2nd Quarter and 1st Half 2022 Results

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3 August 2022



#1SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP RESULTS 2nd QUARTER AND 1st HALF 2022 RESULTS THE FUTURE IS YOU SOCIETE GENERALE#2DISCLAIMER The financial information on Societe Generale for its second quarter and first half 2022 financial results comprises this presentation and a dedicated press release which are available on the website: https://investors.societegenerale.com/en. This presentation contains forward-looking statements relating to the targets and strategies of the Societe Generale Group. These forward- looking statements are based on a series of assumptions, both general and specific, in particular the application of accounting principles and methods in accordance with IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) as adopted in the European Union, as well as the application of existing prudential regulations. These forward-looking statements have also been developed from scenarios based on a number of economic assumptions in the context of a given competitive and regulatory environment. The Group may be unable to: anticipate all the risks, uncertainties or other factors likely to affect its business and to appraise their potential consequences; evaluate the extent to which the occurrence of a risk or a combination of risks could cause actual results to differ materially from those provided in this document and the related presentation. Therefore, although Societe Generale believes that these statements are based on reasonable assumptions, these forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, in particular in the Covid-19 crisis and Ukraine war context, including matters not yet known to it or its management or not currently considered material, and there can be no assurance that anticipated events will occur or that the objectives set out will actually be achieved. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the results anticipated in the forward-looking statements include, among others, overall trends in general economic activity and in Societe Generale's markets in particular, regulatory and prudential changes, and the success of Societe Generale's strategic, operating and financial initiatives. More detailed information on the potential risks that could affect Societe Generale's financial results can be found in the section "Risk Factors" in our Universal Registration Document filed with the French Autorité des Marchés Financiers (which is available on https://investors.societegenerale.com/en). Investors are advised to take into account factors of uncertainty and risk likely to impact the operations of the Group when considering the information contained in such forward-looking statements. Other than as required by applicable law, Societe Generale undertakes no does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information or statements. Unless otherwise specified, the sources for the business rankings and market positions are internal. This presentation includes information pertaining to our markets and our competitive positions therein. Such information is based on market data and our actual revenues in those markets for the relevant periods. We obtained this market information from various third-party sources (publications, surveys and forecasts) and our own internal estimates. We have not independently verified these third-party sources and cannot guarantee their accuracy or completeness and our internal surveys and estimates have not been verified by independent experts or other independent sources. The financial information presented for the financial year ending 30 June 2022 was approved by the Board of Directors on 2 August 2022. It has been prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted in the European Union and applicable at this date. The limited review procedures on the condensed interim financial statements at 30 June 2022 carried by the Statutory Auditors are currently underway. SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS 13 AUGUST 2022 2#3STRONG UNDERLYING RESULTS GROUP NET INCOME EUR 1.5bn (¹) -EUR 1.5bn reported incl. the impact of the Russian disposal for EUR 3.3bn before tax in Q2 22 ROTE 10.5%(1) in Q2 22 Excellent business performance Revenues (+13.4%*) +12.8% vs. Q2 21 Record quarter for private banking, F&A, ALD and international retail Strong performance in Global Markets Solid commercial activity in French retail Cost/income ratio 61.8%(2) in Q2 22 High asset quality Cost of risk 15 bps in Q2 22 Limited defaults High level of S1/S2 provisions Solid capital CET 1 12.9% (3) at end of Q2 22 ~360 bps over MDA Launch of the 2021 share buy-backs ~ EUR 915m Provision for 2022 distribution ~EUR 1.44 (4) per share at H1-22 H1 22 underlying Group net result (1) of EUR 3.1bn (+16.3% vs. H1 21) H1 22 reported Group net result of -EUR 640m (1) Underlying data: adjusted for exceptional items (see Supplement) (2) Underlying and excluding the contribution to the Single Resolution Fund (3) Including IFRS9 phasing, 12.8% fully-loaded (4) Based on a payout of 50% of the underlying group net income after deduction of interest on deeply subordinated notes and undated subordinated notes *When adjusted for changes in Group structure and at constant exchange rates SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#41. GROUP PERFORMANCE#5HIGH GROSS OPERATING INCOME IN Q2 22 Gross Operating Income _Underlying gross operating income (1) Positive jaws Cost/income ratio _Change in underlying revenues and costs(1) _Underlying cost/income (1) excluding SRF(2) 2,036 +21.6% 2,475 +12.8% Q221 Q222 (1) Underlying data: adjusted for exceptional items (see Supplement) (2) Single Resolution Fund SOCIETE GENERALE 64.8% +8.6% 74.0% 65.1% 61.8% Revenues Costs Q219 Q220 Q221 Q222 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#6STRONG POSITIVE JAWS IN H1 22 Excellent performance across businesses _Revenues H1 22/H121 (EURM) +341 12,506 +676 +14.7% +819 +4 14,346 Continuous cost discipline _Underlying costs() H1 22/H121 (EURM) +7.1% +303 8,915 +152 +138 8,322 H121 FRB IBFS GBIS Others H122 H121 SRF(2) Variable Compensation & ESOP(3) Other costs (incl. Lyxor, ING referral offer and FX) H122 2022 underlying cost/income ratio excl. SRF expected between 64% - 66% (1) Underlying data: adjusted for exceptional items (see Supplement) (2) Single Resolution Fund (3) Group Employee Share Ownership Programme SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#7LOW COST OF RISK _Cost of risk (in bp) H121 Q2 21 Q3 21 Q4 21 Q1 22 Q2 22 H122 NON-PERFORMING LOANS RATIO(2) 39 JUN 19 JUN 20 JUN 21 DEC 21 MAR 22 JUN 22 GROUP 16 27 11 15 6 15 FRENCH RETAIL BANKING INTERNATIONAL RETAIL 20 12 8 1 1 -3 3 40 37 43 28 • 92 22 60 28 3.2% 3.2% 3.1% 2.9% 2.9% 2.8% Gross coverage ratio: 50% at end-June 22 45 30 GLOBAL BANKING AND INVESTOR SOLUTIONS 3 4 12 1 16 BANKING AND FINANCIAL SERVICES 2022 Cost of risk confirmed between 30-35 bps 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022 (1) Calculated based on Gross loans outstanding at the beginning of period (annualised) (2) According to new EBA methodology published on 16 July 2019. The NPL rate calculation was modified in order to exclude the net accounting value of the tangible assets for operating lease from the gross exposure in the denominator. Historical data restated (see Supplement) SOCIETE GENERALE#8CONTINUED PRUDENT PROVISIONING Limited defaults _Cost of risk (in EURm) Further strengthening of S1/S2 total provisions _Total S1/S2 provisions() (in EURM) 3,622 3,355 3,409 561 (39 bps) 2,282 2,379 2,162 1,987 248 196 1,231 86 217 142 (15 bps) (6 bps) (15 bps) (11 bps) 313 61 266 1,051 1,243 1,368 1,247 218 164 156 -22 -70 -132 Q221 Q3 21 Q421 Q122 Q222 31.12.19 31.12.20 31.12.21 30.06.22 Stage 1/Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 1 Stage 2 (1) Quarterly variation of provisions for S1/S2 is not strictly matching the net S1/S2 cost of risk mainly due to FX impact SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#9CET 1 WELL ABOVE MDA CET 1 of 12.9% (1) ~ 360 bps buffer over MDA (9.24%) Leverage ratio at 4.1% TLAC ratio at 31.7% Balance sheet meeting MREL requirements ~85% of 2022 funding programme already completed _Q2 22 change in CET 10 ratio (in bp) +16 bps -7 bps -11 bps 12.9% IFRS 9 phasing +12 bps -1 bps 12.9% +9 bps IFRS 9 phasing 31.03.22(1) Organic capital generation post provision for distribution (2) Netimpact OCI(3) Other 30.06.22(1) of Russian disposal (1) Including IFRS 9 phasing, i.e. 12.8% fully loaded. Based on CRR2/CRD5 rules, including the Danish compromise for Insurance (see Methodology) (2) Based on a pay-out ratio of 50% of the underlying Group net income after deduction of interest on deeply subordinated notes and undated subordinated notes (3) OCI on sovereign exposure and insurance SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#10GROUP RESULTS In EURm Net banking income Operating expenses Underlying operating expenses (1) Gross operating income (1) Underlying gross operating income Net cost of risk Operating income Underlying operating income (1) Net profits or losses from other assets Net income from companies accounted for by the equity method Income tax Net income O.w. non-controlling interests Reported Group net income Underlying Group net income ROE ROTE (1) Underlying ROTE (1) (1) Underlying data: adjusted for exceptional items and IFRIC 21 linearisation (see Supplement) *when adjusted for changes in Group structure and at constant exchange rates SOCIETE GENERALE Q2 22 Q2 21 Change H122 H121 Change 7,065 6,261 +12.8% +13.4%* 14,346 12,506 +14.7% +14.8%* (4,458) (4,107) +8.5% +9.6%* (9,787) (8,855) +10.5% +11.2%* (4,590) (4,225) +8.6% +9.6%* (8,915) (8,322) +7.1% +7.9%* 2,607 2,154 +21.0% +20.7%* 4,559 3,651 +24.9% +23.3%* 2,475 2,036 +21.6% +21.3%* 5,431 4,184 +29.8% +28.4%* (217) (142) +52.8% +52.4%* (778) (418) +86.1% +23.4%* 2,390 2,012 +18.8% +18.5%* 3,781 3,233 +17.0% +23.2%* 2,258 1,894 +19.2% (3,292) 5 n/s 4 2 (327) (404) +100.0% -19.0% (1,225) 1,615 n/s 257 176 +46.0% +18.9%* n/s +100.0%* -19.0%* n/s +43.6%* 4,653 3,766 +23.6% +29.2%* (3,290) 11 n/s n/s 4 5 -20.0% -20.0%* (680) (687) -1.0% +48.7%* (185) 2,562 455 (1,482) 1,439 n/s n/s (640) 309 2,253 n/s +47.2% n/s +45.7%* n/s 1,505 1,349 +11.5% +11.0%* 3,079 2,647 +16.3% n/s +11.1%* -12.0% 9.8% -3.4% 7.5% -13.5% 11.2% -3.8% 8.6% 10.5% 10.4% 10.8% 10.2% 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022 10#112. BUSINESS PERFORMANCE#12FRENCH NETWORKS AND PRIVATE BANKING +3% +4% +1% AV. LOANS OUTSTANDING (1) vs. Q2 21 AV. DEPOSITS OUTSTANDING (¹) vs. Q2 21 AV. LIFE INSURANCE OUTSTANDINGS (2) vs. Q2 21 _ Av. Loans (1) (EURbn) 208 +0.4% AV. GLOBAL PRIVATE BANKING AUM(3) vs. Q2 21 Av. Deposits (1) (EURbn) Av. Life insurance outstandings (2) (EURbn) 243 _Av. Private Banking AuM (3) (EURbn) 146 147 234 214 109 31% 110 Corporates & professionnals 32% ■Unit-linked ■Individuals Euro Funds Q2 21 Q2 22 Q2 21 Q2 22 Q2 21 Q2 22 Q2 21 Q2 22 Increase in deposits from both regulated savings and sight deposits Solid gross inflows in life insurance (2) (EUR 2.2bn in Q2 22) with high proportion of unit-linked in production (34%) Robust growth in mid-long term corporate loans production (+42% vs. Q2 21) and continued amortization of PGE +4% in home loans outstanding vs. Q2 21 (1) French Networks (2) Total life insurance outstandings following the integration of the Private Banking in Q1 22 (3) Private Banking as per Q122 restatement (France and International), includes other businesses transferred following the disposal of Lyxor SOCIETE GENERALE Strong net inflows in Private Banking (3) (EUR 2.6bn in Q2 22) Increase of Personal protection and P&C premia (+4% vs. Q2 21) 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#13BOURSORAMA x2.1 NEW CLIENT ONBOARDING vs. Q2 21 _New client onboarding ('000) 168 357 o/w c. 134k from ING Q2 21 Q2 22 +35% TOTAL CLIENTS vs. end of Jun. 21 _Total number of clients (m) +28% AV. LOANS OUTSTANDING vs. Q2 21 +31% AV. DEPOSITS OUTSTANDING vs. Q2 21 _Av. Loans (EURbn) 