UBS Results Presentation Deck

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October 2021



#1UBS Third quarter 2021 results 26 October 2021 104#2Important information Forward Looking Statements: This presentation contains statements that constitute "forward-looking statements," including but not limited to management's outlook for UBS's financial performance, statements relating to the anticipated effect of transactions and strategic initiatives on UBS's business and future development and goals or intentions to achieve climate, sustainability and other social objectives. While these forward-looking statements represent UBS's judgments, expectations and objectives concerning the matters described, a number of risks, uncertainties and other important factors could cause actual developments and results to differ materially from UBS's expectations. UBS's business and financial performance could be affected by other factors identified in our past and future filings and reports, including those filed with the SEC. More detailed information about those factors is set forth in documents furnished by UBS and filings made by UBS with the SEC, including UBS's Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended 31 December 2020. UBS is not under any obligation to (and expressly disclaims any obligation to) update or alter its forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. Alternative Performance Measures: In addition to reporting results in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), UBS reports certain measures that may qualify as Alternative Performance Measures as defined in the SIX Exchange Directive on Alternative Performance Measures, under the guidelines published the European Securities Market Authority (ESMA), or defined as Non-GAAP financial measures in regulations promulgated by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Please refer to "Alternative Performance Measures" in the appendix of UBS's Quarterly Report for the third quarter of 2021 for a list of all measures UBS uses that may qualify as APMs. Disclaimer: This presentation and the information contained herein are provided solely for information purposes, and are not to be construed as a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any securities or other financial instruments in Switzerland, the United States or any other jurisdiction. No investment decision relating to securities of or relating to UBS Group AG, UBS AG or their affiliates should be made on the basis of this document. No representation or warranty is made or implied concerning, and UBS assumes no responsibility for, the accuracy, completeness, reliability or comparability of the information contained herein relating to third parties, which is based solely on publicly available information. UBS undertakes no obligation to update the information contained herein. Available Information: UBS's Annual Report, Quarterly Reports, SEC filings on Form 20-F and Form 6-K, as well as investor presentations and other financial information are available at UBS's Annual Report on Form 20-F, quarterly reports and other information furnished to or filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission on Form 6-K are also available at the SEC's website: Basel III RWA, LRD and capital: Basel III numbers are based on the BIS Basel III framework, as applicable for Swiss systemically relevant banks (SRB). Numbers in the presentation are based on the revised Swiss SRB rules as of 1.1.20 that became effective on 1.7.16, unless otherwise stated. Basel III risk-weighted assets in this presentation are calculated on the basis of Swiss SRB rules as of 1.1.20 unless otherwise stated. Our RWA under BIS Basel are the same as under Swiss SRB Basel III. Leverage ratio and leverage ratio denominator in this presentation are calculated on the basis of Swiss SRB rules as of 1.1.20, unless otherwise stated. Refer to the "Capital management" section in the 3Q21 report for more information. Numbers presented in US dollars unless otherwise indicated. Currency translation of monthly income statement items of operations with a functional currency other than the US dollar are translated with month-end rates