2021 Earnings 31#32Adjusted EBITDA Reconciliation (Unaudited) $ in Millions Mobility Delivery Freight All Other Corporate G&A and Platform R&D Adjusted EBITDA Add (deduct): Legal, tax, and regulatory reserve changes and settlements Goodwill and asset impairments/loss on sale of assets Restructuring and related charges (credits), net Mass arbitration fees for supporting Black-owned restaurants Legacy auto insurance transfer Gain on lease arrangement Acquisition, financing and divestitures related expenses Accelerated lease costs related to cease-use of ROU assets COVID-19 response initiatives Depreciation and amortization Stock-based compensation expense Other income (expense), net Interest expense Loss from equity method investments Provision for (benefit from) income taxes Net income (loss) attributable to non-controlling interest, net of tax Net income (loss) attributable to Uber Technologies, Inc. Uber Q3 2021 Earnings Sep 30, '20 $245 (183) (73) (104) (510) ($625) (76) 6 12 (14) (80) (18) (138) (183) 151 (112) (8) (23) 19 ($1,089) Dec 31, '20 $293 (145) (41) (72) (489) ($454) 92 (32) 14 (43) (22) (16) (180) (236) 63 (118) (7) (23) (6) ($968) Three Months Ended Mar 31, '21 $298 (200) (29) (11) (417) ($359) (551) (57) (36) (2) (26) (212) (281) 1,710 (115) (8) (185) 14 ($108) Jun 30, '21 $179 (161) (41) (486) ($509) (140) (26) (15) (226) (272) 1,943 (115) (7) 479 32 $1,144 Sep 30, '21 $544 (12) (35) (489) $8 98 (43) (103) (23) (10) (218) (281) (1,832) (123) (13) 101 15 ($2,424) 32#33GAAP to Non-GAAP Reconciliations (Unaudited) $ in Millions GAAP Cost of Revenue COVID-19 response initiatives Acquisition, financing, and divestitures related expenses Legacy auto insurance transfer Non-GAAP Cost of Revenue Non-GAAP Operating Expenses GAAP Operations and support Restructuring and related charges Goodwill and asset impairment/loss on sale of assets COVID-19 response initiatives Acquisition, financing and divestitures related expenses Legacy auto insurance transfer Stock-based compensation Non-GAAP Operations and support Uber Q3 2021 Earnings Sept 30, 20 1,298 (16) (1) $1,281 $365 6 (2) (2) (16) $351 Dec 31, 20 1,441 (13) $1,428 $369 10 (1) (20) $358 Three Months Ended Mar 31, '21 1,710 (11) $1,699 $423 (3) (28) $392 Jun 30, '21 2,099 (6) $2,093 $432 (1) (3) (38) $390 Sept 30, '21 2,438 (4) (101) $2,333 $475 (2) (42) $431 Note 1: Quarterly trends for cost of revenue are not directly comparable due to the classification of certain Delivery payments and incentives as cost of revenue attributable to business model changes in some countries. 33#34Continued: GAAP to Non-GAAP Reconciliations (Unaudited) $ in Millions GAAP Sales and marketing Restructuring and related charges Acquisition, financing and divestitures related expenses COVID-19 response initiatives Stock-based compensation Non-GAAP Sales and marketing GAAP Research and development Restructuring and related charges Acquisition, financing and divestitures related expenses Goodwill and asset impairment/loss on sale of assets Stock-based compensation Non-GAAP Research and development GAAP General and administrative Legal, tax, and regulatory reserve changes and settlements Goodwill and asset impairment/loss on sale of assets Restructuring and related charges Acquisition, financing, and divestitures related expenses Accelerated lease costs related to cease-use of ROU asssets Gain on lease arrangement Mass arbitration fees for supporting Black-owned restaurants Stock-based compensation Non-GAAP General and administrative Uber Q3 2021 Earnings Sept 30 '20 $924 (11) $913 $493 (102) $391 $711 (74) (11) (80) 12 (54) $504 Dec 31'20 $1,038 1 (1) (13) $1,025 $483 2 (7) (136) $342 $531 117 (32) 1 (34) (22) (67) $494 Three Months Ended Mar 31'21 $1,103 (3) (5) (22) $1,073 $515 (13) (42) (133) $327 $464 49 (15) (17) (2) (98) $381 Jun 30'21 $1,256 (1) (2) (19) $1,234 $488 (5) (149) $334 $616 (65) (17) (66) $468 Sept 30 ¹21 $1,168 (1) (2) (18) $1,147 $493 (3) (152) $338 $625 (25) (15) (43) (69) $473 34#35Reconciliations of Non-GAAP Financial Measures $ in Millions Revenue Excluding UK Accrual reconciliation Revenue Add back: UK Accrual Revenue Excluding UK Accrual Mobility Revenue Excluding UK Accrual reconciliation Mobility Revenue Add back: UK Accrual Mobility Revenue Excluding UK Accrual Uber Q3 2021 Earnings Sep 30 '20 2,813 $2,813 Sep 30 '20 1,364 $1,364 Dec 31 '20 3,165 $3,165 Dec 31 '20 1,471 $1,471 Three Months Ended Mar 31 '21 2,903 600 $3,503 Three Months Ended Mar 31 '21 853 600 $1,453 Jun 30 '21 3,929 $3,929 Jun 30 '21 1,617 $1,617 Sep 30 ¹21 4,845 (123) $4,722 Sep 30 ¹21 2,205 (123) $2,082 35#36Delivery business model change impact on Cost of Revenue $ in Millions Non-GAAP Cost of Revenue Delivery business model change impact* Non-GAAP Cost of Revenue (% of Gross Bookings) Cost of Revenue (excl. Delivery business model change impacts, % of Gross Bookings) Uber Q3 2021 Earnings Sep 30 '20 $1,281 $122 8.7% 7.9% Dec 31 '20 $1,428 $176 8.3% 7.3% Three Months Ended Mar 31 '21 $1,699 $390 8.7% 6.7% Jun 30 '21 $2,093 $560 9.6% 7.0% Sep 30 '21 $2,333 $697 10.1% 7.1% Note 1: Delivery business model changes in some countries resulted in the classification of certain Delivery payments and incentives as Cost of Revenue. *The amounts shown only reflect the portion that impacted Cost of Revenue for Delivery segment. Delivery business model changes also resulted in impacts to Contra Revenue but are not shown here. 36

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