4m reached 15 in July 4.0 12 2.9 30.06.21 30.06.22 Q2 21 Q2 22 Consumer loans Home loans _Av. Deposits and financial savings (EURbn) 39 33 Q2 21 Q2 22 Financial savings (1) ■ Deposits ING transaction progresses according to plan. As of 22 July: .50% onboarding rate after 3-months (2) (~250k clients mostly with affluent profile) . EUR 7bn of savings largely composed of life insurance outstandings (3) . End of the referral period expected in September (1) Life Insurance, Mutual Funds and Securities (2) Update as of 22 July, the referral offer having started on 11 April (~500k eligible clients) (3) Transferred in July SOCIETE GENERALE Strong increase in home loans outstanding, +27% vs. Q2 21 Solid progression in consumer loans outstanding +32% vs. Q2 21 Robust growth in deposits and financial savings, +19% vs. Q2 21 Sustained brokerage volumes >1.5m orders in Q2 22 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#14FRENCH RETAIL BANKING RESULTS Revenues +5.9%(2) vs. Q2 21 Net interest margin and other +5.0% (²) vs. Q2 21 driven notably by good commercial activity despite negative effect of the TLA (3) and still negative rates Fees +7.1% vs. Q2 21 strong growth in service fees Operating expenses +5.5% (1) vs. Q2 21 mainly due to client acquisition, contribution to the SRF (4) and variable costs Positive jaws In EURm Net banking income Q2 22 Q2 21 Change H1 22 H121 Change 2,256 2,080 +8.5% 4,444 4,103 +8.3% Net banking income excl. PEL/CEL 2,185 2,063 +5.9% 4,350 4,098 +6.1% Operating expenses (1,513) (1,447) +4.6% (3,233) (3,058) +5.7% Underlying operating expenses (1) (1,571) (1,489) +5.5% (3,120) (2,972) +5.0% Gross operating income 743 633 +17.4% 1,211 1,045 +15.9% Underlying gross operating income (1) 614 574 +7.0% 1,230 1,126 +9.2% Net cost of risk (21) x2,6 (68) (137) -50.4% Operating income 722 625 +15.5% 1,143 908 +25.9% Net profits or losses from other assets 3 1 x 3,0 3 4 -25.0% Reported Group net income Underlying Group net income (1) 539 454 +18.7% 852 666 +27.9% 444 412 +7.6% 866 724 +19.5% RONE 17.5% 15.0% 14.1% 11.0% Underlying RONE (1) 14.4% 13.6% 14.4% 11.9% Q2 22 RONE 14.4% (1) (18.3% (1) excl. Boursorama) (1) Underlying data: adjusted for exceptional items, excluding PEL/CEL provision and IFRIC 21 linearisation (see Supplement) (2) Excluding PEL/CEL provision (3) rate of the "Livret A" (4) Single Resolution Fund NB: including Private Banking activities as per Q1 22 restatement (France and International), includes other businesses transferred following the disposal of Lyxor SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022 14#15INTERNATIONAL RETAIL BANKING EUROPE +3%* +6%* LOANS OUTSTANDING vs. end of Jun.21 DEPOSIT OUTSTANDING vs. end of Jun.21 AFRICA AND OTHERS +2%* LOANS OUTSTANDING vs. end of Jun.21 +4%* DEPOSIT OUTSTANDING vs. end of Jun.21 _Revenues (EURM) +17%* 738 622 Q2 21 Q2 22 _Revenues (EURM) +6%* 481 445 Q2 21 Q2 22 Sustained growth of loans outstanding in Czech Republic (+9%) and Romania (+9%) Favorable rates environment in Eastern Europe with positive impact in net interest margin Specialised consumer finance revenues up +7%* vs. Q2 21, with a strong momentum in fees Improved business dynamic in Q2 22 across all geographies Strong increase in deposits contributing to further strengthen the L/D ratio at ~91% Solid revenue growth driven by fees (+15%*) * When adjusted for changes in Group structure and at constant exchange rates SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#16INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES INSURANCE +0.4%* * LIFE INSURANCE OUTSTANDINGS vs. end of Jun. 21 +7%* PROTECTION PREMIUM vs. Q2 21 FINANCIAL SERVICES 1.8m TOTAL ALD CONTRACTS as of end of Jun. 22 +1.1%* EQUIPMENT FINANCE NET OUTSTANDING vs. Q2 21 _Revenues (EURM) 238 Q2 21 +8%* 252 Q2 22 _Revenues (EURM) +45%* 782 520 Q2 21 Q2 22 Life insurance gross inflows (+0.3%* vs. Q2 21) with a 44% share of unit linked Life insurance outstandings at EUR 131bn of which a sustained high level of unit linked (35%) Continued strong dynamic in P&C premia across regions (+7%* vs. Q2 21) Record semester for ALD in terms of NBI and net income: .+5.4% of funded fleet growth vs end of June 21 . Strong NBI growth (+54%*), notably driven by still high demand for used cars (EUR 3,212 result per unit) Resilient net outstanding growth in Equipment Finance (+1.1% vs. end June 21) *When adjusted for changes in Group structure and at constant exchange rates SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS 13 AUGUST 2022#17INTERNATIONAL RETAIL BANKING AND FINANCIAL SERVICES RESULTS Revenues +21.4%* vs. Q2 21 International Retail Banking revenues +12.7%* vs. Q2 21 Insurance and Financial Services revenues +33.7%* vs. Q2 21 Operating expenses +9.5%* vs. Q2 21 Robust positive jaws In EURM Net banking income Q2 22 2,304 Q2 21 Change H1 22 H121 Change 1,989 +15.8% +21.4%* 4,527 3,851 +17.6% +20.4%* Operating expenses (1,045) Underlying operating expenses (1) (1,075) Gross operating income 1,259 (1) Underlying gross operating income 1,229 978 954 Net cost of risk (97) (121) Operating income 1,162 857 Net profits or losses from other assets Reported Group net income 8 4 694 Underlying Group net income' (1) RONE Underlying RONE (1) 522 676 508 26.3% 20.6% 25.6% 20.0% -19.8% -19.6%* +35.6% +41.2%* 1,877 +100.0% +98.2%* 10 +33.0% +40.1%* 1,094 +33.2% +40.6%* 1,130 (1,011) +3.4% +9.5%* (2,228) (2,100) +6.1% +9.0%* (1,035) +3.9% +9.9%* (2,167) (2,052) +5.6% +8.5%* +28.7% +33.5%* 2,299 1,751 +31.3% +33.9%* +28.8% +33.7%* 2,360 1,799 +31.2% +33.8%* (422) (263) +60.5% -11.2%* 1,488 +26.1% +51.2%* 6 +66.7% +65.3%* 914 +19.7% +39.9%* 942 +20.0% +39.5%* 20.3% 18.2% 20.9% 18.7% Q2 22 RONE 25.6% (1) (26.4% (1) excl. disposed Russian activities) (1) Underlying data: adjusted for exceptional items and IFRIC 21 linearisation (see Supplement) *When adjusted for changes in Group structure and at constant exchange rates (excluding activities sold in Russia) SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS 13 AUGUST 2022#18GLOBAL MARKETS AND INVESTOR SERVICES REVENUES: +25% vs. Q2 21 _Global Markets revenues (EURM) 1,230 1,199 1,099 455 401 370 1,777 1,516 767 683 1,010 775 798 833 729 Q221 Q3 21 Q421 Q122 Q2 22 SOCIETE GENERALE FIC ■ Equities GLOBAL MARKETS REVENUES +23% vs. Q2 21 Excellent and balanced performance in a volatile environment Dynamic client activity across products and regions EQUITIES +8% vs. Q2 21 Good performance overall with high client demand, notably in Equity Derivatives and Prime Services FIC +50% vs. Q2 21 Very strong commercial activity driven by a conducive market environment for our business mix 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#19FINANCING AND ADVISORY REVENUES: +14% vs. Q2 21 _Revenues (EURM) 820 821 790 754 720 Q2 21 Q3 21 Q4 21 Q122 Q222 SOCIETE GENERALE GLOBAL BANKING AND ADVISORY +11% vs. Q2 21 Continued strong momentum in Natural Resources and Infrastructure augmented by our comprehensive and recognised ESG strategy Sustained activity in Asset Backed-Products Resilient activity in Investment Banking despite lower volumes in Capital Markets GLOBAL TRANSACTION & PAYMENT SERVICES +29% vs. Q2 21 Strong results in all businesses driven by solid commercial performance and favourable interest rate environment 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#20GLOBAL BANKING AND INVESTOR SOLUTIONS RESULTS Revenues +18.3% vs. Q2 21 driven by strong performance across businesses Operating expenses +8.1%(¹) vs. Q2 21, +4.7% (1) excl. SRF (2) C/I ratio (¹) excl. SRF (2) 62.2% High positive jaws In EURm Q2 22 Q2 21 Variation H1 22 H121 Variation Net banking income 2,563 2,166 Operating expenses (1,565) (1,498) +4.5% Underlying operating expenses (1) (1,755) (1,623) +8.1% Gross operating income 998 668 (1) Underlying gross operating income 808 543 Net cost of risk (69) (15) Operating income 929 653 +7.1%* (3,366) +49.4% +43.8%* 1,581 +48.9% +42.1%* 1,952 x 4.6 +42.3% +18.3% +16.1%* 5,318 4,499 +3.4%* (3,737) (3,391) (3,149) 1,108 +18.2% +16.5%* +10.2% +10.3%* +6.9% +7.0%* +42.7% +34.3%* 1,350 +44.6% +37.5%* X4.2* (263) (18) x 14.6 x 14.2* Reported Group net income 742 506 Underlying Group net income RONE (1) 596 Underlying RONE (1) 410 20.3% 14.9% 16.3% 12.1% +37.1%* +46.6% +41.2%* 853 +45.3% +38.6%* 1,329 1,039 14.5% 12.6% 15.4% 1,318 1,090 +20.9% +13.7%* 1,044 +22.4% +15.2%* +27.9% +21.7%* 18.5% Q2 22 RONE 16.3% (1) (20.6% (1) excl. SRF(2)) (1) Underlying data: adjusted for exceptional items and IFRIC 21 linearisation (see Supplement) (2) Single Resolution Fund *When adjusted for changes in Group structure and at constant exchange rates NB: excluding Private banking activities as per Q122 restatement (France and International). Excludes other businesses transferred following the disposal of Lyxor SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#21CORPORATE CENTER Increase in underlying costs vs Q2 21 notably driven by the impact of the Global Employee Share Ownership Programme (EUR 44m) EUR 159m (2) transformation charges in the business and support functions in Q2 22 In EURM Net banking income Disposal of Russian activities: -EUR 3.3bn before tax recorded in net losses from other assets Q2 22 Q2 21 H1 22 H121 (58) 26 57 53 Operating expenses (335) (151) (589) (306) Underlying operating expenses (1) (189) (78) (262) (149) Gross operating income (393) (125) (532) (253) Underlying gross operating income (1) (247) (52) (205) (96) Net cost of risk (30) 2 (25) Net profits or losses from other assets Income tax (3,303) (3,303) 1 321 124 333 160 Reported Group net income Underlying Group net income (3,457) (43) (3,630) (1) (264) 7 (315) (180) (62) (1) Underlying data: adjusted for exceptional items and IFRIC 21 linearisation (see Supplement) (2) Q2 22 transformation charges: French Retail Banking (EUR 97m), Global Banking and Investor Solutions (EUR 25m) and Corporate Center (EUR 37m). SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#223. CONCLUSION#23TWO YEARS OF STRONG EXECUTION... SIMPLIFYING TRANSFORMING INVESTING - Completion of the multi-year refocusing programme - Repositioning of Market activities ensuring greater resilience and lower risk profile - Disposal of Rosbank and the Russian insurance subsidiaries A MORE FOCUSED AND RESILIENT BUSINESS MODEL, - Preparation of the French networks merger to create of a new landmark bank - Increased digitalisation and automation with improved client journeys and efficiency - Groupwide ESG integration with accelerated ambition and stronger commitments EMBRACING NEW CLIENT NEEDS AND DEEP SOCIETAL EVOLUTIONS, - Acquisition of LeasePlan to create a global leader in mobility - Acceleration of Boursorama's organic growth and integration of ING clients - Higher capital allocation to European retail activities and Financing & Advisory TO ENSURE SUSTAINABLE AND PROFITABLE GROWTH. SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#24AND SUSTAINED PERFORMANCE LEADING TO A ROTE > 10% Sustainable revenue growth Improved operating leverage Double-digit profitability _Revenues (in EURM) +14% av. yoy _Underlying cost to income ratio excluding SRF (1) (%) -6pp av.yoy _Underlying ROTE (%) +3pp av. yoy 6,620 7,281 7,065 71.9% 66.9% 65.1% 63.3% „... 6,672 6,245 6,261 5,809 5,838 Q320 Q420 Q121 Q221 Q321 Q421 Q122 Q2 22 60.3% 65.9% 5.5% 61.8% 4.1% 56.4% Q320 Q420 Q121 Q221 Q321 Q421 Q122 11.9% 10.1% 10.4% 10.9% 10.5% 9.2% Q222 Q320 Q420 Q121 Q221 Q321 Q421 Q122 Q222 (1) Single Resolution Fund SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022 24#254. 