into US dollar. Definitions: "Earnings per share" refers to diluted earnings per share. "Litigation" refers to net additions/releases to provisions for litigation regulatory and similar matters reflected in the income statement for the relevant period. "Net profit" refers to net profit attributable to shareholders. Rounding: Numbers presented throughout this presentation may not add up precisely to the totals provided in the tables and text. Percentages and percent changes disclosed in text and tables are calculated on the basis of unrounded figures. Absolute changes between reporting periods disclosed in the text, which can be derived from numbers presented in related tables, are calculated on a rounded basis. Tables: Within tables, blank fields generally indicate non-applicability or that presentation of any content would not be meaningful, or that information is not available as of the relevant date or for the relevant period. Zero values generally indicate that the respective figure is zero on an actual or rounded basis. Values which are zero on a rounded basis can be either negative or positive on an actual basis. O UBS 2021. The key symbol and UBS are among the registered and unregistered trademarks of UBS. All rights reserved UBS 1#3Agenda 1 Key messages Ralph Hamers Group CEO UBS 2 Financial performance and capital Kirt Gardner Group CFO 3 Q&A 2#4Key messages We are executing relentlessly for our clients UBS 80bn GWM NNFGA¹ 9M21 32bn AM NNM excl. MM 9M21 1 Net new fee-generating assets; 2 Separately Managed Accounts We are delivering on our strategic initiatives to drive growth and efficiency 22bn NNM from SMAS² 9M21 >3x assets invested in My Way 9M21 eⓇⓇ We are committed to driving higher returns by unlocking the power of UBS 2.3bn Net profit 3Q21 20.8% RoCET1 3Q21 3#5We are executing relentlessly for our clients GWM Fee-generating assets 1.4trn I 1.2trn 30.9.20 30.9.21 80bn Net new fee- generating assets, 9M21 UBS GWM Loans 201bn 231bn 30.9.20 30.9.21 21bn Net new loans, 9M21 GWM Transaction-based income 2.8bn 9M20 3.0bn 9M21 +8% Transaction-based income YoY, 9M21 AM Invested assets 1.0trn 1.2trn 30.9.20 30.9.21 32bn Net new money excl. MM, 9M21 IB Global Banking income 1.7bn 2.5bn I 9M20 9M21 +44% Global Banking income YoY, 9M21 P&C Investment products, Personal Banking, CHF 19bn 23bn 30.9.20 30.9.21 2bn Net new investment products, CHF, 9M21 4#6Delivering on the core elements of the ecosystem for investing Private markets Invested assets¹, GWM+AM 122bn 140bn 31.12.20 30.9.21 26bn Investments facilitated into private markets GWM+AM+IB, 9M21 SMAS² Invested assets, AM 89bn 116bn 31.12.20 30.9.21 22bn Net new money from SMA initiative in the US AM, 9M21 Sustainable finance S&1³ invested assets, GWM+AM+P&C 207bn 1 141bn 31.12.20 30.9.21 +63% S&1³ invested assets, GWM+AM+P&C, 9M21 growth, annualized My Way Invested assets, GWM 1.5bn 5.1bn 31.12.20 30.9.21 3.6bn Net inflows into mandates through My Way, GWM, 9M21 Scalability NNFGA per advisor, GWM 2.3m 8.4m 9M20 9M21 (+18% Average income per advisor GWM, 9M21 YOY UBS 1 Does not include undrawn commitments; 2 Separately Managed Accounts; 3 Sustainability focus and Impact investing; sustainability focus is strategies where sustainability is an explicit part of the investment guidelines, universe, selection, and/or investment process; Impact investing is strategies where the intention is to generate measurable environmental and social impact alongside financial return 5#7Financial results overview Group GWM P&C AM IB UBS Return on CET1 capital Return on tangible equity Cost / income ratio Net profit attributable to shareholders CET1 capital ratio CET1 leverage ratio Tangible book value per share Profit before tax PBT growth (YoY) Invested assets Net new fee-generating assets Profit before tax Return on attributed equity (CHF) Net new loans, Personal Banking Profit before tax Invested assets Net new money excl. money markets Profit before tax Return on attributed equity RWA and LRD vs. Group 3Q21 20.8% 17.2% 68.7% USD 2.3bn 14.9% 4.31% USD 15.62 USD 1.5bn 43% USD 3.2trn USD 19bn CHF 0.4bn 21% CHF 0.7bn USD 0.2bn USD 1.2trn USD 1bn USD 0.8bn 26% 33% / 31% 9M21 19.5% 15.5% 71.4% USD 6.1bn 14.9% 