2nd Quarter and 1st Half 2022 Results slide image

2nd Quarter and 1st Half 2022 Results

GROUP ROE/ROTE CALCULATION DETAIL End of period (in EURm) Q222 Q2 21 H122 H121 Shareholders' equity Group share 64,583 63,136 64,583 63,136 Deeply subordinated notes (8,683) (8,905) (8,683) (8,905) Undated subordinated notes (62) Interest of deeeply & undated subodinated notes, issue premium amortisations (1) (8) (1) (8) (1) OCI excluding conversion reserves 854 (699) 854 (699) Distribution provision (2) (1,193) (1,021) (1,193) (1,021) Distribution for N-1 (914) (914) ROE equity end-of-period Average ROE equity* Average Goodwill 54,638 52,448 54,638 52,448 54,833 52,161 54,751 51,856 (3,646) (3,927) (3,636) (3,928) Average Intangible Assets (2,723) (2,542) (2,738) (2,524) Average ROTE equity* 48,464 45,692 48,377 45,404 Group net Income (1,482) 1,439 (640) 2,253 Interest on deeply subordinated notes and undated subordinated notes (159) (165) (278) (309) Cancellation of goodwill impairment 2 Ajusted Group net Income (1,641) 1,274 (916) 1,944 Average ROTE equity* ROTE 48,464 45,692 48,377 45,404 -13.5% 11.2% -3.8% 8.6% Underlying Group net income Interest on deeply subordinated notes and undated subordinated notes Cancellation of goodwill impairment Ajusted Underlying Group net Income Average ROTE equity (underlying)* Underlying ROTE 1,505 1,349 3,079 2,647 (159) (165) (278) (309) 2 1,346 1,184 2,803 2,338 51,451 45,602 52,096 45,797 10.5% 10.4% 10.8% 10.2% ROE/ROTE: see Methodology (1) Interest net of tax, payable or paid to holders of deeply subordinated notes & undated subordinated notes, issue premium amortisations (2) The dividend to be paid is calculated based on a pay-out ratio of 50% of the underlying Group net income, after deduction of deeply subordinated notes and on undated subordinated notes * Amounts restated compared with the 2020 financial statements (See Note 1,7 of the financial statements) SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS 13 AUGUST 2022 72
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