2025 FINANCIAL TARGETS#262025 PRUDENT ECONOMIC ASSUMPTIONS Progressive return to more stable conditions from 2023 GDP growth (%) In % Inflation rate (%) 10y Gov. bonds (%) Euribor 6m(%) In % 9.1 10-year rates (In %) Euribor 6M (In %) 3.02 0.5 6.80 5.30 2.75 8.6 5.44 5.70 2.00 5.10 4.7 1.89 3.3 1.46 1.50 1.50 0.2 1.50 3.60 1.40 5.8 1.80 2.3 1.05 2.4 2.6 0.80 1.30 1,20 2.0 1.8 1.34 1.90 2.1 1.50 1.20 0.80 2.7 2.5 1.9 0.05 1.05 0.1 0.0 0.60 0.40 2021 Q1 22 2023e 2024e 2025e 2021 Q2 22 2023e 2024e 2025e -0.31 2021 Q2 22 2023e 2024e 2025e 2021 Eurozone France US Q2 22 2023e 2024e 2025e Eurozone France US France Germany US SOCIETE GENERALE -0.5 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#27OUR PURPOSE IN ACTION TO SHAPE THE BANK OF THE FUTURE "Building together, with our clients, a better and sustainable future through responsible and innovative financial solutions " BE THE PREFERRED BANK OF OUR CLIENTS SOCIETE GENERALE SOCIETE GENERALE DIVERSIFIED BALANCED INTEGRATED BE A LEADER IN RESPONSIBLE BANKING AND SUSTAINABLE FINANCE BE A TRULY DIGITAL & DATA-DRIVEN COMPANY 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#28FOCUSED ON VALUE CREATION STAND OUT FOR OUR THREE KEY LEVERS Meet client needs and priorities Embed ESG in all our activities and processes Accelerate our tech-enabled journey ENSURE SUSTAINABLE AND PROFITABLE GROWTH UNLOCK VALUE FROM OUR BUSINESSES Strengthen our leading positions in selected expertise and geographies Foster synergies and develop verticals (Bancassurance, mobility, BaaS/BaaP) Scale-up new business models SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#29A CLEAR 2025 ROADMAP WITH KEY STRATEGIC INITIATIVES RETAIL BANKING & INSURANCE BE THE FRENCH RELATIONSHIP BANK OF REFERENCE VISION 2025 BE THE UNDISPUTED LEADER IN ONLINE BANKING IN FRANCE 2025 ROADMAP EXECUTING OUR STRATEGIC INITIATIVES MOBILITY CREATE A LEADING GLOBAL PLAYER IN MOBILITY MOVE 2025 LEASEPLAN INTEGRATION BE A LEADING FRANCHISE IN ATTRACTIVE INTERNATIONAL RETAIL MARKETS KB CHANGE 2025 BRD HORIZONS 2025 SGMB JOSSOUR 2025 SOCIETE GENERALE WHOLESALE BE A TIER ONE EUROPEAN WHOLESALE BANK GBIS STRATEGIC ROADMAP 2023 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#302025 KEY GROUP FINANCIAL TARGETS الله ROTE 10% CET 1 PAY-OUT RATIO 12% in 2025 in 2025(1) (1) Under Basel IV (2) After deduction of interest on deeply subordinated notes and undated subordinated notes (3) Subject to General Meeting of Shareholders and regulatory approval SOCIETE GENERALE 50% underlying net result (2) of which up to 40% of the distribution in share buy-backs (3) 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022 30#31BUILDING TOGETHER OUR SUSTAINABILITY AMBITION Well recognised leadership Four priorities to drive our ambition Relying on key enablers IFR AWARDS 2021 EUROMONEY AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE GLOBAL BEST BANK TRANSITION STRATEGY 2022 Bank of the Year for Sustainability Euromoney Awards for Excellence 2022: Global Best Bank Transition Strategy MOODY'S ESG TOP 1% Accompany our clients in their 1 Environmental Transition 2 Be a catalyst for Positive Local Impact for communities across geographies 3 Be a Responsible Employer ALLOCATE RESOURCES & SHIFT BUSINESS TRAIN & ACCOMPANY FOSTER INNOVATION & COOPERATION MSCI ESG Research AAA 2025 TARGETS SOCIETE GENERALE 4 Maintain a Culture of Responsibility with the highest standards of governance EXECUTE ESG OPERATIONAL & DATA ROADMAP EUR 300bn -50% Sustainable Finance 2022-25 Cut own CO2 emissions 2019-2030 ESG training offered to 100% staff 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#32FULLY EMBEDDING ESG IN THE GROUP BUSINESS MODEL RETAIL & INSURANCE Expand our sustainable & socially responsible offer, leveraging regional presence WHOLESALE Adapt & shift our offer to accompany our clients in their transitions & pioneer innovative ESG solutions MOBILITY Drive the mobility revolution ALLOCATE RESOURCE & SHIFT BUSINESS Expansion of ESG financing and savings offer in our retail banks and insurance Alignment of credit portfolios and shift of offers across sectorial value chains and new business models to foster decarbonisation Leading the transition towards sustainable mobility, and particularly electric vehicles TRAIN & ACCOMPANY Deployment of local ESG expert teams for SMEs across geographies 888 Extension of transversal training programme, accompaniment of emerging leaders and support of client sustainability journey Expansion of consultancy to best accompany clients in sustainable mobility FOSTER INNOVATION & COOPERATION Building of ecosystems of expertise to support clients SOCIETE GENERALE Development of impact-based finance and continuation of leading roles in sector alliances Strengthening partnerships with key players in e-mobility EXECUTE <<< ESG BY DESIGN >> OPERATIONAL & DATA ROADMAP 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS 13 AUGUST 2022#33ACCELERATING OUR "TECH-ENABLED" JOURNEY Secured infrastructure Sharing platform iii Agility > User experience 2025 TARGET Building a powerful and safe technical infrastructure Better mobilising our tech & data resources to generate value Gaining in agility and efficiency in the way we serve businesses x3 Cloud computing capacity (2021 vs 2017) > x10 API Groupwide (2021 vs 2017) > 14k FTEs in Shared Services (end 2021) EUR Spending in Cybersecurity 650m over the past 3 years Delivering an enhanced digital experience to our clients ~70% Digital retail clients (end 21) Boursorama KB ~46k Wholesale customers (end 21) SGI MARKETS ~14-15% IT intensity ratio in 2025 (1) (vs. ~17.5% in 2021 (2)) 2025 AMBITIONS > 75% Apps in public and/or private cloud (10% in 2021) > 80% IT team on agile mode (64% in 2021) > 45% >EUR 500m Run-rate value creation through Data & Al Digital sales (3) (28% in 2021) (1) IT intensity ratio is defined as the following ratio: IT costs (net cash-out)/NBI (2) Excluding activities sold in Russia (3) Includes core product sales only (current accounts, deposits, credit cards, personal loans, mortgages, non-life insurance and investment accounts) SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS 13 AUGUST 2022#34CONTINUOUSLY WIDEN BUSINESS ECOSYSTEMS TO BETTER SERVE OUR CLIENTS RETAIL & INSURANCE EXPAND BEYOND TRADITIONAL BOUNDARIES TO OPEN BANKING & NEW OFFERS WHOLESALE ACCELERATE IN DLT*, PLATFORM AND USE OF DATA MOBILITY AT THE FOREFRONT OF DEVELOPING MOBILITY AS A SERVICE AND NEW SERVICES M MOONSHOT Insurance Lemonero SOCIETE GENERALE Consumer Finance French retail fintecture treezor Boursorama Shine International retail Insurance *Distributed Ledger Technologies SOCIETE GENERALE FORGE SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP 1 SOCIETE GENERALE Corporate & Investment Banking lumo skipr fleetpool ALD Move าน 1 11 reezocar entelligent investissements komgo >K SOCIETE GENERALE Consumer Finance ALD Automotive 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022 34#35FRENCH NETWORKS & PRIVATE BANK: A LANDMARK RETAIL BANK Be the bank of reference in France in terms of customer experience, value-added expertise and responsibility Snapshot 2025 Priorities 2025 TARGET >65% of revenues with high value added segments Corporates, Professionals Affluent REGIONAL COVERAGE SC Mass Market PRIVATE BANKING AUM ~EUR 150bn SG= SC LIFE INSURANCE AUM EUR 110bn at end of Q2 22 at end of Q2 22 Extract full synergies from the creation of a new bank to upgrade client value proposition, enhance digitalization and improve efficiency Further strengthen the positioning with wealthy, professional, and corporate clients TOP 3 Client satisfaction Enhance product differentiation & diversification by reinforcing the bancassurance, ESG and Mobility offering Be a leader in Savings & Retirement, with a strong ESG angle, and expand the Private Banking expertise 67-69% C/I ratio 10% RONE SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#36BOURSORAMA: A POWERFUL BUSINESS MODEL Highly scalable model Steady increase in client wallet _Operating Cost per Client and Clients per FTE (basis 100 in 2016) New Clients ('000) Operating Cost/Client 1000 100 _Number of new Clients ('000) and Avg. Cost of Client onboarding(") (basis 100 in 2016) Acquisition Cost/New Client 100 Clients/FTE(3) 4 000 70 60 26 _Assets under Administration and Loan outstandings (EUR bn) Assets under Administration and Loan outstandings per Client Cohort (basis 100) 600 800 80 88 500 الس 3 000 50 400 600 60- 40 Cohort 2011 400 40 40 30 2.000 20 200 20 20 300 Cohort 2020 200 10 100 0 0 1 000 0 FY1 FY2 FY3 FY4 FY5 FY6 FY7 FY8 FY9 FY10 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 H122 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 H122 Loans ■Deposits ■Financial Savings (2) x3.3 new clients in 2021 vs. 2016 with a continuous decreasing acquisition cost per client (~-40% vs 2016) c. 85% active clients, c. 50% clients using Boursorama as their primary bank Steady decrease of cost-to-serve (~-50% vs 2016) with limited staff increase increase to serve an expanding client base (1) Excluding the ING transaction (2) Life Insurance including the transfer of ING insurance as of early July, Mutual Funds and Securities (3) Full Time Equivalent SOCIETE GENERALE Strong increase in AuA with a diversified product mix both in savings and credit (AuA +19% cagr 16-21) Continued growth of client equipment with increasing trend for the most recent cohorts (x2 in AuA after 2Y on average, x3 after 6Y) 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#37BOURSORAMA: THE DEFINITIVE LEADER IN ONLINE BANKING Bring to full maturity and establish Boursorama as one of the leading banks for individual clients in France Snapshot 2025 Priorities Top 1 ONLINE BANK in France #1 NPS <4% CHURN RATE Strengthen our undisputed leading position in online banking with a continued proactive customer acquisition policy Bolster client equipment thanks to best-in-class digital experience, fully-fledged product & service offer and external partnerships EUR 44bn AUA EUR 15bn Loans outstanding at end of Q2 22(1) at end of Q2 22 (1) Life Insurance, Mutual Funds and Securities, update as of mid July (2) Under IRBA SOCIETE GENERALE 2025 TARGET Maintain outstanding operational efficiency and further reduce the cost-to-serve ~EUR 200m Net result Benefit from the intrinsic value of the model to generate above- market profitability >25% RONE (2) 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS 13 AUGUST 2022#38IRB: CONSOLIDATE GROWTH AND PROFITABILITY Be a leading franchise in selected markets and support our corporate clients in these promising geographies Snapshot 2025 Priorities TOP 3 in core markets (1) ~70% ~45% KB BRD DIGITAL CLIENTS end 2021 CORPORATE DRIVEN BUSINESS MIX Retail ~40% in Africa (1) Corporate ~60% Reinforce leading positions in core attractive markets and allocate capital in the most profitable regions Enhance corporate client support, capitalising on SG's cutting-edge expertise and historical presence 2025 TARGET 50-52% C/I ratio 20% 2021 RONE in Specialised Consumer Finance (1) In terms of loan outstandings as of end of December 2021 SOCIETE GENERALE Accelerate digitalisation and omnichannel banking model for better client experience and improved efficiency >16% RONE Integrate the Consumer Finance offer within the open-banking model and the mobility value chain to optimise synergies 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022 38#39INSURANCE: AN ENHANCED BANCASSURANCE MODEL Be the clients' trusted partner by protecting them, their families and assets at all stages of their life Snapshot 2025 Priorities EUR 2.4bn EUR 135bn 2021 GROUP SYNERGIES LIFE INSURANCE AUM +6% PROTECTION PREMIUM 2017-2021CAGR (1) (1) Excluding activities sold in Russia SOCIETE GENERALE in 2021 21% 2021 RONE Reinforce our leadership in life insurance savings and accelerate in protection, with a strong ESG focus 2025 TARGET Strengthen our differentiated positioning on retirement with a comprehensive product range and enhanced digital service ~40% C/I ratio under IFRS 4 Keep developing our solid external partnership model to further diversify and accelerate growth drivers >25% RONE under IFRS 4 Deepen Group synergies by enhancing the bancassurance model and increasing the footprint in mobility 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#40ALD / LEASEPLAN: CREATION OF A LEADING GLOBAL PLAYER IN MOBILITY Shaping the mobility industry's transformation towards sustainable and digital solutions Snapshot 2025 Priorities 3.5m 2021 COMBINED FLEET(1) 27% of 2021 passenger car deliveries are EVs (2) +5.4% YOY FUNDED FLEET GROWTH at end of Q2 2022 49% 2021 C/I RATIO (excl. UCS result) (3) Create a leading global player through