4.31% USD 15.62 USD 4.2bn 34% USD 3.2trn USD 80bn USD 1.3bn 20% CHF 2.1bn USD 0.7bn USD 1.2trn USD 32bn USD 1.9bn 20% 33% / 31% Target: 12-15% Target: 75-78% Guidance: 13% Guidance: >3.7% Target: 10-15% over the cycle Guidance: up to 1/3 6#8Why Client promise Personalized Relevant On-time Seamless UBS Purpose Reimagining the power of investing. Connecting people for a better world. Vision Convene THE global ecosystem for investing where thought leadership is impactful, people and ideas are connected, and opportunities are brought to life. Strategic imperatives 888 BA Clients, Connections, Contributors Focus Technology Simplification & Efficiency Culture 7#9We are the #1 bank in Switzerland Recognized leader in a highly attractive market Universal banking profile, serving all market segments Best Bank in Switzerland¹ 2.6m clients served in Personal Banking ~1/3 Swiss households served 900 Leading Digital Bank in Switzerland² >100k Corporate & Institutional clients >90% of large Swiss corporates served PBT, 9M213 55% P&C 45% other GWM AM IB +75% mobile banking logins4 9M21 vs. 9M19 UBS Numbers in USD unless otherwise indicated. 1 Euromoney 2021; 2 Survey by Hochschule Luzern, June 2021; 3 Region Switzerland; 4 Personal Banking 9bn NNFGA GWM, 9M21 2.5bn PBT3, 9M21 +37% YoY 27% fewer branches since 31.12.19 191bn loan volume P&C+GWM, 30.9.21 8#10P&C - Strategic priorities Growing above the market Achieve superior growth by shifting gears in focus areas such as pension and retirement, sustainability and mortgages 2025 vision Expand our lead as the #1 Universal Bank in Switzerland Digital at the core 61% Bring the bank to the app with improved user experience and expand the UBS ecosystem through platforms and partnerships 61% O While building on our momentum and delivering the UBS ecosystem e 59% Undisputed leader in mobile, digital and hybrid banking ~55% cost/income ratio¹, P&C Driving transformation Increase speed, become leaner, reduce complexity and focus our offering on what matters most to our clients Agile and fast-delivery culture FY19 FY20 9M21 2025 ambition UBS Numbers in CHF unless otherwise indicated; 1 Defined as operating expenses divided by income, which is operating income excluding credit loss expenses / releases 9#11Americas - We have built a franchise that delivers substantial profit growth Delivering leading capabilities to wealth and institutional clients in the world's largest financial market North America's Best Bank for WM¹ Top-5 US WM firm² Top-5 SMA manager Top-5 Americas Research³ +9% IA CAGR GWM, 1Q17-3Q21 15bn net new loans GWM, 9M21 2.1bn PBT, 9M21 +19% YOY UBS Numbers in USD unless otherwise indicated. 1 Euromoney 2021; 2 By invested assets; 3 Institutional Investor 2020; 4 Joint venture between UBS and Banco do Brasil +42bn NNFGA GWM, 9M21 127 deals executed through our UBS BB4 partnership Global Banking, 9M21 10#12Americas Strategic priorities Build on our scale Continue to expand the UBS ecosystem for our clients 2025 vision Build on our momentum to sustain growth in our core businesses UBS Core banking Expand capabilities to drive market share in core banking Expand full-service wealth management offering on both sides of the balance sheet Scalable advice Deliver a digitally scalable advice model to affluent clients e Seamless digital experience with remote human advice 11#13Leveling up technology to drive digitalization and differentiation for our clients o Agile@UBS Uniform agile model to increase speed from idea to outcome Key achievements to date ● Agile@UBS: one firmwide model defined and communicated • 9,000 people transitioning to Agile@UBS; 3,000 already active UBS Digital culture Build high-performing engineering culture • Defined digital workforce strategy ● Improved recruiting experience to assess and hire skilled engineers QBR and digital roadmaps Regular change the bank deliverables aligned to our strategy and purpose ● Introduced quarterly business reviews (QBR) for investments Dynamic investment reprioritization to optimize results 8 Data intelligence and automation Leverage data and Al for automation and best-in- class recommendation engines ● Launched hub and spoke model for Al, Data and Analytics ● • Rolled-out personalized sales recommendations for client advisors in Switzerland Modern tech Drive healthy modular technology estate to provide the best, flexible client services ● • +1,000 applications in the cloud during 2021 • >500 applications decommissioned by 4Q21 12#14Executing our strategy to deliver attractive returns and improve efficiency ROCET1 19.5% Net profit m 9M16 UBS 9M17 CAGR: +18% 9M18 9M19 17.6% 12.9% 4,921 9M20 ROTE 15.5% 6,109 9M21 Profit before tax m 9M16 9M17 CAGR: +17% 9M18 9M19 72.7% C/I 71.4% 7 7,755 6,169 Il 9M20 9M21 13#153Q21 net profit USD 2.3bn; 20.8% ROCET1 Profit before tax m 2,578 3Q20 Cost / income ratio¹ 70.4% 91 +11% Operating income +2% Income 102 Credit loss expense (1.7 ppts) 93 Operating expenses (1%) Operating expenses 2,865 3Q21 68.7% 3Q21 2,279m net profit +9% 20.8% return on CET1 capital 30.9.21 14.9% CET1 capital ratio 0.63 diluted EPS +12% 2.8bn CET1 capital accretion² 4.31% CET1 leverage ratio UBS 1 Defined as operating expenses divided by income, which is operating income excluding credit loss expenses/releases; 2 Includes 2.4bn increase in CET1 capital and 0.3bn accruals for 2021 dividends 14#16Executing our cost strategy Operating expenses bn Cost/income ratio³ 18.1 9M20 72.7% 0.0 Costs excluding variable and FA compensation, litigation, restructuring and FX 0.5 Variable and FA compensation¹ 0.1 Litigation and restructuring² (1.3ppts) 0.4 FX 19.1 9M21 71.4% UBS 13020 includes 359m from the acceleration of expenses in relation to outstanding deferred compensation awards; 2 9M20 includes net restructuring costs of 107m and litigation expenses of 49m; 9M21 includes net restructuring costs of 156m, of which 66m in 3Q21, and litigation expenses of 84m, of which 12m in 3Q21; 3 Defined as operating expenses divided by income, which is operating income excluding credit loss expenses / releases 15#17Global Wealth Management Profit before tax m Operating income m Cost/income ratio Invested assets end of period, bn UBS Transaction-based income Net interest income Recurring net fee income Fee-generating assets 1,057 4,280 863 962 2,341 22 Other 76% 2,754 1,163 3Q20 864 4,277 776 1,011 80% 2,468 2,629 3 7 Credit loss (expenses)/releases 3,016 +43% 1,409 1,277 4Q20 +17% 4,848 1,183 997 71% +16% 3,108 1,328 1Q21 1,294 4,774 953 1,026 2,774 14 73% 3,230 1,416 2Q21 1,516 5,002 894 1,107 2,872 11 70% 3,198 1,412 3Q21 PBT 1,516m, +43% highest on record with double-digit growth in all regions Operating income +17% on record recurring fee income and including 100m gain from the sale of our domestic business in Austria Credit loss releases 11m vs. 22m in 3Q20 Operating expenses +8% driven by FA compensation; 9th consecutive quarter of YoY positive operating leverage Net new loans +3.3bn, mostly from the Americas; +21bn net new loans YTD Invested assets 3.2trn, (1%) QoQ Fee-generating assets 1.4trn, broadly flat QoQ NNFGA +19bn driven by Americas and EMEA; 5% annualized growth 16#18Global Wealth Management Recurring net fee income m 2,341 2,468 +23% 2,629 2,774 2,872 3Q20 4Q20 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 +23% YoY on higher FGA balances +4% QoQ supported by continued strong NNFGA momentum Net interest income m Loans / bn 201 213 Deposits/bn 321 348 962 1,011 219 337 +15% 228 344 1,026 997 I 3Q20 4Q20 1Q21 2Q21 231 352 UBS 1 Excluding a 75m fee in 4Q19 related to the shift of 5bn in client assets and 1bn of loans from GWM to P&C 1,107 3Q21 +15% YoY as loan revenues increased on higher volumes and margins +8% QOQ supported by higher deposit volumes and fees Transaction-based income m 863 776 +4% 1,183 953 3Q20 4Q20 1Q21 2Q21 894 3Q21 +4% YoY as clients remained engaged in alternative investments, life insurance and structured products 10th consecutive quarter of YoY growth¹ 17#19Global Wealth Management Fee-generating assets¹ bn 1,163 93 APAC EMEA 277 Switzerland 102 Americas 690 3Q20 Net new fee-generating assets bn 5 1,277 103 306 111 757 4Q20 18 +21% 1,328 112 311 112 793 1Q21 36 1,416 119 329 123 845 2Q21 25 1,412 113 326 123 848 3Q21 19 UBS 13021 includes 1.0bn FGA and 0.1bn in NNFGA outflows in minor functions which are not included in the four regions +19bn NNFGA¹, 5% annualized growth in 3Q21 