the perfect combination with Lease Plan to capture the mobility sector's growth Reinforce our leadership in sustainable mobility and provide fully integrated solutions with our specialised consumer finance activity Be the most innovative mobility provider by leveraging unrivalled investment capacity to increase the digital competitive edge Generate significant synergies and further improve best in class operating efficiency to create superior value through the cycle 2025 TARGET ≥ 6% Annual fleet growth post integration of LeasePlan - 45% Best-in-class C/I ratio in 2025 (3) > 20% RONE (1) Combined ALD and LeasePlan fleet as of December 2021 (2) EV: Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs), Plug-in Hybrids (PHEVS), Fuel Cell (FCEV), excludes full hybrids (3) At ALD level, computed as: Total overheads / Gross margin (excluding used car sales result) SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#41GLOBAL MARKETS AND INVESTOR SERVICES: CONFIRMED STRATEGY OF RESILIENT AND PROFITABLE GROWTH Be a relevant and Top tier European market player with a balanced and resilient business model Snapshot 2025 Priorities EUR 5bn 2021 REVENUES in Global Markets BEST YEAR IN EQUITY since 2009 Keep diversifying and innovating, with an acceleration in ESG, to consolidate our positions and seize market opportunities Maintain a stable risk appetite, and develop flow and fee-based businesses to ensure higher stability and predictability of performance BALANCED BUSINESS MIX Financing Q Investment Solutions Flow EUR 4.6trn AUC(1) at end 2021 in SECURITIES SERVICES Make operational efficiency a permanent focus to preserve operating leverage and continue to invest in our businesses Enhance profitability of Securities Services by further optimising the operating model while developing our offer on fast-growing segments 2025 GLOBAL MARKETS TARGET EUR 4.7-5.3bn Revenue range 2025 GBIS TARGET 65-68% C/I ratio 12-14% RONE (1) Assets under Custody SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS 13 AUGUST 2022#42FINANCING AND ADVISORY: CAPTURE GROWTH THROUGH DIVERSIFICATION AND EXPERTISE Be Top 5 in our core markets in Global Banking and a Tier 1 European Transaction Banking player Snapshot 2025 Priorities EUR 2.9bn 2021 REVENUES IFR AWARDS 2021 IFR AWARDS 2021 Bank of the Year for Sustainability 2021 HIGHEST YEAR ON RECORD ~+9% 2018-2021 revenue CAGR IN GTPS(1) Continue to selectively allocate capital to the most dynamic sectoral and client segments to maintain superior gross return on capital Embed ESG in every business, shift our offer through a systematic ESG oriented approach Further accelerate in Global Transaction Banking with an integrated, modular and open platform Maintain a diversified business mix, an active portfolio management and high standards in counterparty risk management 2025 F&A TARGET ~3% 2021-2025 CAGR Revenue growth 2025 GBIS TARGET 65-68% C/I ratio 12-14% RONE (1) Global Transaction & Payment Services SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS 13 AUGUST 2022#43DELIVERING PROFITABLE REVENUE GROWTH Executing strategic initiatives Selectively allocating capital to businesses Investing in fast-growing engines on mobility and online banking to capture growth and generate superior return Supporting the profitable franchises benefiting from leading positions, favourable environments and promising opportunities Strengthening our core & synergetic businesses with greater resilience and diversification of revenues through advisory, value-added services and fees _ Business RWA growth (2021-2025 CAGR) vs. 2021 total RWA > 4% ALD Boursorama 2025 TARGET International Retail Banking ≥ 3% Between Financing & Advisory 1.5% and 4% Private banking < 1.5% French networks Global Markets & Investor Solutions Other Financial Services & Insurance 2021-2025 CAGR Revenue growth (1) EFFICIENT USE OF EQUITY WITH STABLE NBI ON CAPITAL WHILE ABSORBING BASEL IV IMPACT (1) Based on Global Markets revenues at EUR 4.7bn in 2025 SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS 13 AUGUST 2022#44RELENTLESS FOCUS ON EFFICIENCY ACROSS THE GROUP Key levers to ensure strict cost management Delivering on the ongoing cost reduction plans with related transformation charges mainly in 2022 and 2023 Cost/income ratio to decrease with positive jaws across businesses _Group cost-to-income ratio under IFRS 4 (%) 67%(2) Continuous discipline to maintain structural cost (1) growth below inflation on average End of the ramp up phase of the Single Resolution Fund expected end of 2023 ≤ 62% 2021 Revenue growth (3) Efficiency plans(4) SRF Inflation Business investment (incl. LeasePlan integration) and 2025 others ≤62% Cost/income ratio in 2025 (1) Excluding SRF, transformation costs and LeasePlan integration (2) Underlying data: adjusted for exceptional items (see Supplement) (3) Excluding LeasePlan integration (4) Including efficiency plans of Vision 25, in GBIS, ALD and IT SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS 13 AUGUST 2022 44#45NORMALISATION OF COST OF RISK Low S3 cost of risk Solid buffer of provisions Continuous improvement in credit quality _Cost of risk (bp) 52 52 37 44 64 _Total S1/S2 provisions (in EURbn) 3.6 3.4 3.4 _NPL rate (1) (%) 39 2.3 2.4 38 2.0 5.3% 2.2 4.9% 4.2% 3.4% 3.3% 2.9% 2.8% 3.1% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Q2 22 30.06.2022 25 1.2 21 19 22 18 15 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.2 13 11 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Q1 22 Q2 22 31.12.2019 31.12.2020 31.12.2021 Stage 1 Stage 2 Cost of risk (in bp) S3 cost of risk NPL rate (in %) Regression curve 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022 45 Cost of risk at ~30 bps in 2025 (1) Calculated based on Gross loans outstanding at the beginning of period (annualised). 2015 NPL rate has not been restated according to EBA methodology published on 16 July 2019 SOCIETE GENERALE#46SOLID CET 1 _Change in CET 1 ratio (in bp) 12.9% (1) Comfortable ~360 bps Buffer over MDA 30.06.2022 LeasePlan acquisition Capital generation Distribution (1) Phased-in ratio (2) After deduction of interests on deeply subordinated notes and undated subordinated notes (3) Subject to General Meeting of Shareholders and regulatory approval (4) Excluding output floor SOCIETE GENERALE Business growth & other 2025 TARGET 12% 12% CET 1 50% Underlying Group net Income (2) of which up to 40% in share buy-backs (3) ~120 bps(4) Fully loaded Basel IV impact ~100 bps (4) phased-in in 2025 Basel IV implementation 2025 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022 46#47DELIVERING 2025 TARGETS Revenue growth ≥ 3% 2021-2025 CAGR Cost/Income ratio ≤ 62% ROTE 10% 12% Net Cost of Risk ~30 bps CET1 50% pay-out ratio based on an underlying net result(1) of which up to 40% of the distribution in share buy-backs(2) (1) After deduction of interest on deeply subordinated notes and undated subordinated notes (2) Subject to General Meeting of Shareholders and regulatory approval SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#485. SUPPLEMENT#49RECOGNISED LEADERSHIP IN SUSTAINABILITY AWARDS IFR AWARDS 2021 Bank of the Year for Sustainability 2022 Global Best Bank Transition Strategy EUROMONEY AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE GLOBAL BEST BANK TRANSITION STRATEGY EUROMONEY AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE AFRICA 2022 BEST BANK FOR SUSTAINABLE FINANCE SUSTAINABLE FINANCE CE AWARDS 2022 Africa Best Bank for Sustainable Finance Environmental SRP EUROPE AWARDS 2022 ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS FinanceAsia 2021 Finance Sustainable Investment Awards 2021 Winner ESG research of the year BDO TEGENABLE + SUSTAINABL A Asset MARKETS CAPITAL 2021 AWARDS LEAGUE TABLES, RANKINGS & RATINGS #1 Project Finance Advisory (1) #4 Global Renewable Energy Project Finance (2) #1 Sustainable Export Finance (3) #1 Export Finance in Africa (3) #3 Green, Social, Sustainability Bonds in EMEA EUR(2) #1 in the Top 20 Clean Energy Lead Arrangers by deal value (4) INVESTMENT BESTI BANK AWARD. D 2022 GEORAKICE Best Investment Bank for Sustainable Finance The Banker Investment Banking Awards 2021 Investment Bank of the Year for Sustainability Investment Bank of the Year for Green/ Sustainability-Linked Loans GLOBAL BANK AWARD GLOBAL FINANCE Best Bank for Sustainable Finance GLOBAL Outstanding Leadership in Sustainable Finance Outstanding Leadership in Social Bonds in Asia- Pacific ESG Research of the Year Investment Bank of the Year for Africa Outstanding Leadership in Transition/Sustainability Linked Bonds in Western Europe (1) IJ Global League Tables FY2021 (2) Dealogic FY2021 (3) TXF FY2021 (4) Clean Energy Pipeline 2020 League Table SOCIETE GENERALE Best ESG House Best Sustainable Finance House in Asia Best ESG Bank in Asia MSCI ESG Research AAA TOP 3% ESG MOODY'S 69/100 TOP 1% 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#50MAPPING OF EXTRA-FINANCIAL RATINGS AGENCIES MOODY'S ESG MSCI ESG Research Member of Dow Jones Sustainability Indices Powered by the S&P Global CSA ISS ESG‣ BEST 69 100 60 60 AAA AA SCORE WORST POSITION VERSUS PEERS 50 50 30 A BBB BB B CCC 100 60 57 54 80 A+ C+ C О 10 200.2 30 40 SUSTAINALYTICS negligible low medium high 30 C- D+ D severe Note: Number of companies in each agency universe: MSCI 190 banks; S&P CSA 242 banks; Sustainalytics 415 banks; Moody's ESG Solutions 4,882 companies; ISS ESG 285 banks SOCIETE GENERALE D3- O TOP 1% ALL COMPANIES WORLDWIDE TOP 3% BANKS WORLDWIDE TOP DECILE BANKS WORLDWIDE TOP DECILE BANKS WORLDWIDE 80+ TOP 14% BANKS WORLDWIDE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022 50#51LEADING THE ENERGY TRANSITION WITH FLAGSHIP TARGETS Decarbonising our portfolios Engaging our businesses BEST-IN-CLASS SECTOR POLICIES SETTING STANDARDS OIL AND GAS Reduce our exposure to extraction sector by at least 10% by 2025 vs 2019 COAL Reduce to zero our exposure to thermal coal in 2030 in EU and OECD countries, and 2040 elsewhere EUR 300bn To support sustainable finance 2022-2025 CLIENT-FOCUSED VEHICLE LEASING COMPETITIVE EDGE Reduce the carbon intensity of ALD Automotive deliveries by 40% by 2025 vs 2019 BB POWER Reduce the carbon emission intensity of power portfolio by 18% by 2025 and by 75% by 2040 vs. 2019 ALD Automotive 30% Electric Vehicles in ALD deliveries by 2025 KB Reach carbon neutrality in own operations by 2026 Aligning credit portfolios with trajectories compatible with a 1.5°C scenario SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS 13 AUGUST 2022#52GROUP QUARTERLY INCOME STATEMENT BY CORE BUSINESS French Retail Banking International Retail Banking and Financial Services Global Banking and Investor Solutions Corporate Centre Group In EURm Q222 Q2 21 Q222 Q2 21 Q222 Q221 Q222 Q2 21 Q222 Q2 21 Net banking income 2,256 2,080 2,304 1,989 2,563 2,166 (58) 26 7,065 6,261 Operating expenses (1,513) (1,447) (1,045) (1,011) (1,565) (1,498) (335) (151) (4,458) (4,107) Gross operating income 743 633 1,259 978 998 668 (393) (125) 2,607 2,154 Net cost of risk (21) (8) (97) (121) (69) (15) (30) 2 (217) (142) Operating income 722 625 1,162 857 929 653 (423) (123) 2,390 2,012 Net income from companies accounted for by the equity method 1 2 1 0 2 1 0 (1) 4 Net profits or losses from other assets 3 1 8 4 0 0 (3,303) 0 (3,292) Impairment losses on goodwill 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 250 Income tax Non controlling Interests Group net income Average allocated capital** Group ROE (after tax) (187) (174) (282) (212) (179) (142) 321 124 (327) (404) 0 0 195 127 10 6 52 43 257 176 539 454 694 522 742 506 (3,457) (43) (1,482) 1,439 12,295 12,116 10,570 10,158 14,642 13,581 17,326* 16,306* 54,833 52,161 -12.0% 9.8% * Calculated as the difference between total Group capital and capital allocated to the core businesses Amounts restated compared with the financial data published in Q2 21 SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#53GROUP HALF YEAR INCOME STATEMENT BY CORE BUSINESS French Retail Banking International Retail Banking and Financial Services Global Banking and Investor Solutions Corporate