Americas +12bn EMEA +6bn Americas +56bn 8% growth APAC (2bn) Switzerland +3bn +98bn NNFGA¹, 8% growth last 12 months EMEA +20bn APAC +14bn 7% growth 15% growth Switzerland +8bn 8% growth FGA generate most of GWM's recurring net fee income (~90% in FY20), and a portion of transaction-based income (~30% in FY20) 18#20Personal & Corporate Banking (CHF) Profit before tax m Operating income m Cost/income ratio UBS Transaction-based income Net interest income Recurring net fee income 305 850 /////////// 264 472 170 (84) Other income 58% 3Q20 318 896 230 455 177 20 +44% 66% 4Q20 358 +18% 950 239 470 182 22 456 64% 1Q21 1,037 288 480 Credit loss (expenses)/releases 187 42 58% 2Q21 439 1,002 281 494 201 57% 3Q21 PBT 439m, +44% reflecting strong business momentum Operating income +18% with record recurring net fee income and higher net interest and transaction-based income Credit loss releases of 6m vs. 84m credit loss expenses in 3Q20 Operating expenses +3% Net new investment products in Personal Banking +2.4bn YTD, 16% annualized growth Net new loans in Personal Banking +2.1bn YTD, 4% annualized growth 19#21Asset Management Profit before tax m Operating income m Cost / income ratio Invested assets end of period, bn Performance fees Net management fees 739 169 1,162 401 Gain from the sale of Fondcenter¹ 36%² 980 774 255 571 88 505 (2) Gain from the sale of Fondcenter¹ 518 (71%) +27% excluding Fondcenter gain 48% 227 1,092 (49%) +0% excluding Fondcenter gain 637 92 545 64% +18% 1,121 255 218 666 *40** 588 62% Credit loss (expenses) /releases 1,174 214 3Q20 4Q20 1Q21 2Q21 UBS 1 Subsequently renamed Clearstream Fund Centre; 2 71% excluding the gain from the sale of Fondcenter 593 -33- 560 64% 1,154 3Q21 PBT 214m, +27% excluding 571m gain from the sale of Fondcenter¹ in 3Q20; 10th consecutive quarter of YoY PBT growth Operating income flat excluding last year's gain Net management fees +16%, excluding a 28m loss related to an associate Performance fees (62%) to more normalized levels - - Operating expenses (10%) driven by lower personnel expenses Invested assets 1,154bn, (2%) QoQ, driven by FX and market performance NNM +1bn excl. money markets; +2bn incl. money markets; +70bn NNM excl. money markets over the last 12 months, 8% growth 20#22Investment Bank Profit before tax m Operating income m Cost / income ratio Global Banking Global Markets 632 2,485 651 215² 1,634 (15) 529 74% 3Q20 2,011 669 1,433 +32% 71% 4Q20 412 +1% 2,273 788 1,483 (91) Gain on sale of intellectual property 2 82% 1Q21 668 2,470 881 1,567 21 74% 2Q21 837 UBS 1215m gain from the sale of intellectual property rights associated with the Bloomberg Commodity Index family 2,510 792 1,723 Credit loss (expenses)/releases (5) 67% 3Q21 ROAE 26%; PBT 837m, +32%, best PBT since 1Q13 Global Markets revenues +5% excluding 215m gain¹ in 3Q20 - - - Execution Services 444m, +6% driven by higher volumes in APAC and EMEA cash equities Of which: Equities 1,360m, +24% excluding the gain¹ FRC 363m, (32%) - Derivatives & Solutions 780m, (3%) excluding the gain¹, against a strong 3Q20 - Financing 498m, +21% driven by increases in Equity Financing and Prime Brokerage Global Banking revenues +22% Advisory 270m, +78% driven by M&A Capital Markets 522m, +4% led by ECM Operating expenses (10%) or +3% excluding 229m accelerated expenses related to deferred compensation awards in 3Q20 RWA 98bn, +7% QOQ LRD 325bn, broadly flat QoQ 21#23Capital and leverage ratios Total loss-absorbing capacity (TLAC) Going concern capital CET1 capital 103bn 60bn 45bn 42bn Gone concern loss-absorbing capacity 15bn AT1 45bn CET1 30.9.21 34.0% 20.0% 14.9% CET1 capital ratio guidance: ~13% UBS Refer to the "Capital management" section of the 3Q21 report for more information 14.0% 5.1% 14.9% 30.9.21 RWA 302bn 27bn buffer 17bn 15bn CET1: 10.0%+ Going concern: 14.3% TLAC: 25.1% Requirements 9.84% 5.78% 4.31% CET1 leverage ratio guidance: >3.7% 4.06% 1.47% 4.31% 30.9.21 LRD 1,045bn 8bn 11bn buffer 8bn ← CET1: 3.50% Going concern: 5.00% TLAC: 8.77% Requirements 22#24Appendix UBS 23#25Group results USDm unless otherwise indicated Total operating income of which: credit loss (expenses) / releases Total operating expenses¹ Operating profit/ (loss) before tax Tax expense / (benefit) of which: current tax expense Net profit/ (loss) attributable to shareholders Diluted EPS (USD) Effective tax rate Return on CET1 capital Return on tangible equity Cost / income ratio Total book value per share (USD) Tangible book value per share (USD) 3Q20 8,935 (89) 6,357 2,578 485 349 2,093 0.56 18.8% 21.9% 16.2% 70.4% 16.57 14.78 4Q20 8,117 (66) 6,132 1,985 341 317 1,636 0.44 17.2% 16.8% 12.4% 74.9% 16.74 14.91 UBS 1 3Q21 includes 12m net litigation expenses, of which GWM 1m, P&C 0m, AM 8m, IB 1m and Group Functions 2m 1Q21 8,705 28 6,407 2,298 471 406 1,824 0.49 20.5% 18.2% 14.0% 73.8% 16.47 14.65 2Q21 8,976 80 6,384 2,593 581 362 2,006 0.55 22.4% 19.3% 15.4% 71.8% 16.90 15.05 3Q21 9,128 14 6,264 2,865 576 432 2,279 0.63 20.1% 20.8% 17.2% 68.7% 17.48 15.62 24#26IFRS 9 credit loss (expenses) /releases Credit loss (expenses) / releases m 3Q21 Global Wealth Management. Personal & Corporate Banking Asset Management Investment Bank Group Functions Total Financial instruments in scope of ECL requirements¹ Stage 1 & 2 9 (1) O 2 O 11 Stage 1: 800.8bn Stage 2: 25.6bn Stage 3 2 8 oc 0 (7) 0 o m 3.2bn Total 11 7 0 (5) 0 14 829.7bn Stage 1 & 2: 11m net credit loss releases Management overlay given continued macroeconomic uncertainty: 219m, +36m QoQ Stage 3: 3m net credit loss releases UBS Refer to the "Expected credit loss measurement" section of the 3Q21 report for more information; 1 Gross on- and off-balance sheet instruments 25#273Q21 Group results by region Profit before tax Operating income Operating expenses Americas +32% Cost / income ratio 0.8bn 1.0bn 3Q20 3Q21 Switzerland 3.9bn +14% -47% %] 0.9bn 0.6bn 3Q20 3Q21 EMEA -77% 0.3bn Į 0.6bn 3Q20 3Q21 Asia Pacific 2.0bn +14% 2.9bn +9% 1.1bn (3%) 74.3% (3.7ppts) 56.3% (6.3ppts) Excludes (0.1bn) revenues, 0.1bn expenses and (0.2bn) PBT from items managed at the Group level, such as the Non-core and Legacy Portfolio, certain litigation expenses and other items. The allocation of P&L to these regions reflects, and is consistent with, the basis on which the business is managed and its performance evaluated. These allocations involve assumptions and judgments that management UBS considers reasonable and may be refined to reflect changes in estimates or management structure. The main principles of the allocation methodology are that client revenues are attributed to the domicile of the client, and trading and portfolio management revenues are attributed to the country where the risk is managed. Expenses are allocated in line with revenues 1.8bn +10% 1.2bn (7%) 67.5% (12.2 ppts) -20% 0.5bn 1 0.6bn 3Q20 3021 1.6bn +1% 0.9bn (9%) 59.9% (6.1ppts) 26#283Q21 Global Wealth Management results by region. Profit before tax Cost/income ratio Invested assets Net new fee- generating assets Net new loans Americas +51% 371m 559m 3Q20 3Q21 79.8% (4.3ppts) 1,736bn +21% 11.8bn 4.4bn Switzerland r+34% 167m 222m 3Q20 3Q21 54.6% (7.4ppts) 284bn +14% 2.9bn 0.4bn EMEA +74% 257m 447m 3Q20 3Q21 58.1% (13.1ppts) 629bn +12% 6.0bn 0.7bn UBS 3021 includes (0.0)bn PBT, 1.0bn invested assets, 0.1bn NNFGA outflows and 0.0bn net new loans in minor functions which are not included in the four regions Asia Pacific +12% 261m 293m 3Q20 3Q21 58.5% (4.7 ppts) 546bn +8% (1.8bn) (2.2bn) 27#29Common equity tier 1 capital CET1 capital bn 42.6 30.6.21 2.9 Profit before tax (0.4) Current tax expense (0.2) Foreign currency translation effects 0.2 Other¹ 45.0 30.9.21 UBS 1 Includes (0.3bn) from accruals for 2021 dividend, +0.2bn from higher eligible DTAs on temporary differences and other items and +0.2bn from the conclusion of the second phase of our Partnership with Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings 28#30Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking statements This presentation contains statements that constitute "forward-looking statements," including but not limited to management's outlook for UBS's financial performance, statements relating to the anticipated effect of transactions and strategic initiatives on UBS's business and future development and goals or intentions to achieve climate, sustainability and other social objectives. While these forward-looking statements represent