Centre Group In EURM Net banking income Operating expenses H122 H121 H122 H121 H122 H121 H122 H121 H122 H121 4,444 4,103 4,527 3,851 5,318 4,499 57 53 14,346 12,506 (3,233) (3,058) (2,228) (2,100) (3,737) (3,391) (589) (306) (9,787) (8,855) Gross operating income 1,211 1,045 2,299 1,751 1,581 1,108 (532) (253) 4,559 3,651 Net cost of risk (68) (137) (422) (263) (263) (18) (25) 0 (778) (418) Operating income 1,143 908 1,877 1,488 1,318 1,090 (557) (253) 3,781 3,233 Net income from com panies accounted for by the equity method Net profits or losses from other assets Impairment losses on goodwill Income tax Non controlling Interests Group net income Average allocated capital** Group ROE (after tax) 230 3 (1) 0 4 10 6 0 0 0 300 2 0 0 4 5 0 (3,303) 1 (3,290) 11 0 0 0 0 0 (297) (252) (461) (370) (255) (225) 333 160 (680) (687) (1) (3) 331 210 22 14 103 88 455 309 852 666 1,094 914 1,044 853 (3,630) (180) (640) 2,253 12,058 12,162 10,794 10,058 14,386 13,492 17,513* 16,144* 54,751 51,856 -3.4% 7.5% * Calculated as the difference between total Group capital and capital allocated to the core businesses Amounts restated compared with the financial data published in Q2 21 SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#54GROUP UNDERLYING DATA - RECONCILIATION WITH REPORTED FIGURES in EUR m Exceptional operating expenses (-) IFRIC linearisation Transformation costs (1) Of which related to French Retail Banking Of which related to Global Banking & Investor Solutions Of which related to Corporate Centre Exceptional Net profit or losses from other assets (+/-) Net losses from the disposal of Russian activities (¹) Net losses from the disposal of Lyxor (1) Total exceptional items (pre-tax) Reported Net income - Group Share Total exceptional items - Group share (post-tax) Underlying Net income - Group Share (1) Allocated to Corporate Centre SOCIETE GENERALE H122 H121 Q222 Q221 872 533 (132) (118) 570 398 (291) (203) 302 135 159 201 60 97 39 43 25 62 32 37 (3,303) 0 (3,303) 120 85 38 26 21 (3,300) (3,300) (3) (3) 4,175 533 3,171 (118) (640) 2,253 (1,482) 1,439 3,719 394 2,987 (90) 3,079 2,647 1,505 1,349 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022 54#55GROUP UNDERLYING DATA - IFRIC 21 IMPACT French Retail Banking International Retail Banking Global Banking and Investor and Financial Services Corporate Centre Group Solutions In EURM H122 H121 H122 H121 H122 H121 H122 H121 H122 H121 Total IFRIC 21 Impact - costs (225) (173) (123) (95) (741) (483) (50) (44) (1,139) (795) o/w Resolution Fund (173) (128) (65) (52) (623) (405) (2) (864) (586) Financial Services to International Retail Banking Insurance Total Corporates In EURM H122 H121 H122 H121 H122 H121 H122 H121 Total IFRIC 21 Impact - costs (87) (67) (10) (26) (19) (123) (95) o/w Resolution Fund (61) (48) (4) (4) (0) 0 (65) (52) Western Europe Czech Republic Romania Other Europe Russia Africa, Asia, Mediterranean bassin and Overseas Total International Retail Banking In EURM H122 H121 H122 H121 H122 H121 H122 H121 H122 H121 H122 H121 H122 H121 Total IFRIC 21 Impact - costs (6) (52) (40) (14) (9) (4) (4) (1) (8) (8) (87) (67) o/w Resolution Fund (4) (44) (34) (7) (7) (2) (1) (0) (2) (61) (48) Global Markets and Investor Total Global Banking and Financing and Advisory Services Investor Solutions In EURM H122 H121 H122 H121 H122 H121 Total IFRIC 21 Impact - costs (566) (362) (176) (121) (741) (483) o/w Resolution Fund (486) (306) (137) (99) (623) (405) SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#56GROUP CRR2/CRD5 PRUDENTIAL CAPITAL RATIOS _Phased-in Common Equity Tier 1, Tier 1 and Total Capital In EURbn 30.06.2022 31.12.2021 Shareholder equity Group share 64.6 65.1 Deeply subordinated notes* (8.7) (8.0) Undated subordinated notes* 0.0 0.0 Dividend to be paid & interest on subordinated notes (1) (1.3) (2.3) Goodwill and intangible (5.3) (5.2) Non controlling interests 4.5 4.6 Deductions and regulatory adjustments (6.6) (4.3) Common Equity Tier 1 Capital 47.3 49.8 Additionnal Tier 1 Capital 8.8 8.1 Tier 1 Capital 56.1 57.9 Tier 2 capital 11.9 10.6 Total capital (Tier 1 + Tier2) 68.0 68.5 Risk-Weighted Assets 368 363 Common Equity Tier 1 Ratio 12.9% 13.7% Tier 1 Ratio 15.2% 15.9% Total Capital Ratio 18.5% 18.8% Ratios based on the CRR2/CDR5 rules as published in June 2019, including Danish compromise for insurance (see Methodology). Ratio fully loaded at 12.8% and IFRS 9 phasing at +9 bp. (1) The dividend to be paid is calculated based on a pay-out ratio of 50% of the underlying Group net income, after deduction of deeply subordinated notes and on undated subordinated notes Excluding issue premia on deeply subordinated notes and on undated subordinated notes SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS 13 AUGUST 2022 56#57GROUP CRR2 LEVERAGE RATIO _CRR2 phased-in Leverage Ratio (1) In EURbn Tier 1 Capital Total prudential balance sheet (2) Adjustments related to derivative financial instruments Adjustments related to securities financing transactions (3) Off-balance sheet exposure (loan and guarantee commitments Technical and prudential adjustments inc. central banks exemption Leverage exposure Phased leverage ratio (1) Based on CRR2 rules adopted by the European Commission in June 2019. Fully loaded leverage ratio at 4.0% (see Methodology) (2) The prudential balance sheet corresponds to the IFRS balance sheet less entities accounted for through the equity method (mainly insurance subsidiaries). (3) Securities financing transactions: repurchase transactions, securities lending or borrowing transactions and other similar transactions SOCIETE GENERALE 30.06.2022 31.12.2021 56.1 57.9 1,387 1,300 (12) 9 16 15 126 118 (135) (252) 0 (118) 1,382 1,190 4.1% 4.9% 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#58GROUP TLAC/MREL TLAC Q2 22 ratios Meeting 2022 requirements % RWA 2.5% SP MREL Q2 22 ratios Meeting 2022 requirements (2) % RWA SP SNP SNP 10.2% ■T2 (*) ■ AT1 % Leverage % Leverage 25.2% T2 (*) 10.2% AT1 21.6% CET1 CET1 19.5% 3.9% 2.4% 29.2% 12.9% Req. 2021 Req. 2022 (1) 30.06.2022 3.9% 29.2% 2.4% O.W. 8.44% > 5.91% 6.75% 5.91% junior debt 20.5% 12.9% Req.2022 30.06.2022 (*) Tier 2 capital computed for TLAC/MREL differ from Q2 capital for total capital ratio due to TLAC/MREL eligibility rules (1) Including countercyclical buffer (2) Notification received in June 2021 based on balance sheet as of 31.12.2019, requirements applicable from 01.01.2022 NB: phased-in ratio SOCIETE GENERALE Req. 2022 30.06.2022 Req. 2022 (1) 30.06.2022 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS 13 AUGUST 2022 58#59GROUP RISK-WEIGHTED ASSETS* (CRR2/CRD5, IN EURbn) 376.6 367.6 361.5 125.4 125.9 126.8 49.2 123.1 110.0 111.2 5.5 107.8 108.8 103.9 0.2 30.0 29.1 28.9 5.0 5.6 4.5 5.0 6.3 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.2 11.7 11.8 13.2 117.5 102.7 104.9 105.2 104.1 97.4 85.2 86.0 82.1 21.0 22.0 19.8 7.3 7.1 7.3 1.0 0.2 1.0 13.4 11.5 14.0 14.1 46.8 45.6 13.0 13.0 316.8 309.0 298.2 Total Q2 21 Q1 22 Q2 22 Q2 21 Q122 Q2 22 Operational Market Q2 21 Q1 22 Q2 22 Q2 21 Q1 22 Q2 22 Q2 21 Q1 22 Q2 22 French Retail Banking International Retail Banking and Financial Services Credit Global Banking and Investor Solutions Corporate Centre Group * Phased-in Risk-Weighted Asset including IFRS 9 phasing. Includes the entities reported under IFRS 5 until disposal SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#60GROUP - GEOGRAPHIC BREAKDOWN OF SG GROUP COMMITMENTS AT 30.06.2022 *Total credit risk (debtor, issuer and replacement risk for all portfolios) SOCIETE GENERALE On-and off-balance sheet EAD* All customers included: EUR 1,118bn Africa and Middle Latin America and Caribbean 1% East 4% Asia Pacific 6% Eastern Europe (excluding EU) 0.5% Eastern Europe (EU) 7% North America 14% Western Europe (excl. France) 22% France 46% 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#61GROUP CHANGE IN GROSS BOOK OUTSTANDINGS* _End of period in EURbn 573.0 585.0 579.9 553.9 538.8 527.7 530.2 518.6 520.8 131.9 145.3 142.3 141.7 135.7 134.2 135.5 136.7 139.9 190.7 176.9 170.7 146.2 131.6 138.4 145.3 149.9 160.4 233.4 238.8 233.9 234.6 234.8 237.2 242.6 245.7 246.5 124 14.0 13.0 13.6 14.2 14.6 144 14.9 15.9 Q2 20 Q3 20 Q4 20 Q1 21 Q2 21 Q3 21 Q4 21 Q1 22 Q2 22 Total International Banking and Financial Services Global Banking and Investor Solutions French Retail Banking Corporate Center * Customer loans; deposits and loans due from banks, leasing and lease assets. Excluding repurchase agreements Excluding entities reported under IFRS 5 NB: Data restated since Q1 22 considering the transfer of Private banking activities (French and international) to the French Retail Banking. Includes other businesses transferred after the disposal of Lyxor SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS 13 AUGUST 2022#62GROUP COST OF RISK In EURM Q222 Q2 21 H122 H121 Net Cost Of Risk 21 8 68 137 French Retail Banking Gross loan Outstandings 245,710 234,643 244,177 234,298 Cost of Risk in bp 3 1 6 12 Net Cost Of Risk 97 121 422 263 International Retail Banking and Financial Services Gross loan Outstandings 141,075 131,344 140,811 130,770 Cost of Riskin bp 28 37 60 40 Net Cost Of Risk 69 15 263 18 Global Banking and Investor Solutions Gross loan Outstandings 176,934 145,302 173,842 141,803 Cost of Risk in bp 16 4 30 3 Net Cost Of Risk 30 (2) 25 0 Corporate Centre Gross loan Outstandings 14,943 13,561 14,678 13,262 Cost of Riskin bp 79 (4) 34 0 Net Cost Of Risk Societe Generale Group Gross loan Outstandings Cost of Risk in bp 217 578,662 142 778 418 524,849 573,508 520,133 15 11 27 16 See: Methodology. Cost of Risk in bp are calculated based on Gross loans outstanding at the beginning of period (annualised) NB: Data restated since Q122 considering the transfer of Private banking activities (French and international) to the French Retail Banking. Includes other businesses transferred after the disposal of Lyxor SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS 13 AUGUST 2022#63GROUP NON-PERFORMING LOANS In EUR bn 30.06.2022 31.03.2022 30.06.2021 Performing loans 565.9 561.3 519.3 inc. Stage 1 book outstandings (1) 503.1 491.3 454.8 inc. Stage 2 book outstandings 44.0 50.7 42.0 Non-performing loans 16.3 16.9 16.7 inc. Stage 3 book outstandings 16.3 16.9 16.7 Total Gross book outstandings* 582.2 578.2 536.1 Group Gross non performing loans ratio* 2.8% 2.9% 3.1% Provisions on performing loans 2.9 3.1 3.0 inc. Stage 1 provisions 1.0 1.2 1.1 inc. Stage 2 provisions 1.8 1.9 1.9 Provisions on non-performing loans 8.1 8.4 8.6 inc. Stage 3 provisions 8.1 8.4 8.6 Total provisions 10.9 11.4 11.6 Group gross non-performing loans ratio (provisions on non-performing loans/non-performing loans) 50% 49% 52% *Figures calculated on on-balance sheet customer loans and advances, deposits at banks and loans due from banks, finance leases, excluding loans and advances classified as held for sale, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits, in accordance with the EBA/ITS/2019/02 Implementing Technical Standards amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014 with regard to the reporting of financial information (FINREP). The NPL rate calculation was modified in order to exclude from the gross exposure in the denominator the net accounting value of the tangible assets for operating lease. Performing and non-performing loans include loans at fair value through profit or loss which are not eligible to IFRS 9 provisioning and so not split by stage. Historical data restated (1) Data restated excluding loans at fair value through profit or loss which are not eligible to IFRS 9 provisioning SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS 13 AUGUST 2022 63#64RUSSIAN OFF-SHORE CREDIT EXPOSURE Portfolio managed in run-off mode since end February Residual exposure mainly composed of secured structured transactions Reduced EAD at EUR 2.6bn as of 30 June 2022 _Evolution of exposure at default (EURbn) -19% _Exposure at default by sectors at 30 June 22 Others (i.e. EUR 1.9bn of RWA) 3.2 2.8 2.6 Repayment flows consistent with contractual amortisation terms 30-Dec-21 31-Mar-22 30-Jun-22 