UBS's judgments, expectations and objectives concerning the matters described, a number of risks, uncertainties and other important factors could cause actual developments and results to differ materially from UBS's expectations. The outbreak of COVID-19 and the measures taken in response to the pandemic have had and may continue to have a significant adverse effect on global economic activity, including disruptions to global supply chains, and an adverse effect on the credit profile of some of our clients and other market participants, which has resulted in and may continue to increase credit loss expense and credit impairments. In addition, we face heightened operational risks due to remote working arrangements, including risks to supervisory and surveillance controls, as well as increased fraud and data security risks. The unprecedented scale of the measures taken to respond to the pandemic as well as the uncertainty surrounding vaccine supply, distribution, and efficacy against mutated virus strains create significantly greater uncertainty about forward-looking statements. Factors that may affect our performance and ability to achieve our plans, outlook and other objectives also include, but are not limited to: (i) the degree to which UBS is successful in the ongoing execution of its strategic plans, including its cost reduction and efficiency initiatives and its ability to manage its levels of risk-weighted assets (RWA) and leverage ratio denominator (LRD), liquidity coverage ratio and other financial resources, including changes in RWA assets and liabilities arising from higher market volatility; (ii) the degree to which UBS is successful in implementing changes to its businesses to meet changing market, regulatory and other conditions; (iii) the continuing low or negative interest rate environment in Switzerland and other jurisdictions; (iv) developments (including as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic) in the macroeconomic climate and in the markets in which UBS operates or to which it is exposed, including movements in securities prices or liquidity, credit spreads, and currency exchange rates, and the effects of economic conditions, market developments, and increasing geopolitical tensions, and changes to national trade policies on the financial position or creditworthiness of UBS's clients and counterparties as well as on client sentiment and levels of activity; (v) changes in the availability of capital and funding, including any changes in UBS's credit spreads and ratings, as well as availability and cost of funding to meet requirements for debt eligible for total loss-absorbing capacity (TLAC); (vi) changes in central bank policies or the implementation of financial legislation and regulation in Switzerland, the US, the UK, the European Union and other financial centers that have imposed, or resulted in, or may do so in the future, more stringent or entity-specific capital, TLAC, leverage ratio, net stable funding ratio, liquidity and funding requirements, heightened operational resilience requirements, incremental tax requirements, additional levies, limitations on permitted activities, constraints on remuneration, constraints on transfers of capital and liquidity and sharing of operational costs across the Group or other measures, and the effect these will or would have on UBS's business activities; (vii) UBS's ability to successfully implement resolvability and related regulatory requirements and the potential need to make further changes to the legal structure or booking model of UBS Group in response to legal and regulatory requirements or other external developments; (viii) UBS's ability to maintain and improve its systems and controls for the detection and prevention of money laundering and compliance with sanctions to meet evolving regulatory requirements and expectations, in particular in the US; (ix) the uncertainty arising from domestic stresses in certain major economies; (x) changes in UBS's competitive position, including whether differences in regulatory capital and other requirements among the major financial centers will adversely affect UBS's ability to compete in certain lines of business; (xi) changes