Transport & logistics 14% Metals & Mining 29% 6% EUR 2.6bn 19% Oil & Gaz 15% 17% Chemicals Metallurgy and steel industry Best estimate to date of the net Exposure at Risk < EUR 1bn (1) Total provisions on offshore exposure at EUR 377m as of 30 June 22 o/w EUR 139m cost of risk in Q2 22 Residual EAD to Rosbank of ~EUR 0.5bn . Mainly letters of credit and performance guarantees _Corporate gross exposure by type at 30 June 22 Term Loan 22% 25% ECA-backed Trade finance 7% (1) Excluding replacement risk and before provisions SOCIETE GENERALE 46% Pre-export Finance 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS 13 AUGUST 2022 64#65FOCUS ON EXPOSURES Corporate portfolio breakdown Corporate EAD(1) in each sector in % of total group EAD at 30.06.2022 Total group EAD: EUR 1,118bn Finance & Insurance Real Estate 3.6% Business services 3.2% Wholesale trade 3.1% Collective services 2.7% Transport & logistics 2.4% Oil and gas 1.9% Retail trade 1.5% Food & agriculture 1.3% Machinery and equipment 1.1% Metals, minerals 1.1% Telecoms 1.0% Construction 1.0% Automobiles 1.0% Others 0.9% Consumer goods 0.7% Chemicals, rubber, plastics 0.6% Hotels & Catering 0.6% Shipping, aircraft and railway building 0.5% Health, social action ■ 0.4% 7.3% Exposure to sensitive sectors POWER UTILITIES IN EUROPE: 1.1% of total Group EAD ACCOMMODATION*: 0.3% of total Group EAD CATERING*: 0.3% of total Group EAD AIRLINES: 0.3% of total Group EAD, mostly secured COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE: disciplined origination with average LTV ranging between 55% and 60% and limited exposure on Retail Assets (15%) DIRECT GROUP LBO EXPOSURE: EUR~6bn SME REPRESENT ~5% OF TOTAL GROUP EAD (mostly in France) (*) As per the decree n° 2020-1770 published in France on 30.12.2020 (both Corporate and Retail exposure) Accommodation: hotels, campsites, holiday homes, resorts, holiday centers, etc. Catering: restaurants, cafes, collective catering, etc. (1) EAD for the corporate portfolio as defined by the Basel regulations (large corporate including insurance companies, funds and hedge funds, SME, specialised financing and factoring) based on the obligor's characteristics before taking account of the substitution effect. Total credit risk (debtor, issuer and replacement risk). Corporate EAD: EUR 399bn SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS 13 AUGUST 2022 65#66IFRS 9 MONITORING METHODOLOGY APPLIED As of Q2 22, IFRS 9 parameters were updated in order to take into account the current economic environment: • 3 macroeconomic scenarios were retained to capture the uncertainties around the war in Ukraine and the continuation of the Covid19 pandemic: central, favourable and stress. The central scenario assumes that the growth in the eurozone would be lower in 2022 and 2023 due to a high level of inflation and the probable recession scenario in case of the termination of energy supply from Russia. • Additional sector / areas-at-risk adjustments to compensate for more favorable macroeconomic parameters MACROECONOMIC SCENARIOS (FRANCE GDP GROWTH) 115 110 105 100 95 90 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 *scenario weighting in IFRS 9 expected credit loss calculation SOCIETE GENERALE - SG FAVOURABLE 10%* SG CENTRAL 60%* SG STRESS 30%* 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#67GROUP CHANGE IN TRADING VAR* AND STRESSED VAR** _Quarterly Average of 1-Day, 99% Trading VaR* (in EURm) 40 43 43 28 20 20 3 34 333 30 22 15 23 18 15 15 13 15 10 17 19 199 21 14 19 11 7 7 13 16 13 12 20 230 10 20 17 3 27 12 10 8 9 8 2 3 4 -16 -18 -21 -38 -26 40 -35 -32 -40 -53 Q2 20 Q3 20 Q4 20 Q1 21 Q2 21 Q3 21 Q4 21 Q122 Q2 22 Stressed VAR** (1 day 99%, in EUR M) Minimum Maximum Average Q2 21 Q3 21 Q4 21 Q1 22 Q222 23 23 24 23 18 48 58 64 48 52 35 38 39 32 30 Trading VaR* ■Credit Interest Rates ■ Equity ■Forex ■Commodities ■Compensation Effect * Trading VaR: measurement over one year (i.e. 260 scenarios) of the greatest risk obtained after elimination of 1% of the most unfavourable occurrences ** Stressed VaR : Identical approach to VaR (historical simulation with 1-day shocks and a 99% confidence interval), but over a fixed one-year historical window corresponding to a period of significant financial tension instead of a one-year rolling period SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS 13 AUGUST 2022#68LONG TERM FUNDING PROGRAMME 2022 WELL ADVANCED 2022 funding programme: c. EUR 20-22bn of vanilla debt, well balanced across the different formats c. EUR 19bn of structured notes issuance As of 18.07.2022, EUR 33.7bn have been raised for 2022 program o/w: completion of over 85% of the vanilla funding program through issuance of EUR 19.6bn (including EUR 4.0bn of prefunding raised in 2021) split as follows: EUR 0.1bn AT1 EUR 1.9bn T2 EUR 5.7bn SNP EUR 6.0bn SP EUR 5.9bn CB EUR 14.1bn of structured notes issuance Competitive funding conditions: MS6M+54 bp (excluding subordinated debt) Average maturity of 5.2 years Additional EUR 1.2bn issued by subsidiaries Active diversification of the investor base across different currencies (EUR, USD, AUD, CHF, HKD, NOK, CNY, SGD), maturities and types SOCIETE GENERALE (1) Excluding structured notes 2022 long term funding programme: EUR 20-22bn (1) SECURED DEBT SENIOR PREFERRED DEBT SENIOR NON PREFERRED DEBT SUBORDINATED DEBT (AT1/T2) Selection of recent key transactions ~EUR 5bn ~ EUR 6bn ~EUR 6bn ~EUR 4 4.5bn Societe Generale 21NC20 Tier 2 4.027% 21-Jan-43NC42 USD 750,000,000 4NC3 & 6NC5 & 11NC10 Senior Non Preferred SOFR+ 1.050% 21-Jan-26NC25 USD 750,000,000 2.226% 21-Jan-26NC25 USD 1,250,000,000 2.797% 19-Jan-28NC27 USD 1,250,000,000 3.337% 21-Jan-33NC32 USD 1,000,000,000 Societe Generale 5Y Senior Preferred 0.280% 26-Jan-27 CHF 160,000,000 & 7NC6 Senior Non Preferred 0.745% 26-Jan-29NC28 CHF 100,000,000 Societe Generale, Sydney Branch 5Y Senior Preferred FRN 03-Mar-27 AUD 450,000,000 Societe Generale 3NC2 & 7Y Senior Preferred 1.500% 30-May-25NC24 EUR 1,000,000,000 2.625% 30-May-29 EUR 1,000,000,000 Societe Generale 11NC10 Tier 2, 3Y & 5Y Senior Preferred 6.221% 15-Jun-33NC32 USD 1,250,000,000 4.351% 13-Jun-25 USD 600,000,000 4.677% 15-Jun-27 USD 800,000,000 Societe Generale SFH 6Y & 12Y Covered Bond 1.375% 05-May-28 EUR 1,750,000,000 1.750% 05-May-34 EUR 1,250,000,000 Societe Generale PNC5 Additional Tier 1 8.250% PNC 15-07-27 SGD 200,000,000 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022 68#69GROUP LIQUID ASSET BUFFER Liquid Asset Buffer (in EURbn) (1) Excluding mandatory reserves (2) Unencumbered, net of haircuts SOCIETE GENERALE 227 227 229 275 244 214 173 147 161 168 80 61 64 58 51 10 10 Q2 21 Q3 21 Q4 21 Q1 22 Q2 22 Liquidity Coverage Ratio at 141% on average in Q2 22 Central Bank Deposits (1) High Quality Liquid Asset Securities (2) Central Bank Eligible Assets (2) 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS 13 AUGUST 2022#70GROUP EPS CALCULATION Average number of shares (in thousand) Existing shares H122 Q1 22 2021 842,540 845,248 853,371 Deductions Shares allocated to cover stock option plans and free shares awarded to staff 6,041 6,021 3,861 Other own shares and treasury shares 5,416 8,124 3,249 Number of shares used to calculate EPS* 831,084 831,103 846,261 Group net Income (640) 842 5,641 Interest on deeply subordinated notes and undated subordinated notes (278) (119) (590) Adjusted Group net income (918) 723 5,051 EPS (in EUR) (1.10) 0.87 5.97 Underlying EPS** (in EUR) 2.87 1.00 5.52 * The number of shares considered is the average number of ordinary shares of the period, excluding treasury shares and buybacks, but including the trading shares held by the Group **Underlying EPS calculated based on an underlying Group net Income excluding IFRIC 21 linearisation (see Methodology) SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022 70#71GROUP NET ASSET VALUE, TANGIBLE NET ASSET VALUE End of period (in EURm) H122 Q1 22 2021 Shareholders' equity Group share 64,583 65,852 65,067 Deeply subordinated notes (8,683) (8,178) (8,003) Undated subordinated notes Interest of deeeply & undated subodinated notes, issue premium amortisations (1) 65 20 Bookvalue of own shares in trading portfolio (222) (78) 37 Net Asset Value 55,669 57,531 57,121 Goodwill Intangible Assets (3,667) (3,624) (3,624) (2,672) (2,773) (2,733) Net Tangible Asset Value 49,330 51,134 50,764 Number of shares used to calculate NAPS* 831,045 831,044 831,162 Net Asset Value per Share 67.0 69.2 68.7 Net Tangible Asset Value per Share 59.4 61.5 61.1 (1) Interest net of tax, payable or paid to holders of deeply subordinated notes & undated subordinated notes, issue premium amortisations *The number of shares considered is the number of ordinary shares outstanding at end of period, excluding treasury shares and buybacks, but including the trading shares held by the Group (expressed in thousand of shares) In accordance with IAS 33, historical data per share prior to the date of detachment of a preferential subscription right are restated by the adjustment coefficient for the transaction (see Methodology) SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS 13 AUGUST 2022 71#72GROUP ROE/ROTE CALCULATION DETAIL End of period (in EURm) Q222 Q2 21 H122 H121 Shareholders' equity Group share 64,583 63,136 64,583 63,136 Deeply subordinated notes (8,683) (8,905) (8,683) (8,905) Undated subordinated notes (62) Interest of deeeply & undated subodinated notes, issue premium amortisations (1) (8) (1) (8) (1) OCI excluding conversion reserves 854 (699) 854 (699) Distribution provision (2) (1,193) (1,021) (1,193) (1,021) Distribution for N-1 (914) (914) ROE equity end-of-period Average ROE equity* Average Goodwill 54,638 52,448 54,638 52,448 54,833 52,161 54,751 51,856 (3,646) (3,927) (3,636) (3,928) Average Intangible Assets (2,723) (2,542) (2,738) (2,524) Average ROTE equity* 48,464 45,692 48,377 45,404 Group net Income (1,482) 1,439 (640) 2,253 Interest on deeply subordinated notes and undated subordinated notes (159) (165) (278) (309) Cancellation of goodwill impairment 2 Ajusted Group net Income (1,641) 1,274 (916) 1,944 Average ROTE equity* ROTE 48,464 45,692 48,377 45,404 -13.5% 11.2% -3.8% 8.6% Underlying Group net income Interest on deeply subordinated notes and undated subordinated notes Cancellation of goodwill impairment Ajusted Underlying Group net Income Average ROTE equity (underlying)* Underlying ROTE 1,505 1,349 3,079 2,647 (159) (165) (278) (309) 2 1,346 1,184 2,803 2,338 51,451 45,602 52,096 45,797 10.5% 10.4% 10.8% 10.2% ROE/ROTE: see Methodology (1) Interest net of tax, payable or paid to holders of deeply subordinated notes & undated subordinated notes, issue premium amortisations (2) The dividend to be paid is calculated based on a pay-out ratio of 50% of the underlying Group net income, after deduction of deeply subordinated notes and on undated subordinated notes * Amounts restated compared with the 2020 financial statements (See Note 1,7 of the financial statements) SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS 13 AUGUST 2022 72#73FRENCH RETAIL BANKING NET BANKING INCOME Commissions +7.0% vs. H1 21 Net interest margin (1) & other income +5.4% vs. H1 21 (1) Excluding PEL/CEL _NBI, (in EURM) _Change Q2 22 vs. Q2 21 +8.5% 2,221 2,256 2,165 2,188 2,080 984 1,002 1,032 1,023 +7.1% 955 66 106 70 100 187 +5.0% 1,037 1,102 1,093 1,032 976 17 13 21 23 71 n/s Q2 21 Q3 21 Q4 21 Q1 22 Q2 22 NB: including Private banking activities as per Q1 22 restatement (France and International), includes other businesses transferred following the disposal of Lyxor SOCIETE GENERALE Fees Other Income Net Interest Margin (1) PEL/CEL Provision or Reversal 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022 73#74FRENCH RETAIL BANKING CUSTOMER DEPOSITS AND FINANCIAL SAVINGS Average outstandings (in EURbn) Financial Savings EUR 145.1bn +1.4% vs. Q2 21 436 431 431 425 416 _Change Q2 22 vs. Q2 21 +4.7% 117 119 117 115 -1.4% 117 26 27 27 29 29 30 30 +13.7% Deposits EUR 290.9bn +6.5% vs. Q2 21 162 169 172 170 175 +7.8% 19 18 18 18 18 -3.2% 73 75 75 77 80 +9.0% 19 Q2 21 (1) Including deposits from Financial Institutions and foreign currency deposits (2) Including deposits from Financial Institutions and medium-term notes 19 Q3 21 19 Q4 21 19 Q1 22 18 -4.6% Q2 22 NB: including Private banking activities as per Q1 22 restatement (France and International), includes other businesses transferred following the disposal of Lyxor SOCIETE GENERALE Life Insurance Securities, Mutual Funds and Others Sight Deposits (1) PEL Regulated Savings Schemes (excl. PEL) Term Deposits (2) 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022 74#75FRENCH RETAIL BANKING LOANS OUTSTANDING _Average outstandings, net of provisions (in EURbn) _Change Q2 22 vs. Q2 21 248 237 238 241 244 +4.4% 119 123 125 126 +6.4% 121 19 99 99 19 20 20 20 20 20 98 99 99 +6.3% 100 101 +1.7% 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 +8.7% Q2 21 Q3 21 Q4 21 Q1 22 Q2 22 *SMEs, self-employed professionals, local authorities, corporates, NPOs, including foreign currency loans NB: including Private banking activities as per Q1 22 restatement (France and International), includes other businesses transferred following the disposal of Lyxor SOCIETE GENERALE Housing Consumer Credit and Overdraft Business Customers* Financial Institutions 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022 75#76INTERNATIONAL RETAIL BANKING AND FINANCIAL SERVICES QUARTERLY RESULTS International Retail Banking Insurance Financial Services Total In EURM Q222 Q2 21 Change Q222 Q2 21 Change Q222 Q2 21 Change Q222 Q2 21 Change Net banking income Operating expenses 1,270 1,231 +12.7%* 252 238 +7.9%* 782 520 +45.1%* (669) (698) +5.1%* (93) (90) +6.3%* (283) (223) Gross operating income 601 533 +22.6%* 159 148 +8.9%* 499 297 Net cost of risk (83) (99) -14.3%* 0 0 n/s (14) (22) 2,304 +22.4%* (1,045) (1,011) +62.2%* 1,259 978 -44.2%* 1,989 +21.4%* +9.5%* +33.5%* (97) (121) -19.6%* Operating income 518 434 +31.6%* 159 148 +8.9%* 485 275 +71.0%* 1,162 857 +41.2%* Net profits or losses from other assets 8 3 x 2.6* 0 1 -100.0%* 0 0 +100.0% 8 4 +98.2%* Income tax (130) (107) +31.0%* (42) (42) +1.3%* (110) (63) +69.7%* (282) (212) +37.3%* C/I ratio Group net income Average allocated capital 272 245 +28.1%* 117 106 +11.9%* 305 171 +71.2%* 694 522 +40.1%* 53% 57% 37% 38% 36% 43% 45% 51% 5,468 5,642 2,135 2,058 2,941 2,436 10,570 10,158 * When adjusted for changes in Group structure and at constant exchange rates (excluding disposed Russian activities) SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022 76#77INTERNATIONAL RETAIL BANKING AND FINANCIAL SERVICES HALF YEAR RESULTS International Retail Banking Insurance Financial Services Total In EURm H122 H121 Change H122 H121 Change H122 H121 Change H122 H121 Change Net banking income 2,613 2,418 +12.4%* 502 474 +6.7%* 1,412 959 +44.6%* 4,527 3,851 +20.4%* Operating expenses (1,478) (1,451) +6.3%* (211) (200) +6.9%* (539) (449) +16.9%* (2,228) (2,100) +9.0%* Gross operating income 1,135 967 +21.3%* 291 274 +6.5%* 873 510 +69.5%* 2,299 1,751 +33.9%* Net cost of risk (396) (228) -8.4%* 0 0 n/s (26) (35) -28.5%* (422) (263) -11.2%* Operating income 739 739 +46.9%* 291 274 +6.5%* 847 475 +76.7% 1,877 1,488 +51.2%* Net profits or losses from other assets 10 5 +98.0%* 0 1 -100.0%* 0 0 n/s 10 6 +65.3%* Income tax (193) (183) +41.7%* (76) (77) -1.0%* (192) (110) +72.9%* (461) (370) +44.0% Group net income 350 423 +26.0%* 214 196 +9.6%* 530 295 +77.3%* 1,094 914 +39.9%* C/I ratio 57% 60% 42% 42% 38% 47% 49% 55% Average allocated capital 5,787 5,607 2,102 2,000 2,877 2,429 10,794 10,058 * When adjusted for changes in Group structure and at constant exchange rates (excluding disposed Russian activities) SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022 77#78INTERNATIONAL RETAIL BANKING BREAKDOWN BY REGION - QUARTERLY RESULTS Western Europe Czech Republic Romania Russia (1) Africa, Mediterranean In EURM Net banking income Operatating expenses Gross operating income 142 132 +7.7%* 191 Q2 22 Q2 21 Change Q2 22 Q2 21 Change Q2 22 249 233 +7.1%* 343 249 +32.4%* 145 (107) (101) +6.2%* (152) (140) +4.7%* (85) 109 +67.7%* 60 Q2 21 138 (85) 53 Change Q2 22 +6.5%* 51 +2.0%* (40) +13.4%* 11 Q222 481 58 182 Net cost of risk (33) (27) +24.6%* (11) x 3.9* 1 0 n/s (4) -9.1%* (36) (62) Operating income 109 105 +3.5%* 180 107 +62.1%* 61 53 +15.3%* 7 50 x 2.3* 163 120 Net profit or losses from other assets 0 0 n/s 7 1 x 6.8* 1 0 n/s 0 1 -100.0%* 0 1 Income tax (24) (22) +8.7%* (40) (23) +67.3%* (14) (11) Minority interests 6 5 +6.5%* 57 32 Group net income 79 78 +3.2%* 91 53 C/I ratio 43% 43% 44% 56% +67.1%* +62.8%* 30 59% 18 Average allocated capital 1,499 1,478 1,145 959 563 425 +27.5%* (1) 17 +13.2%* 0 25 +17.5%* 6 40 62% 78% 65% 423 (11) -38.3%* (51) (40) 0 n/s +28.2%* 70 42 30 51 bassin and Overseas Q2 21 Change Q2 21 Change Q222 Q2 21 Change 164 +13.3%* 445 +6.4%* 1,270 1,231 +12.7%* (106) +6.7%* (282) (263) +5.8%* (669) (698) +5.1%* +46.7%* 199 +7.4%* -43.3%* (83) +33.9%* 518 -100.0%* 8 +25.7%* (130) +33.3%* 125 +34.4%* 272 Total International Retail Banking (2) 601 533 +22.6%* (99) -14.3%* 434 +31.6%* 3 x 2.6* (107) +31.0%* 85 +39.7%* 59% 59% 1,003 1,831 1,763 245 53% 57% 5,468 5,642 +28.1%* * When adjusted for changes in Group structure and at constant exchange rates (1) Russia structure includes Rosbank, Rusfinance and their consolidated subsidiaries in International Retail Banking disposed on 18 may 2022 (2) Excluding disposed Russian activities SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022 78#79INTERNATIONAL RETAIL BANKING BREAKDOWN BY REGION - HALF YEAR RESULTS Western Europe Czech Republic Romania Russia (1) Africa, Mediterranean In EURM H122 Net banking income Operatating expenses Gross operating income Net cost of risk 491 H121 461 (215) (204) Change H122 +6.5%* 670 +5.3%* (350) 276 257 +7.4%* 320 179 (70) (58) +21.7%* (22) (25) Operating income 206 199 +3.3%* 298 154 H121 Change H122 490 +30.3%* 290 (311) +7.4%* (183) +70.1%* 107 -17.0%* 1 +84.3%* 108 Net profit or losses from other assets 0 0 n/s 9 1 x 8.6* 1 H121 273 (180) 93 (11) 82 0 Income tax (45) (42) +6.9%* (67) (33) +93.1%* (24) (17) Minority interests 9 6 -8.4%* 93 47 +88.8%* 33 26 Group net income 151 148 +2.0%* 147 C/I ratio 44% 44% 52% 75 63% +82.6%* 52 63% 39 66% Change H122 H121 +7.5%* 213 314 +3.3%* (145) (214) +15.6%* 68 100 n/s (202) (20) +46.7%* (134) 80 n/s 0 3 +58.4%* 27 (17) +30.9%* 0 0 +33.5%* (107) 66 68% 68% bassin and Overseas Change H122 H121 Change +11.5%* 947 877 +6.8%* +6.6%* (578) (541) +23.6%* 369 336 -8.4%* (103) (114) +19.0%* 266 222 -100.0%* 0 1 +15.9%* (85) (74) n/s -26.2%* +6.0%* (1,478) (1,451) +8.3%* 1,135 967 -11.8%* (396) (228) +18.8%* 739 -100.0%* 10 +13.9%* (193) (183) 739 Total International Retail Banking H122 H121 Change(2) 2,613 2,418 +12.4%* +6.3%* +21.3%* -8.4%* +46.9%* 5 +98.0%* +41.7%* 66 115 61% 62% 53 96 +22.0%* 205 138 +43.9%* +17.8%* 350 423 +26.0%* 57% 60% Average allocated capital 1,487 1,466 1,096 953 537 412 795 1,013 1,863 1,749 5,787 5,607 * When adjusted for changes in Group structure and at constant exchange rates (1) Russia structure includes Rosbank, Rusfinance and their consolidated subsidiaries in International Retail Banking disposed on 18 may 2022 (2) Excluding disposed Russian activities SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022 79#80INTERNATIONAL RETAIL BANKING AND FINANCIAL SERVICES BREAKDOWN OF LOANS AND DEPOSITS OUTSTANDING _Breakdown of Loans Outstanding (in EURbn) _Change June 22 vs. June 21 +1.1%* 14.5 14.3 +5.1%* 85.0 79.9 23.3 +1.8%* 22.9 30.8 27.4 +9.1%* 6.8 +8.9%* 7.4 +2.3%* 22.8 23.5 June 21 June 22 *When adjusted for changes in Group structure and at constant exchange rates (1) Excluding factoring SOCIETE GENERALE ■Equipment Finance (1) Sub-total International Retail Banking: _Breakdown of Deposits Outstanding (in EURbn) _Change June 22 vs. June 21 +23.0%* 76.2 1.9 +3.2%* +1.8% 80.1 1.9 Western Europe 41.5 39.1 +2.9%* (Specialized Consumer Finance) Czech Republic 10.7 +2.0%* 10.9 Romania Africa and other 24.5 25.9 +4.4%* June 21 June 22 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#81INTERNATIONAL RETAIL BANKING AND FINANCIAL SERVICES PRESENCE IN AFRICA Clients 4.3m NBI EUR 0.8bn Net income C/I RWA EUR 104m 61% EUR 23bn NBI RWA Credits Deposits L/D Ratio Ranking H1 2022 Morocco (in EUR m) (in EUR m) (in EUR m) (in EUR m) 236 8,389 8,604 7,092 121% 5th Algeria 68 1,507 1,262 2,000 63% Tunisia 76 2,040 1,816 1,618 112% 7th Côte d'Ivoire 148 2,853 2,888 3,817 76% 1st Senegal 52 1,473 1,053 1,768 60% 2nd Cameroun 67 1,662 967 1,487 65% 2nd Ghana 37 644 329 446 74% 7th Madagascar 38 619 486 710 68% 2nd Burkina Faso 29 1,186 694 927 75% 3rd Guinea Equatorial 11 323 58 345 17% 4th Guinea 28 608 290 437 66% 1st Chad 15 318 139 247 56% 4th Benin 15 523 317 347 91% 3rd Congo 14 346 133 221 60% 6th NB: Ranking based on loans outstanding SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#82INTERNATIONAL RETAIL BANKING AND FINANCIAL SERVICES INSURANCE KEY FIGURES Life Insurance Outstandings and Unit Linked Breakdown (in EURbn) 130.6 131.8 135.2 133.9 131.0 35% 35% 37% 36% 35% Unit Linked 65% 65% 63% 64% 65% Euro Funds Q2 21 Q3 21 Q4 21 Q122 Q2 22 _Life Insurance Gross Inflows (in EURbn) _Personal Protection Insurance Premiums (in EURM) 273 276 277 276 264 Q2 21 Q3 21 Q4 21 Q1 22 _Property and Casualty Insurance Premiums (in EURM) Q2 22 Change Q2 22/Q2 21 +6.0%* 3.5 3.2 3.6 3.8 3.5 44% 43% 44% 43% 44% Change 210 193 200 201 205 Q2 22/Q2 21 Unit Linked +7.3%* 56% 57% 56% 57% 56% Euro Funds Q2 21 Q3 21 Q4 21 Q1 22 Q2 22 Q2 21 Q3 21 Q4 21 Q1 22 Q2 22 * When adjusted for changes in Group structure and at constant exchange rates SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS 13 AUGUST 2022#83GLOBAL BANKING AND INVESTOR SOLUTIONS QUARTERLY RESULTS Global Markets and Investor Services Financing and Advisory Lyxor Total Global Banking and Investor Solutions (1) In EURM Q222 Q221 Net banking income 1,742 1,390 Change +19.8%* Q2 22 821 720 Q2 21 Change Q222 +9.1%* Q221 56 Change Operating expenses (1,092) (1,032) +2.1%* (473) (425) +6.9%* (41) Q222 Q2 21 2,563 2,166 +18.3% (1,565) (1,498) +4.5% Change +16.1%* +3.4%* Gross operating income 650 358 +69.0%* 348 295 +12.3%* 15 998 668 +49.4% +43.8%* Net cost of risk 1 (1) n/s (70) (14) x 4.5* 0 (69) (15) Operating income 651 357 +69.7%* 278 281 -5.6%* 15 929 653 x 4.6 +42.3% x 4.2* +37.1%* Income tax (150) (83) (29) (56) (179) (142) Net income 503 276 +69.7%* 249 225 +5.8%* 11 752 512 +46.9% +41.4%* Non controlling Interests 10 6 0 0 0 10 6 Group net income 493 270 +69.8%* 249 225 +5.8%* 1 11 742 506 +46.6% +41.2%* Average allocated capital C/I ratio 7,917 7,639 6,722 63% 74% 58% 5,844 59% 93 14,642 73% 61% 13,581 69% *When adjusted for changes in Group structure and at constant exchange rates (1) Excluding Private Banking activities as per Q1 22 restatement (France and International). Excludes other businesses transferred following the disposal of Lyxor SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022 83#84GLOBAL BANKING AND INVESTOR SOLUTIONS HALF YEAR RESULTS Global Markets and Investor Services Financing and Advisory Lyxor Total Global Banking and Investor Solutions (1) In EURM H122 H121 Net banking income 3,707 3,040 Operating expenses (2,692) (2,395) Gross operating income 1,015 645 Change H122 +17.3%* 1,611 +9.1%* (1,045) (908) +46.4%* H121 Change H122 1,355 +14.7%* +13.6%* H121 Change H122 H121 Change 104 5,318 4,499 +18.2% +16.5%* (88) (3,737) (3,391) +10.2% +10.3%* 566 447 +16.8%* 1 16 1,581 1,108 +42.7% +34.3%* Net cost of risk 3 0 n/s (266) (18) x 14.3* 0 (263) (18) x 14.6 x 14.2* Operating income 1,018 645 +46.8%* 300 429 -35.6%* 16 1,318 1,090 +20.9% +13.7%* Income tax (234) (149) (21) (73) (3) (255) (225) Net income 787 499 +46.7%* 279 356 -27.4%* 12 1,066 867 +23.0% +15.8%* Non controlling Interests 22 14 0 0 0 22 Group net income 765 485 +46.6%* 279 356 -27.4%* 12 1,044 Average allocated capital C/Iratio 7,808 7,676 6,574 5,721 91 14,386 73% 79% 65% 67% 85% 70% 14 853 13,492 75% +22.4% +15.2%* *When adjusted for changes in Group structure and at constant exchange rates (1) Excluding Private Banking activities as per Q1 22 