in the standards of conduct applicable to our businesses that may result from new regulations or new enforcement of existing standards, including measures to impose new and enhanced duties when interacting with customers and in the execution and handling of customer transactions; (xii) the liability to which UBS may be exposed, or possible constraints or sanctions that regulatory authorities might impose on UBS, due to litigation, contractual claims and regulatory investigations, including the potential for disqualification from certain businesses, potentially large fines or monetary penalties, or the loss of licenses or privileges as a result of regulatory or other governmental sanctions, as well as the effect that litigation, regulatory and similar matters have on the operational risk component of our RWA as well as the amount of capital available for return to shareholders; (xiii) the effects on UBS's cross-border banking business of tax or regulatory developments and of possible changes in UBS's policies and practices relating to this business; (xiv) UBS's ability to retain and attract the employees necessary to generate revenues and to manage, support and control its businesses, which may be affected by competitive factors; (xv) changes in accounting or tax standards or policies, and determinations or interpretations affecting the recognition of gain or loss, the valuation of goodwill, the recognition of deferred tax assets and other matters; (xvi) UBS's ability to implement new technologies and business methods, including digital services and technologies, and ability to successfully compete with both existing and new financial service providers, some of which may not be regulated to the same extent; (xvii) limitations on the effectiveness of UBS's internal processes for risk management, risk control, measurement and modeling, and of financial models generally; (xviii) the occurrence of operational failures, such as fraud, misconduct, unauthorized trading, financial crime, cyberattacks, and data leakage and systems failures, the risk of which is increased while COVID-19 control measures require large portions of the staff of both UBS and its service providers to work remotely; (xix) restrictions on the ability of UBS Group AG to make payments or distributions, including due to restrictions on the ability of its subsidiaries to make loans or distributions, directly or indirectly, or, in the case of financial difficulties, due to the exercise by FINMA or the regulators of UBS's operations in other countries of their broad statutory powers in relation to protective measures, restructuring and liquidation proceedings; (xx) the degree to which changes in regulation, capital or legal structure, financial results or other factors may affect UBS's ability to maintain its stated capital return objective; (xxi) uncertainty over the scope of actions that may be required by UBS, governments and others to achieve goals relating to climate, environmental and social matters as well as the evolving nature of underlying science and industry and governmental standards; and (xxii) the effect that these or other factors or unanticipated events may have on our reputation and the additional consequences that this may have on our business and performance. The sequence in which the factors above are presented is not indicative of their likelihood of occurrence or the potential magnitude of their consequences. Our business and financial performance could be affected by other factors identified in our past and future filings and reports, including those filed with the SEC. More detailed information about those factors is set forth in documents furnished by UBS and filings made by UBS with the SEC, including UBS's Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended 31 December 2020 and UBS's First Quarter 2021 Report on Form 6K. UBS is not under any obligation to (and expressly disclaims any obligation to) update or alter its forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. OUBS 2021. The key symbol and UBS are among the registered and unregistered trademarks of UBS. All rights reserved UBS 29

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