restatement (France and International). Excludes other businesses transferred following the disposal of Lyxor SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022 84#85GLOBAL BANKING AND INVESTOR SOLUTIONS KEY FINANCIAL INDICATORS _Global Markets and Investor Services RWA (in EURbn) _Financing and Advisory RWA (in EURbn) 68.0 64.4 65.1 24.0 23.5 23.0 57.4 61.5 61.7 6.0 5.6 5.9 1.1 1.6 1.0 12.2 10.1 10.9 50.3 54.3 54.8 31.8 30.8 31.2 Q2 21 Q1 22 Q2 22 _Securities Services: Assets under Custody (in EURbn) 4,446 4,475 4,586 4,375 4,277 Q2 21 Q1 22 Q2 22 _Securities Services: Assets under Administration (in EURbn) 661 680 697 676 627 Q2 21 Q3 21 Q4 21 Q1 22 Q2 22 Q2 21 Q3 21 Q4 21 Q1 22 Q2 22 GENERALE NB: excluding Private Banking activities as per Q1 22 restatement (France and International). Excludes other businesses transferred following the disposal of Lyxor SOCIETE Operational Market Credit 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS 13 AUGUST 2022 85#86GLOBAL BANKING AND INVESTOR SOLUTIONS REVENUES _Global Markets and Investor Services Revenues (in EURM) Financing & Advisory Revenues (in EURM) 188 226 767 160 155 157 683 Securities Services 455 401 820 370 720 754 790 821 Fixed Income and Currencies 1,010 775 798 833 729 Equities Q2 21 Q3 21 Q4 21 Q1 22 Q2 22 SOCIETE GENERALE Europe _Revenues Split by Region (in %) 65% NBI Q2 22 EUR 2.6bn 23% 12% Americas Asia Q2 21 Q3 21 Q4 21 Q1 22 Q2 22 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022 86#87GLOBAL BANKING AND INVESTOR SOLUTIONS RECOGNISED EXPERTISE: LEAGUE TABLES - RANKINGS - AWARDS AWARDS GLOBAL BANKING & ADVISORY EnergyRisk Awards 2022 Winner ENERGY RISK AWARDS 2022 Commodity and Energy Finance House of the Year FINANCE GLOBAL AWARDS INANCE GLOBAL FINANCE SUSTAINABLE FINANCE AWARDS 2022 Outstanding Leadership in Sustainable Finance - Global & Western Europe Outstanding Leadership in Social Bonds in Asia- Pacific Outstanding Leadership in Transition/Sustainability Linked Bonds in Western Europe RET AWARDS STAINABLE Asset STRU THE ASSET TRIPLE A SUSTAINABLE INFRASTRUCTURE AWARDS 2022 Global ESG Infrastructure Bank of the Year Asia Pacific ESG Infrastructure Bank of the Year Europe and Africa Project Finance House of the Year SOCIETE GENERALE GLOBAL MARKETS SRP AWARDS 2022 HOORTELE SRP AWARDS 2022 Best House Asia Pacific & South Korea Best House Equities & Asian Equities INVESTMENT MANAC AWARDS TRIPLA A NF MW - MF INVESTMENT MANAGER& ADVISOR ITALY AWARDS 2022 Best in ESG Category - First investment certificate replicating the MIB ESG Index Energy Risk ENERGY RISK COMMODITY Commodity RANKINGS AWARDS 2022 Rankings 2022 Winner Best Cross-commodity Research Best Industrial Metals Research Best Natural Gas Research Best Power and Emissions Research Oil Research #2 Precious Metals Research HKEX Awards 2021 HKEXSECURITIES AWARDS 2021 Top 3 Issuer Turnover Top 3 Issuer - Issuance TRANSACTION BANKING INNOVATORS 2022 AKCE INNOVATORS AWARDS 2022 Outstanding innovations in Treasury with Global Treasury powered by Kyriba Outstanding innovations in Trade Finance with sustainability-linked trade finance VHONDAR 2022 MARKET LEADERS DOMESTIC BADE FRANCE EUROMONEY SURVEY 2022 Market Leader & Best Service in Trade Finance in France, Senegal & Cameroon RFIX22 RFIXAWARDS 2022 Supply Chain Finance Provider of the Year SECURITIES SERVICES GLOBAL FINANCE BEST SUB-CUSTODIAN BANKAWARDS 2022 Best sub-custodian bank in Switzerland, Romania, Czech Republic and Morocco BRVM AWARDS 2022 Best Custodian Bank (SG Cote d'Ivoire) LEAGUE TABLES SUSTAINABLE FINANCE #3 Green, Social and Sustainability Bonds EMEA EUR #2 All Euro-denominated Sustainability-Linked Bonds #3 EMEA Sustainability-Linked Loans CAPITAL MARKETS #4 All Euro-denominated Bonds #3 All International Euro-denominated Bonds for Financial Institutions #3 All Euro-denominated Agency Issues #1 All Euro-denominated Corporate Bonds CEE #1 ECM France¹ #4 ECM World Offer in Euro¹ M&A #4 M&A France Any Involvement LEVERAGED BUY-OUT #1 Sponsor driven LBO - Bookrunner EMEA <USD750MM PROJECT FINANCE #2 Bookrunner EMEA ACQUISITION FINANCE #3 MLA Acquisition Finance EMEA #4 Bookrunner Acquisition Finance France #4 MLA Acquisition Finance France SYNDICATED LOANS #3 Bookrunner EMEA² #3 Bookrunner EMEA Investment Grade² #3 EMEA Syndicated Real Estate Finance Loans Volume #2 / # 3 EMEA Syndicated Real Estate Finance Non-Recourse Loans Volume by MLA/ by Bookrunner Sources: Dealogic H12022 (except for: 'Bloomberg, Refinitiv) 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#88FINANCING & ADVISORY SUPPORTING CLIENTS IN THEIR TRANSFORMATIONS CLIENT PROXIMITY INNOVATION PRODUCT EXCELLENCE INDUSTRY EXPERTISE ADVISORY CAPACITY GLOBAL COVERAGE NJDR Cable Systems Financial Advisor, ECA-Coordinator and Mandated Lead Arranger OWL ROCK CLO VII Arranger AIR FRANCE-KLM Joint Global Coordinator GBP 103.7m UK Export Finance-covered Green Loan and bonding lines for the construction of a new subsea power cable manufacturing and R&D facility in the UK to service energy infrastructure in offshore wind energy and inter-connector markets. USD 350m new CLO issue transaction managed by Blue Owl. Despite the challenging macro conditions, SG placed 100% of the debt to third party investors at strong market levels BLUE OWL EUR 2.26bn rights issue on Air France-KLM, the European airline company AIRFRANCE KLM GROUP SOCIETE GENERALE NK > RUBIS Financial Advisor , SG financial advisor in the acquisition of Photosol a leading independent solar energy producer rubis FLYING WHALES Financial Advisor Public-Private Partnerships for schools in New Zealand Financial Advisor EUR 122m fundraising on Flying Whales to develop a low- environmental-impact cargo airship NZD 245m refinancing of two Public Private Partnership Projects representing the 1st and 2nd schools projects to be accredited as Sustainability Loans in New Zealand FLYING WHALES 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS 13 AUGUST 2022 88#89METHODOLOGY (1/2) 1 - Net banking income The pillars' net banking income is defined on page 41 of Societe Generale's 2022 Universal Registration Document. The terms "Revenues" or "Net Banking Income” are used interchangeably. They provide a normalised measure of each pillar's net banking income taking into account the normative capital mobilised for its activity. 2-Operating expenses Operating expenses are defined on page 41 of Societe Generale's 2022 Universal Registration Document. The term "costs" is also used to refer to Operating Expenses. The Cost/Income Ratio is defined on page 41 of Societe Generale's 2022 Universal Registration Document. 3-IFRIC 21 adjustment The IFRIC 21 adjustment corrects the result of the charges recognised in the accounts in their entirety when they are due (generating event) so as to recognise only the portion relating to the current quarter, i.e. a quarter of the total. It consists in smoothing the charge recognised accordingly over the financial year in order to provide a more economic idea of the costs actually attributable to the activity over the period analysed. The contribution to Single Resolution Fund ("SRF") are part of the charges adjusted from IFRIC 21. They include the national resolution funds within the EU. 4- Exceptional items - transition from accounting data to underlying data The Group may be required to provide underlying indicators for a clearer understanding of its actual performance. Underlying data is obtained from reported data by restating the latter to take into account exceptional items and the IFRIC 21 adjustment The Group restates also the revenues and earnings of the French Retail Banking pillar for PEL/CEL provision allocations or write-backs. This adjustment makes it easier to identify the revenues and earnings relating to the pillar's activity, by excluding the volatile component related to commitments specific to regulated savings. Details of these items, as well as the other items that are the subject of a one-off or recurring restatement (exceptional items) are given in the supplement. 5- Cost of risk in basis points, coverage ratio for non-performing loans The cost of risk is defined on pages 43 and 663 of Societe Generale's 2022 Universal Registration Document. This indicator makes it possible to assess the level of risk of each of the pillars as a percentage of balance sheet loan commitments, including operating leases. The gross coverage ratio for non-performing loans or “doubtful outstandings" is calculated as the ratio of provisions recognised in respect of the credit risk to gross outstandings identified as in default within the meaning of the regulations, without taking account of any guarantees provided. This coverage ratio measures the maximum residual risk associated with outstandings in default ("non-performing"). SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS |3 AUGUST 2022#90METHODOLOGY (2/2) 6- ROE, RONE, ROTE The notion of ROE (Return On Equity) and ROTE (Return On Tangible Equity), as well as the methodology for calculating it, are specified on pages 43 and 44 of Societe Generale's 2022 Universal Registration Document. This measure makes it possible to assess return on equity and Societe Generale's return on tangible equity. RONE (Return on Normative Equity) determines the return on average normative equity allocated to the Group's businesses, according to the principles presented on page 44 of Societe Generale's 2022 Universal Registration Document. The net result by the group retained for the numerator of the ratio is the net profit attributable to the accounting group adjusted by the interest to be paid on TSS & TSDI, interest paid to the holders of TSS & TSDI amortization of premiums issues and the impairment of goodwill. 7 - Net assets and tangible net assets are defined in the methodology, page 46 of the Group's 2022 Universal Registration Document. 8- Calculation of Earnings Per Share (EPS) The EPS published by Societe Generale is calculated according to the rules defined by the IAS 33 standard (see page 45 of Societe Generale's 2022 Universal Registration Document). The corrections made to Group net income in order to calculate EPS correspond to the restatements carried out for the calculation of ROE and ROTE. For indicative purpose, the Group also publishes EPS adjusted for the impact of exceptional items and for IFRIC 21 adjustment (Underlying EPS). 9- The Societe Generale Group's Common Equity Tier 1 capital is calculated in accordance with applicable CRR2/CRD5 rules. The phased-in ratios include the earnings for the current financial year and the related provision for dividends. The difference between phased-in ratio and fully-loaded ratio is related to the IFRS 9 impacts. The leverage ratio is calculated according to applicable CRR2/CRD5 rules including the phased-in follows the same rationale as solvency ratios. 10- The liquid asset buffer or liquidity reserve includes 1/ central bank cash and deposits recognised for the calculation of the liquidity buffer for the LCR ratio, 2/ liquid assets rapidly tradable in the market (High Quality Liquid Assets or HQLA), unencumbered net of haircuts, as included in the liquidity buffer for the LCR ratio and 3/ central bank eligible assets, unencumbered net of haircuts. 11 - The "Long Term Funding" outstanding is based on the Group financial statements adjusted by the following items for a more economic reading: interbank liabilities and debt securities issued with a maturity above one year at inception. Issues placed in the Group's Retail Banking networks (recorded in medium/long-term financing) are removed from the total of debt securities issued. Note: The sum of values contained in the tables and analyses may differ slightly from the total reported due to rounding rules. All the information on the results for the period (notably: press release, downloadable data, presentation slides and supplement) is available on Societe Generale's website www.societegenerale.com in the "Investor" section. SOCIETE GENERALE 2ND QUARTER AND 1ST HALF 2022 RESULTS 13 AUGUST 2022 90

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